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Shove Your Olympic Torch Up Yer Arse

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The sort of people getting excited about this need to be put down.


Correct Lord Coe and his friends making lots of money. The puplic who paid for the whole thing brainwashed into thinking seeing a flame will keep them happy. Problem is it seems to be working :confused:



At the Olympic flame lighting ceremony in Greece last month, Lord Coe gave a speech in front of Jacques Rogge, the International Olympic Committee president. He promised that the torch relay would "lift the spirits and hopes of people across Britain and across world". He continued: "We promise to protect the flame; to cherish its traditions and to stage an uplifting torch relay of which we can all be proud and which can inspire a generation. We will involve young people from all backgrounds, cultures and faith groups in the torch relay, reflecting London's immense diversity and creativity as a global destination and voice for young people." :laughing:

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What's the route for the torch? Thought it was going along Northdeeside road towards town? Surely won't be going up North Anderson Drive towards Northfield?! This is going to cause a lot of people unneccessary hassle


aye goes right up north anderson drive. Getting anywhere on monday morning is going to be a nightmare, most major roads are closed for the fucking thing. Keep the roads open, and still make them run with the torch, i might watch then.

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aye goes right up north anderson drive. Getting anywhere on monday morning is going to be a nightmare, most major roads are closed for the fucking thing. Keep the roads open, and still make them run with the torch, i might watch then.


Monday evening - Banchory, North Deeside Road, Union Street.


Tuesday morning - Dyce, North Anderson Drive.


I'm gonna work from home on Monday just in case I can't get home and I'll go in at lunchtime on Tuesday to avoid all the chaos.

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I mentioned to a boy at work that i thought the Torch was heading about the Aberdeen area this week and said i bet folk start moaning about it and the traffic.


I was right.



Haha, in Aberdeen you can always bet on someone moaning about traffic or weather.

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Torch wen't passed my flat this evening. Crock of shit to be honest.


What you don't see on the news and in the media is what a terribly commercial affair the whole thing is. It looks like just one dignified person running with a torch but it's not....


There's an entire column of vans and lorries and shit, a coca-cola lorry, a Samsung lorry and and RBS lorry, all with employees from their respective companies shouting and balling like fannies. They run about 10 minutes in front of the actual torch and blast Rihanna music, handing out flags, free coca-cola and mortgage flyers and kick up a bit of a frenzy for the media.


Soulless pish. Quite disgusting really.

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i saw it in brechin and dundee and thought the whole thing was fantastic, massive crowds wherever you go and loads of happy faces, most dons fans probably forget what that feels like, i thought it was ace you bunch of negative bastards, this website should be called afc moan caust thats all that seems to happen on here

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i saw it in brechin and dundee and thought the whole thing was fantastic, massive crowds wherever you go and loads of happy faces, most dons fans probably forget what that feels like, i thought it was ace you bunch of negative bastards, this website should be called afc moan caust thats all that seems to happen on here



The Olympic torch as it passes through Brechin


By 10am the streets of Brechin were crowded with locals all looking to catch a glimpse of the torch itself. shouting "Look magic fire" :laughing:

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