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Would You Walk Away From Afc


123 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you stop going or stop supporting AFC if they voted yes to let the huns back in

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Thanks to our downward spiral and mismanagement over the last god knows how many years, the bond between myself and AFC could be described as tenuous at best.


Voting to keep these cretins in, and therefore letting them off with a deserved and merited punishment would be the absolute final straw.


I'd be unsurprised if the fanbase backlash from such a vote finished AFC for good.

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no chance. Wouldnt walk away from Aberdeen for that. Would be pissed off, yes, but wouldnt stop supporting them. Id like to believe (whether it is true or not is another story) that anything we do, we do to benefit our club, and if voting Rangers back in comes under that, then so be it.

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They may be amongst the most entertaining games each season but two reasons I would want Aberdeen FC to not support their immediate re-entry to the SPL.


1. They cheated to obtain titles and deserve punishment for that.

2. Rangers not being in the SPL would give the rest of Scottish football the empowerment to make changes required to improve the game and work towards making it more competitive.


Voting them straight back in would kill off that last remaining bit of faith that the board of AFC are acting in the best interests of Aberdeen FC and the Scottish game as a whole.


EDIT: There may be short-term difficulties, but long term benefits.

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no chance. Wouldnt walk away from Aberdeen for that. Would be pissed off, yes, but wouldnt stop supporting them. Id like to believe (whether it is true or not is another story) that anything we do, we do to benefit our club, and if voting Rangers back in comes under that, then so be it.

And how would letting blatant cheating by a member club, which has been wholly to our detriment, (and the SPLs) go unpunished benefit our club?

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Absolutely, why should they get special dispensation ? Would make the league more competitive, would harm the Tims too, and would mean that the 11 teams required to make change in the SPL would mean that Celtic were much more vulnerable and unable to veto stuff they don't like when the OF bum each other up... It's Win WIn Win WIn Win !

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yes I would


the OF are the reason we are where we are. everything regarding money, ref decisions, tv, media coverage and so revolves around them. The rest of us are just an inconvenience to those running the game.


Rangers have cheated and should be stripped of their titles and trophies won during this period of tax evasion. They should then cease to exist and start in the same league as Gretna if they come back as another team.


If just allow such cheating to go on then it only confirms what I said above and it means there is no point to our league at all

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Only sensible post on this this thread...also noted that Stoney actually attends


Please tell me in what way the following reply is not sensible?


They are not our rivals. They are cunts. If we voted them back in, then that would be me done with professional football.


Bear in mind I've had a season ticket for the past 4 years.



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They may be amongst the most entertaining games each season but two reasons I would want Aberdeen FC to not support their immediate re-entry to the SPL.


1. They cheated to obtain titles and deserve punishment for that.

2. Rangers not being in the SPL would give the rest of Scottish football the empowerment to make changes required to improve the game and work towards making it more competitive.


Voting them straight back in would kill off that last remaining bit of faith that the board of AFC are acting in the best interests of Aberdeen FC and the Scottish game as a whole.


EDIT: There may be short-term difficulties, but long term benefits.


excellent points made here Foster


keeping them for the sake of the odd jolly like Stoney and redstar think is just crazy


rivalries will be built again against other sides when teams can actually compete

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And how would letting blatant cheating by a member club, which has been wholly to our detriment, (and the SPLs) go unpunished benefit our club?


I would presume at the end of the day it would all come down to money. Neither you or me know if our club would be able to survive without Rangers. Id hope and expect so, but if it comes down to a choice between us letting Rangers back in or us not being able to function properly as a football club then for me its an easy choice. I dont think the decision to see them go unpunished should be up to us anyway. We as a club shouldnt be put in that position. They have broken the rules and blatantly cheated as youve said, so there shouldnt be any question of them going unpunished. Personally, i think the club should refuse to vote, and force the spl to take action against them. Ive also a sneaky feeling that if we were made to vote on it, we would vote against Rangers. The club arent as daft as they make out at times.

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Are rangers being deducted 50 points or something?


Cause thats the only way this could possible happen, and even then i would fancy rangers u16's to outpoint dunfermline until the end of the season.


No, if they went bust (as would 100% definitely happen if the HMRC case is upheld) then the new Rangers FC would have to apply back in to the SPL. They could try and buy a club, or try and apply directly back. It is a minefield if they do the latter.

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Please tell me in what way the following reply is not sensible?




Bear in mind I've had a season ticket for the past 4 years.




The removal of the Hun is extremley unlikley but if it were to happen for my money winning without beating them would be less satisfying...


I could be wrong but knowing you've put the knife into their bigoted fuckwit fans and twisted it is as good as the euphoria of actually scoring the winning goal...I think we would all miss that... :dontknow:

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I would presume at the end of the day it would all come down to money. Neither you or me know if our club would be able to survive without Rangers.

I can't in any way imagine how we wouldn't survive.

Or how then dropping a few leagues could possibly signal the end for AFC.


In any way at all. Not remotely even near it.


Maybe that's just me.

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The removal of the Hun is extremley unlikley but if it were to happen for my money winning without beating them would be less satisfying...


I could be wrong but knowing you've put the knife into their bigoted fuckwit fans and twisted it is as good as the euphoria of actually scoring the winning goal...I think we would all miss that... :dontknow:

But voting them out would be, as you say, putting the knife in.

Then you're saying you would miss that?


H ave you worded that wrang.?

Disnae mak' sense to me.

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