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Boycott St Mirren

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No this is not hunnish behaviour.


Hunnish behaviour would be to give money and help support a morally corrupt club such as St Mirren.


Following rumours last night about a shareholder meeting (yes only rumours but St Mirren are free to issue a statement similar to AFC's anytime they like) it appears that this club would seek to destroy the sporting integrity and credibility of Scottish Football in order to compensate for their own financial mismanagement.


I would hope organisations such as DST and Celtic supporters groups should issue statements to that effect.


If you really want to watch football when the Dons are playing St Mirren away i would suggest popping along to the likes of Raith or East Fife who have stood up against corruption.


If you screw us over don't expect us to turn up in Paisley to put cash in your coffers.


I get more and more disgusted every day this saga drags on!

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I have stopped believing any rumours with regards to the Huns situation. If they are not voted into the SPL, and are playing at worst Division 3 football next season, I will feel it has been justice. At best, they won't be playing football anywhere at all. But lets not start getting worked up and in a panic before anything is official. But I forget, this is a football forum where people love getting into a state over a rumour. If they are voted out the SPL tomorrow, then happy days all round, regardless :sheepdance:

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I have stopped believing any rumours with regards to the Huns situation. If they are not voted into the SPL, and are playing at worst Division 3 football next season, I will feel it has been justice. At best, they won't be playing football anywhere at all. But lets not start getting worked up and in a panic before anything is official. But I forget, this is a football forum where people love getting into a state over a rumour. If they are voted out the SPL tomorrow, then happy days all round, regardless :sheepdance:



It's not about getting worked up into a state of panic it's about leaving the clubs in no doubt of what the consequences of their actions will be.


If we had waited till after the 4th July vote to tell chairmen we weren't happy then Rangers would be in the SPL.

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As the temperature rises in the ongoing saga of above, it should be made clear to all St Mirren supporters that Stewart Gilmour met with Charles Green, Alistair McCoist and other representatives of Rangers Newco last week.


"I made it perfectly clear that our Directors view was that our club would not be voting for a Newco entry to the SPL, directly to the officials of Rangers Newco. This meeting was held in confidential circumstances to allow both parties to enable the other to see there respective positions.


A very positive meeting was held, however, the position of St Mirren has not changed and our stance of sporting integrity was maintained against the very pressing commercial arguments.


Regrettably, the commercial and hence financial impact is still not clear to the club, we are very hopeful that this aspect will become clearer in the next few days. This will play a major part in the decision making for the Board of Directors as to the way forward for the club in the short term.


We are obviously hoping that our commercial and television partners stay with the league through this very difficult period. It has been impossible for the clubs to downsize as quickly as we would like, due to the contractual obligations of the club, these are considerable and must be maintained to ensure the club does not slip into the fate of others.


It is possible that major cutbacks may have to be made within the company, this may well involve people in the club losing their employment, not a good situation, so please accept that the club will be unlikely to be signing any new players until this situation is clear.


Naturally we hope that if our partners mentioned above do not invoke exit clauses in their contracts we would not have to go down this route. The decision on those matters is outwith the control of the club, let us hope that the possible scenarios are not as severe as they could possibly be and that we show those partners our support to convince them to support Scottish Football.


As events unfold this may be an opportunity for real change in Scottish Football, St Mirren shall throw their weight totally behind a 16 team league structured in a similar way to the Belgium system with a large number of crossover games at the end of the season to determine Relegation, European places and Champions.


This with a change in the distribution model would allow us to look after the interests of all full time teams in the country on a football and financial basis. With a ten team league below this for aspiring SPL clubs and a pyramid system beneath that, this would allow all clubs to develop and find their place in Scottish Football.


The poll conducted has confirmed the opinion of the Board, which has enabled us to confirm our position publicly, in addition a sixteen team top league has been the fans expressed view and this now may be possible to rebuild a solid future for Scottish Football, Scottish Football Clubs and its Supporters.


Given this is the only official word on it, I don't see why you'd boycott St Mirren. Nae on the back of rumours alone anyways.

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Given this is the only official word on it, I don't see why you'd boycott St Mirren. Nae on the back of rumours alone anyways.



Don't like doing anything based on rumours but it is concerning that no club other than AFC has been a clear definitive statement on the Div 1 situation.


That St Mirren statement certainly only definitively addresses the SPL situation . The Hibs statement deliberately ignores the issue of the SPLs inducements for allowing Newco into Div 1.


It takes would take 10 minutes for a club to issue a statement similar to AFC's, yet no-one else has.


NB I exclude Hearts as their original statement was pretty clear.

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Don't like doing anything based on rumours but it is concerning that no club other than AFC has been a clear definitive statement on the Div 1 situation.


That St Mirren statement certainly only definitively addresses the SPL situation . The Hibs statement deliberately ignores the issue of the SPLs inducements for allowing Newco into Div 1.


It takes would take 10 minutes for a club to issue a statement similar to AFC's, yet no-one else has.


NB I exclude Hearts as their original statement was pretty clear.


Possibly, but I don't think many SPL clubs are making official statements on it, as it is yet to be proposed as a decision to them yet. It won't even reach that, as the SFL won't even end up ratifying it in my opinion.


As far as I am concerned, if the collective decision is correct, I won't be boycotting anyone.

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ST MIRREN fans have been urged to turn out in numbers at two meetings being held this week to discuss the Rangers newco saga.


Buddies chairman Stewart Gilmour has called a shareholders meeting at St Mirren Park tonight, starting at 7pm, with another gathering to take place at the same time tomorrow evening, when season ticket holders and other fans can go along.


Gilmour intends to give supporters an update on the discussions Saints have been involved in as Scottish football tries to fight its way through the mess created by the Ibrox club

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I wish folk would stop all this boycotting of other clubs crxp. I'm afraid that IS hunnish behaviour.

Clubs have all had to tak a look at themselves because of this hun shambles.

They look for a bit of leadership at the top of the game and don't appear to be getting it.

If they believe all the shxte, and there has been mountains of it, it's little wonder that they are all confused, and concerned that they may make a decision which signals the death of their club.


I think if boycotting is to be done, it will generally be accross all of SPL, if an injust decision is made.

All clubs will suffer including AFC if that happens.

Fingers crossed that it doesn't come to that, and that traditional Scottish honesty and justice prevails.

If it disnae I'll also be boycotting Scotland games, as the SFA need to be aware that they will have been complicit.

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If they are spunked into the first division I won't be boycotting any teams, I'll be boycotting football completely. The game will be dead to me. It won't be a dramatic stand out of principle, I just will not be able to get any pleasure out of it again. It will be like finding out Santa isn't real, as much as you might like to go back and pretend Christmas is some sort of magic time you know it's just your parents buying you presents and you can't go back. As much as I may want to turn back the clock and believe Scottish football is fair competition and we all have a chance to win one day, I won't be able to. The bubble will be burst and there will be no going back.

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