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Rangers No Longer Exist

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This is the rationale now being perpetuated on RM:


Listen guys, RFC is now out of liquidation.


Rangers Football Club (RFC) were a football club owned by a company called Rangers PLC (RPLC), well, it was something like that.

RPLC had to sell RFC to another company called The Rangers Football Club (TRFC)


RFC are now owned by TRFC, and RPLC will go into liquidation in a few weeks.

RFC was transferred from RPLC to TRFC before liquidation took place.

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That would just aid their claims of continuity.


We will have to come up with a new and even more degrading nickname for this newco.


If it ever plays a game that is.



I like the Orcs. They never really accepted this one as rangers, so we can maybe see if it'll stick to the new club

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That would just aid their claims of continuity.


We will have to come up with a new and even more degrading nickname for this newco.


If it ever plays a game that is.


The folk who own Ibrox are called Servco. That's my name for them and I suggest we all adopt it as their name. Filthy Servco Bastards.

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