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Mcgregor For The Munchers?

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According to the Star(ah ken)Fraser Foster has knocked back Celtic to return to the Toon.


With McGregor a free agent would Celtic be interested.


If he did end up there,how many fitba specials would be leaving Glasgow Central for Beachy Head?

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According to the Star(ah ken)Fraser Foster has knocked back Celtic to return to the Toon.


With McGregor a free agent would Celtic be interested.


If he did end up there,how many fitba specials would be leaving Glasgow Central for Beachy Head?


No chance.

He'll go to a West Brom or the likes.

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100% AGREE. If I were Fergie I'd be seriously considering him instead of the pish Man Yoo curently have. I think McGregor is in the top 4 or 5 keepers in British football.

Was while he was shagging everything in sight and constantly pished...now he's settled down he's gone off the boil...didn't look to clever when Foster blasted one past him from 25 yards last season...

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100% AGREE. If I were Fergie I'd be seriously considering him instead of the pish Man Yoo curently have. I think McGregor is in the top 4 or 5 keepers in British football.


deffo agree that he's good enough to compete at a higher level, BUT..... :laughing: calm doon min, both man utds keepers are better than him and theres no way he's in the top 4 or 5 keepers in britain!

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