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Tales Of Canine Heroism


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Animals can be just like humans sometimes. We've probably all seen the Youtube video where one stray dog valiantly drags another, injured, dog off a motorway. I think it was Millertime who argued that animals, in their own way, can function at every bit the same level as humans.


Unfortunately this dog was already dead when its rescuer reached it.... but all is not lost.


Ignore the idiots laughing in the background. This is actually quite touching. Heartwarming if you will.



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no way


i thought he was gonna be a nice guy there and be a good advert for my argument


instead, hes just another voyeuristic necrophiliac of a dog


I wouldn't give up on your argument MT. Dogs are like people - some are pervs.


Was worried about that one when I saw his tail wagging away in excitement.


Most dogs aren't into shagging other dead dogs I reckon.

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