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Formation Next Season

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I'd say his Scotland formation was more 5-3-1!!


We'll line up 4-4-2 I think. Hayes on one wing with the other being occupied by Clark or Fyvie out of position.

I think it will be the 4-3-3 with Hayes/Mcginn either side of Vernon,this becomes a 4-5-1 at away games.If he does play a 4-4-2 with Mcginn up top then hopefully he doesnt play a player out of position on the right but puts someone natural like Pawlett.

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Think it'll definitely be 4-4-2 since he has stated he'll play McGinn upfront... even though I am yet to hear of anyone who has ever seen him play upfront. Everyone I've spoke to or read speaking about him says he's an out and out winger!


As a youth player in Ireland he was a free scoring striker who was being watched at that point by Chelsea I believe.

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I think it will be the 4-3-3 with Hayes/Mcginn either side of Vernon,this becomes a 4-5-1 at away games.If he does play a 4-4-2 with Mcginn up top then hopefully he doesnt play a player out of position on the right but puts someone natural like Pawlett.

I think the formation will be quite fluid anyway so it may be hard to tell if he is going 4-3-3 or 4-5-1.

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with the lack of natural full backs and most of the "targets" being central defenders, I have a sneaky feeling that broon will set us up as a 3-5-2 at times this season any thoughts on that ladies? he was known to prefer thats system during his scotland days.


We only have two centre halves with first team experience at the moment, so I can't see it.

Reckon it will be the usual 4 at the back.

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I like 3-5-2 if its played the right way with full backs that can play fitba and can run all day but we would be kidding ourselves on and it would really just fall back into a 5-3-2


Martin O'Neil had it perfect at Celtic when he had guys like Agathe and Petta bombing up and down the wings with the 3 big centre halves sitting with Lennon covering them!

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I think we have the players to play a 4-2-3-1.


I don't think we'll play it though.


Rae and Osbourne holiding, Milsom in front, McGinn and Hayes on the wings would be excellent.


Hughes, Fyvie, Pawlett, Low, Fraser all good cover.


And Chris Clark.


In all likelihood, we'll play a 4-5-1 with Hayes, Hughes, Rae, Clark, Milsom in the middle.



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For the love of Christ nooooooooooooooooo! Anything, literally anything, but 3-5-2.


Look, footballers in general, and Scottish footballers in particular, are thick as mince. Our players simply aren't tactically astute enough to cope with anything that isn't pretty basic or very familiar to them already.


We shouldn't even be contemplating 4-3-3 / 4-5-1, for the precise reason I have given above. Players within that system in Scotland lack the brainpower to work out where they are supposed to be playing.


Unless we're playing Barca (3-7-0) or Auchinleck (4-2-4), we should be sticking to a simple 4-4-2 with players who are familiar with the positions they have been chosen to play in. We need to stop pretending that we have players at our disposal capable of playing some sort of expansive, Holland-circa-1988-style total football and accept that we have instead a bunch of (mostly) huddies who may even struggle to deploy the 4-4-2 correctly.


Two full-backs who can tackle. Two centre-halves who know how to position themselves. One 'sitting' central midfielder, one more creative. Two pacy wide players. A big target man striker, and a smaller nippy striker who can feed off him and creates chances as well as takes them.


Enough. Dicking. About.

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For the love of Christ nooooooooooooooooo! Anything, literally anything, but 3-5-2.


Look, footballers in general, and Scottish footballers in particular, are thick as mince. Our players simply aren't tactically astute enough to cope with anything that isn't pretty basic or very familiar to them already.


We shouldn't even be contemplating 4-3-3 / 4-5-1, for the precise reason I have given above. Players within that system in Scotland lack the brainpower to work out where they are supposed to be playing.


Unless we're playing Barca (3-7-0) or Auchinleck (4-2-4), we should be sticking to a simple 4-4-2 with players who are familiar with the positions they have been chosen to play in. We need to stop pretending that we have players at our disposal capable of playing some sort of expansive, Holland-circa-1988-style total football and accept that we have instead a bunch of (mostly) huddies who may even struggle to deploy the 4-4-2 correctly.


Two full-backs who can tackle. Two centre-halves who know how to position themselves. One 'sitting' central midfielder, one more creative. Two pacy wide players. A big target man striker, and a smaller nippy striker who can feed off him and creates chances as well as takes them.


Enough. Dicking. About.


I'm really not sure what's so wrong with 4-4-2. In a league like the SPL, where everyone is round about the same level of pish, you don't want to have players trying to play football and think at the same time. Defenders defend, midfielders kick their opposite numbers, attackers try desperately to make the football go in the general direction of the net, if at all possible.


Sometimes you'll get a player who's almost nae bad, and you can build play around him until the opposition get wise and break his ankle.


Simple enough stuff.

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For the love of Christ nooooooooooooooooo! Anything, literally anything, but 3-5-2.


Look, footballers in general, and Scottish footballers in particular, are thick as mince. Our players simply aren't tactically astute enough to cope with anything that isn't pretty basic or very familiar to them already.


We shouldn't even be contemplating 4-3-3 / 4-5-1, for the precise reason I have given above. Players within that system in Scotland lack the brainpower to work out where they are supposed to be playing.


Unless we're playing Barca (3-7-0) or Auchinleck (4-2-4), we should be sticking to a simple 4-4-2 with players who are familiar with the positions they have been chosen to play in. We need to stop pretending that we have players at our disposal capable of playing some sort of expansive, Holland-circa-1988-style total football and accept that we have instead a bunch of (mostly) huddies who may even struggle to deploy the 4-4-2 correctly.


Two full-backs who can tackle. Two centre-halves who know how to position themselves. One 'sitting' central midfielder, one more creative. Two pacy wide players. A big target man striker, and a smaller nippy striker who can feed off him and creates chances as well as takes them.


Enough. Dicking. About.



Couldn't agree more. And thank you for describing formations in terms of defense/midfield/forwards. I canna be doing with this modern trend of describing formations over 4 layers. Reminds me of total fuckin tool John Barnes and his 4-2-2-2. What a load of wank toss.

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I can't believe some folk actually think Brown will go 4-3-3!


Brown has been coaching for 30-odd years. He's always played the same way, so what makes anyone think he's going to change the habit of a lifetime?


He's got Alzheimer's disease and has forgotten how he used to coach?


It'll be the same negative play for a draw and catch them on the break as per every other team he's ever coached.

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