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Doncaster Must Go

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Anyone hear him on BBC Radio Scotland at approx 8:25 this morning? If ever there was a reason for calling a vote of no confidence in this clown, this interview was it.


SPL clubs should be voting on one thing today, but Doncaster said there'd be lots of debate on the topic. WTF!! 8 club chairmen now came out and said what they intend to do. No scaremongering will change the fact that they aint getting into the SPL.


The man's a retard. Cosgrove on before him and spoke more sense in 10 mins than anyone has over the last 4 months on the subject.

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If they don't vote today then its down to Doncaster, no doubt in my mind. From that could the fans force him out? We've already seen what fan power can do to clubs but could it remove this muppet from his job :dontknow:


Don't know how you would go about it but just an idea.

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Anyone hear him on BBC Radio Scotland at approx 8:25 this morning? If ever there was a reason for calling a vote of no confidence in this clown, this interview was it.


SPL clubs should be voting on one thing today, but Doncaster said there'd be lots of debate on the topic. WTF!! 8 club chairmen now came out and said what they intend to do. No scaremongering will change the fact that they aint getting into the SPL.


The man's a retard. Cosgrove on before him and spoke more sense in 10 mins than anyone has over the last 4 months on the subject.


I heard this - it was a complete embarrassment.


No vote will take place today - SFL to decide - i think that was fairly obvious from his interview.

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I said last year this man was not working for the benefit of the league, he was working specifically as a lackey for Rangers and Celtic.


His comments about the elimination of Rangers by Malmo told us all we needed to hear about just how ignorant he is.


He does not care about the welfare of Aberdeen FC.


He won't be sacked. If he is, the SPL will employ someone identical to carry on as before.


What really needs to happen is for the SPL to be torn up, allowing the formation of a fair competition, which will be easy to administer, as it simply requires the application of common sense.

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Was absolutely spitting teeth at the end of his interview on SSN. If the bit about the 41 clubs suffering wasn't bad enough he then goes on to say that as far as they are concerned there are only 2 options. I took from that he meant SPL for newco or Div 1 and that Div 3 wasn't in their thoughts. Scottish football really is dead in the water if this clown an his cronies have their way!

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Doncaster’s argument is completely shot full of holes too. 41 innocent clubs will suffer??


Division 3 clubs will get the biggest yearly boost to their finances ever. The following year the same will probably happen to division 2 clubs.


The only ones who will see a potential drop will be the ones best prepared to deal with it – the top tier.


Surely the clubs will be able to see through the scaremongering tactics


Arguments of convenience lack integrity and inevitably trip you up.

Donald Rumsfeld*










* - someone who knows this from experience. I can't believe I quoted that prick.

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Neil Doncaster, SPL chief executive, on BBC Radio 5 live: "There is a lot of passion and emotion flying around the game up here at the moment.


"There are two viable options. The option that is being talked about, of Rangers going into Division Three, the fourth tier of Scottish football, would wreak huge financial damage on the whole of the game up here. It's simply not right 41 clubs to pay the price for the misdeeds of one.


"There are effectively two viable options. One is for Rangers to come back into the SPL with a range of appropriate sanctions. The other would be Rangers going into the second tier of Scottish football."



"[Going into the bottom tier] could happen but it's not viable, because it would wreak so much damage on 41 innocent clubs who have done nothing wrong.


"The meeting yesterday for the 30 Scottish Football League clubs pretty positive and hopefully we'll get a good steer coming out of that in the next 24 hours, that it is viable to put Rangers into the second tier. Then our clubs have options available to them.


"That may be why a firm decision is not taken today - it's important that as many options as possible are kept alive so that the right decision can be taken."

Doncaster adds: "The SFL clubs met yesterday and they'll be meeting again next Thursday and they will then decide whether they wish to provide a berth for Rangers in the First Division.


"Rangers does need somewhere to play next season and they've already taken a 10-point penalty and they have a player transfer embargo from the SFA. They've also got, effectively, a three-year ban from European competition and they've been fined a six-figure sum. Those are the sanctions that have already taken place.


"You've got to reflect on the reality of the damage that is inflicted on the game. With Rangers in either of the top two tiers, that damage is minimised. With Rangers in the bottom tier of Scottish football, the damage that would be inflicted on 41 innocent clubs is very, very difficult to defend."

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Decision is made, clubs have spoken publicly, and delay in voting only leads to more problems which is whatthese cunts want.


Lets get these cunts to fuck, financial consequences have nothing to do with THIS decision but clubs trying to live outwith their means since the league started........a convenient excuse

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''Rangers does need somewhere to play next season and they've already taken a 10-point penalty and they have a player transfer embargo from the SFA. They've also got, effectively, a three-year ban from European competition and they've been fined a six-figure sum. Those are the sanctions that have already taken place.''


even with demotion to the bottom tier they are still getting off lightly

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I echo the view that the guy is a complete tosser.


What is unknown is that whilst he may think it has to be the SPL with sanctions, or Div 1, how much influence does he actually have? If the SPL clubs say no to Newco, as we hope they will, and the SFL say no to the 1st Div, does he not become powerless? Clearly he has been doing his best to steer the decision, and scare the clubs, but the chairmen can ignore him and go with their fans and their conscience.

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