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What Kind Of Nut Is Your Favourite?

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I'm a major fan of the nut mixes, you just get a full fistful of the bastards and slam them all into your mouth wholesale, you get a fine mixture of flavours then although I advise you to always have a drink to hand as choking to death is a distinct possibility otherwise.

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However in some nut mixes there is one nut in particular, dinna ask me what the fuck it's called, that tastes like poison.


It's boggin.


I have to pick them out and horse them.




Another tip - throw nuts on an open fire and you can sometimes get exploding missiles going flying across the room, ablaze.


Great fun if you have the kids round.

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what happens if you eat too many? :itch-chin:


Selenium is good but in large quantities toxic.

The fats are not so good in Brazil nuts so they are bad for your heart.

Plus I seem to recall there are large traces of other heavy metals in them too which again in significant quantities definately bad for you.


And by large or significant quantities, I'm talking any more than 2 a day (if eaten every day) can start to toxify your body.


Well according to scientists and shit.

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Selenium is good but in large quantities toxic.

The fats are not so good in Brazil nuts so they are bad for your heart.

Plus I seem to recall there are large traces of other heavy metals in them too which again in significant quantities definately bad for you.


And by large or significant quantities, I'm talking any more than 2 a day (if eaten every day) can start to toxify your body.


Well according to scientists and shit.



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Several studies have shown an association of high levels of selenium in the blood and increased incidence of aggresive, delusional and arrogant behaviour. Researchers at the Warwick Medical School in Coventry, England, conducted an observational study involving 1,042 individuals, aged 19 to 64, to measure how selenium levels in the blood compared to their social skills. In this UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey conducted 2000 to 2001, participants

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