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The Boofon

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BT coming in at 21 quid a month which in my opinion is taking the piss especially as they want to charge 6 quid to deliver a router I already have. :dontknow:


They're about to get kicked into touch purely on that basis. I currently have a 10GB limited one with BT but with Sky now away to let all suppliers get access to Sky Anytime + I need to change to an unlimited package.


Cannot get Sky as they don't do unlimited in my area. (What the fuck is that all about?)


What's the deal you have and any recommendations.

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well you imbecile, in that case then, i suggest you move house to an area that does do unlimited broadband from Sky.


Thanks. I'll think about it. Pretty sure legal fees, stamp duty etc. will end up costing me a touch more than a few quid a month extra per year to get better broadband.


Now you're finished spikin shit (hint mods) can anyone advise?

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Thanks. I'll think about it. Pretty sure legal fees, stamp duty etc. will end up costing me a touch more than a few quid a month extra per year to get better broadband.


Now you're finished spikin shit (hint mods) can anyone advise?


depends how long you plan to say in your new house.


jeez lighten up.

why dont you look on google. if youre changing suppliers then there will be plenty good deal out there for new customers.

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depends how long you plan to say in your new house.


jeez lighten up.

why dont you look on google. if youre changing suppliers then there will be plenty good deal out there for new customers.


I've thought about it.


I'd be cheaper to get another broadband supplier than I would to move house.


Any recommendations?


Sky is a no go.

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I've thought about it.


I'd be cheaper to get another broadband supplier than I would to move house.


Any recommendations?


Sky is a no go.


no i dont have any.


have you looked for yourself?


i would imagine as a new customer you could improve on your current deal with almost all suppliers as they will be keen for the extra business.

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no i dont have any.


have you looked for yourself?


i would imagine as a new customer you could improve on your current deal with almost all suppliers as they will be keen for the extra business.



Jesus fucking Christ.


Yes I have.


I just want other people's opinions.


The cheapest deal may have shit speeds or be piss poor reliability.


None of the companies will advertise that in their adverts to lure you in.

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Jesus fucking Christ.


Yes I have.


I just want other people's opinions.


The cheapest deal may have shit speeds or be piss poor reliability.


None of the companies will advertise that in their adverts to lure you in.



christ min, you've got to relax.


do your research, and dinna trust what some chump on here will tell you. mind other folk will experience betetr sopeed and relaibility than you cause they live in a different location. and also pooer performance for teh same reason.


you should be grateful for my advice instead of throwing it back in my face.

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why do you need unlimited? id have thought 10gb would be sufficient for anytime plus? unless you are already using close to your limit already?


O2 broadband gets good reviews.


Got an email from BT today saying I wasn't a kick in the arse away from the 10GB limit hence the reasoning for looking at the moment.

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Boof, dinna listen tae Bluto's shite about moving tae a hoose wi unlimited deals.


Much simpler is tae get yerself a joab where it's included as part of yer benefits :thumbup1:


like your thinkin byen but its pretty much along teh same lines as what i said.


i advised him to move house, now your telling him to move country.


byen, get your own advice is my advice :nono:

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like your thinkin byen but its pretty much along teh same lines as what i said.


i advised him to move house, now your telling him to move country.


byen, get your own advice is my advice :nono:


Shite, eh said get a new joab so the cost of unlimited internet was irrelevant, he could doonload his porn via a satellite as long as his firm covered it. A sensible and workable suggestion.

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Got an email from BT today saying I wasn't a kick in the arse away from the 10GB limit hence the reasoning for looking at the moment.


Question this with the tier two technical department at BT, I have been with them for 3+ years and the last 5 months or so I have started getting this email saying I am close to my 10GB monthly allowance, yet my usage has not changed during that time, I never download, rarely stream, just use it for general web browsing. A couple of months they said I was over the 10GB allowance, yet I was out of the country for 15,16 days of that month.


They raised an internal investigation to find out exactly where the usage is going, changed the router password in case some cheeky neighbour is using it, and the investigation is currently on going,


But has to be said, BT customer service is shocking, no one departments took responsibility and to begin with was transferred from department to department and kept on hold for an eternity.


Escalate it to an organ grinder rather than the low level monkeys.



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Had a similar problem with BT. We were in 20g a month and they said we were using over 30g a month! Neither of us download much and she only fires pictures onto facebook now and again.


Chased them after they couldn't give us a reason for this over usage. Went with sky, a lot cheaper, no issues with the connection like I had with BT and its unlimted!


Boof, does your mrs have a orange moby contract at all? my mate gets free broadband with them

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Boof, does your mrs have a orange moby contract at all? my mate gets free broadband with them


I've got a year to run on a highly expensive Orange contract. I complained about the phone, it disna have a good signal anywhere in Scotland.


They never even replied.


I wouldna touch Orange with a bargepole in future.

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Question this with the tier two technical department at BT, I have been with them for 3+ years and the last 5 months or so I have started getting this email saying I am close to my 10GB monthly allowance, yet my usage has not changed during that time, I never download, rarely stream, just use it for general web browsing. A couple of months they said I was over the 10GB allowance, yet I was out of the country for 15,16 days of that month.


They raised an internal investigation to find out exactly where the usage is going, changed the router password in case some cheeky neighbour is using it, and the investigation is currently on going,


But has to be said, BT customer service is shocking, no one departments took responsibility and to begin with was transferred from department to department and kept on hold for an eternity.


Escalate it to an organ grinder rather than the low level monkeys.


That's exactly the email I received and I've been in Algeria for the last 2 and a half fucking weeks.


I have already got this mystery 6 pound delivery for something I already have at home fixed though so they might be off the hook yet.

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I'm with BT and to further the claim of EPK - there customer support is an absolute joke.

Gotta agree. You get put through to some call centre in India and they just read off a sheet. Lost my connection a few times now (sometimes for days on end) and all they tell you to do every time you phone is to check the connections, power your hub down and restart it etc etc. You tell them you have already tried all that but they insist you do it. Then when it doesnt work they say they will phone you back. They dont call you back and when you phone them, you go through the whole rigmarole again. Drives me round the fucking bend.

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Had a similar problem with BT. We were in 20g a month and they said we were using over 30g a month! Neither of us download much and she only fires pictures onto facebook now and again.


Chased them after they couldn't give us a reason for this over usage. Went with sky, a lot cheaper, no issues with the connection like I had with BT and its unlimted!


Boof, does your mrs have a orange moby contract at all? my mate gets free broadband with them



She does.


My usage now shows 0.02GB. :sherlock:


Some unscrupulous people work at BT I reckon. They're at it to try and get you to upgrade to a higher tariff.


Cunts to a man.

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Gotta agree. You get put through to some call centre in India and they just read off a sheet. Lost my connection a few times now (sometimes for days on end) and all they tell you to do every time you phone is to check the connections, power your hub down and restart it etc etc. You tell them you have already tried all that but they insist you do it. Then when it doesnt work they say they will phone you back. They dont call you back and when you phone them, you go through the whole rigmarole again. Drives me round the fucking bend.


Telling me, not even a pet hate any more, angers me far more than that. When you go into depth and explain the issue, for you to get transferred cold through to the other department to go through data protection again, then of course they have no idea of what the fault is so you have to go through the whole carry on again, ad nauseum.


The new technique they have is to have a "British" name when the call gets transferred through, I spoke to a MIlton, a Henry and also the most incompetent was a Frank who tried to put of a weegie twang. Fail.

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She does.


My usage now shows 0.02GB. :sherlock:


Some unscrupulous people work at BT I reckon. They're at it to try and get you to upgrade to a higher tariff.


Cunts to a man.


Aye, they are def at it. Their customer services are awful. All they would say is "you are using this much..." over and over again and couldn't/wouldn't give me specifics. I told them that we'll be off when the contract runs out then, which the wummin on the other end just gave a smug "yeah ok...". Left them 2 months later. Sky romps them all the way. Customer services are based in scotland as well.


Boof, virgin were always very good as well I found. Had them at my last gaff - just can't get them here for some reason. My folks use them still. very fast and reliable

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