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Cambell Ogilvie

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Ogilvie is just a chancer hoing to get away with it and he probably will.


He is far more tainted than many people who have been forced out of jobs in the past because there is a strong suspicion of improper conduct. It can't be in any doubt his involvement at Rangers during the cheating years is good enough reason for the SFA to demand his resignation.


Once more we see just how selfishly these cunts charged with running our game behave - he is quite happy for Scottish Football to continue to be a laughing stock as long as he is in a cushy job.


Sustained public and media pressure is the only way to get him out.

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Ogilvie is just a chancer hoing to get away with it and he probably will.


He is far more tainted than many people who have been forced out of jobs in the past because there is a strong suspicion of improper conduct. It can't be in any doubt his involvement at Rangers during the cheating years is good enough reason for the SFA to demand his resignation.


Once more we see just how selfishly these cunts charged with running our game behave - he is quite happy for Scottish Football to continue to be a laughing stock as long as he is in a cushy job.


Sustained public and media pressure is the only way to get him out.


Absolutely agree - tainted is a very polite way of describing it. That someone who has been actively involved in the corruption in the ex club rangers to remain in position tells you all you need to know about how serious the organisations are at actually solving the problem. A root and branch reform is needed - one organisation run for the benefit of all clubs and fans. Ideally senior positions for a term rather than life so that there is no creeping corruption.

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If Ogilvie had any common decency(which we know he hasn't), he'd of walked by now.


Keep the pressure mounting on these idiots, frankly, they deserve all that they get.


Surely they can see the passion and unity being shown in all Scottish football fans(except the Govan side) throughout all of this. Why would you want to throw that all away just because we "need" a bigoted, sectarian club from the other half of Glasgow. They need their heads knocked together to see some sense, they've ignored the fans views/opinions for far too long now.


Fan pressure on the SFA, SPL, SFL will make sure that we get the changes WE want, not the changes THEY want. Start with getting rid of muppets like Ogilvie, Doncaster, Regan and half the problem is eradicted straight away.

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If Ogilvie had any common decency(which we know he hasn't), he'd of walked by now.


Keep the pressure mounting on these idiots, frankly, they deserve all that they get.


Surely they can see the passion and unity being shown in all Scottish football fans(except the Govan side) throughout all of this. Why would you want to throw that all away just because we "need" a bigoted, sectarian club from the other half of Glasgow. They need their heads knocked together to see some sense, they've ignored the fans views/opinions for far too long now.


Fan pressure on the SFA, SPL, SFL will make sure that we get the changes WE want, not the changes THEY want. Start with getting rid of muppets like Ogilvie, Doncaster, Regan and half the problem is eradicted straight away.


Agree with all of this except as ATBG says I think Regan is decent. Certainly I think he is trying to do the right thing and making a decent fist of it compared to the others. He has so far pushed through big changes at the SFA which the likes of G Smith completely failed to achieve.



I've got a lot of time for Regan, but I still cannot understand how he's been able to defend Ogilvie?! I can't think of a clearer conflict of interest in the history of Scottish football! If ANYTHING further comes out about Ogilvie in the near future, then surely Regan's position is untenable as well?


I'm puzzled by this too. However I wonder whether Regan really has enough clout to remove Ogilvie. One is the CEO the other is the President I think? The president might be voted in by the members I'd think so maybe thats the way to get him removed. Do we need to campaign clubs to get them to call a vote of no confidence in Ogilvie?

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Agree with all of this except as ATBG says I think Regan is decent. Certainly I think he is trying to do the right thing and making a decent fist of it compared to the others. He has so far pushed through big changes at the SFA which the likes of G Smith completely failed to achieve.





I'm puzzled by this too. However I wonder whether Regan really has enough clout to remove Ogilvie. One is the CEO the other is the President I think? The president might be voted in by the members I'd think so maybe thats the way to get him removed. Do we need to campaign clubs to get them to call a vote of no confidence in Ogilvie?


Yes, it is interesting - Regan so far has tried his best not to say or do anything too stupid and appears (at least superficially) to be an honest broker - I don't know how the president is appointed - suspect it'll be a vote of the board and Regan may not have enough influence to push things through. Someone in the SFA is pushing this corrupt agenda though. The only hope is that the clubs, being more affected by the actual paying customer, will resist the moves.

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Agree with all of this except as ATBG says I think Regan is decent. Certainly I think he is trying to do the right thing and making a decent fist of it compared to the others. He has so far pushed through big changes at the SFA which the likes of G Smith completely failed to achieve.





I'm puzzled by this too. However I wonder whether Regan really has enough clout to remove Ogilvie. One is the CEO the other is the President I think? The president might be voted in by the members I'd think so maybe thats the way to get him removed. Do we need to campaign clubs to get them to call a vote of no confidence in Ogilvie?


I don't think Regan can remove Ogilvie - although Ogilvie may have the clout to remove Regan.


Effectively, Regan is the most senior employee of the SFA whilst Ogilvie is the most senior elected official. I think the Chairman is elected by the Board.


I think we do need to campaign for the no-confidence motion. Ditto for Doncaster.


Regan gets a stay of execution BUT only because he has a Hun infested minefield to navigate on a daily basis. I find it interesting that the "rescue plan" has arisen during Regan's holidays. Is someone taking advantage?

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