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Complaining To The Beeb

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So while back, after listening once too often to the Chick & Jabba show, I had enough and filed a complaint, letting off steam really, but they really had gone too far during this whole Sevco debacle, I think it was immediately after Chick's about face on his 'Dons hell mend them' piece when it came to how he expected Sevco to be saved.


Anyway the allotted two weeks passed, and no response, so I fired off another complaint about lack of response to my complaint.


So after my intial contact on 9th May, I finally get a reply on 20th June...


Firstly I
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Complaining to the BBC does no good, other than to blow off a bit of steam. I've sent them numerous complaints in the past about bias in some of their politics stuff, particularly Question TIme, where David Dimbleby has form in being blatantly anti-Scottish. As far as they're concerned though, they're the BBC, they can do no wrong and refuse to listen to their customers (i.e. us, the licence fee payers).


Having said that, the reply you got is an improvement on the usual standard responses they send out.

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As it happens I was asked for feedback when they launched the new BBC Sport site/Scotland sub site a few months ago and I made sure I got tore right into the poor quality of expert opinion from Chick Young. I picked his latest article as an example and completely trashed it saying its all very well launching a new site but if the known problems with the content remain then they are failing to really improve what is delivered. I talked up Spencie as a good example of a real football writer with opinions worth reading and also commented that its of no surprise Chick refuses to have comments on his "blog" while Spence is happy to take feeback and stand by his opinions.


They thanked me for my input :-)

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Having worked at the Beeb in the past... The complaints log is a source of pride particularly if you get on it... You do have to account for it though, although not sure what the procedure is these days... If you can get access to it, it's a fucking hilarious read... Don't be surprised to see Craig from Govan complaining that the grass was too green in Eastenders and that sort of wank...

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So while back, after listening once too often to the Chick & Jabba show, I had enough and filed a complaint, letting off steam really, but they really had gone too far during this whole Sevco debacle, I think it was immediately after Chick's about face on his 'Dons hell mend them' piece when it came to how he expected Sevco to be saved.


Anyway the allotted two weeks passed, and no response, so I fired off another complaint about lack of response to my complaint.


So after my intial contact on 9th May, I finally get a reply on 20th June...




My point here being, next time Jabba (seeing as we seem to have managed to get Chick binned) starts his pish, complain, complain and complain again, it does get seen, and judging by Chick's unrenewed contract, eventually it will get acted upon!


So why was Chick Young was on Radio Scotland last Saturday?

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I would suggest that if you actually make complaints and take the time and effort to write an e-mail you have way too much time on your hands...and are also a fairly sad individual...which is borne out by FS making a complaint to the BBC...Then again if you make a complaint and then start a thread about how you have made a complaint you are a fu*king sad bast*rd...who started this thread again?...I rest my case

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I would suggest that if you actually make complaints and take the time and effort to write an e-mail you have way too much time on your hands...and are also a fairly sad individual...which is borne out by FS making a complaint to the BBC...Then again if you make a complaint and then start a thread about how you have made a complaint you are a fu*king sad bast*rd...who started this thread again?...I rest my case


Oh dear. Not sure if this is intended to be wildly ironic?



Fucking Co-Authored by


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I would suggest that if you actually make complaints and take the time and effort to write an e-mail you have way too much time on your hands...and are also a fairly sad individual...which is borne out by FS making a complaint to the BBC...Then again if you make a complaint and then start a thread about how you have made a complaint you are a fu*king sad bast*rd...who started this thread again?...I rest my case


Who is more foolish ? The fool or the cunt who follows him ?


You been drinking Redstar?


Show a bit o class min and appologise .

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I would suggest that if you actually make complaints and take the time and effort to write an e-mail you have way too much time on your hands...and are also a fairly sad individual...which is borne out by FS making a complaint to the BBC...Then again if you make a complaint and then start a thread about how you have made a complaint you are a fu*king sad bast*rd...who started this thread again?...I rest my case

Ah ken min, yer bang on 'ere aright.


I mean tae say, fit's worse, someone actively going direct to the source of their irritation and making a point in the hope that something may just get done about it, or going onto a website of which said irritation will have no knowledge, nor opinions espoused given credence even if he did, and slating said irritation like a back stabbing little weasel, safe in the knowledge that your spouting of infantile and puerile pish opinions would never reach the ears of the gentleman wage thief intended victim?



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Having worked at the Beeb in the past... The complaints log is a source of pride particularly if you get on it... You do have to account for it though, although not sure what the procedure is these days... If you can get access to it, it's a fucking hilarious read... Don't be surprised to see Craig from Govan complaining that the grass was too green in Eastenders and that sort of wank...

Surely that's the point though, if your point and complaint is valid, and clearly intelligently written (so right enough, Hunstar should steer clear) then it a source of embarassment to erseholes like Jabba or Chick?

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Ah ken min, yer bang on 'ere aright.


I mean tae say, fit's worse, someone actively going direct to the source of their irritation and making a point in the hope that something may just get done about it, or going onto a website of which said irritation will have no knowledge, nor opinions espoused given credence even if he did, and slating said irritation like a back stabbing little weasel, safe in the knowledge that your spouting of infantile and puerile pish opinions would never reach the ears of the gentleman wage thief intended victim?



Do you actually think the BBC will take any notice of your complaint?...

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Just watch, read or listen to something other than BBC.


If I was going to complain about anything on the beeb its the amount of fucking olympic shite that's on at the moment!

Fucking boring pish!


You are missing the point Craig , the BBC is paid for by the masses against their will , is it too much to ask for a neutral informed opinion ? Instead we got lies and sound bites from 2 agenda driven cunts . We pay their wages , they in turn should answer to us .


Agree with you about the olympics though min , canna get into it at a !

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Just watch, read or listen to something other than BBC.


If I was going to complain about anything on the beeb its the amount of fucking olympic shite that's on at the moment!

Fucking boring pish!


Complaining about the Olympics being on the BBC, when it is on in London for the first time in decades, is like farting against thunder FFS.

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This is surely some sort of sick joke by the BBC yes?


Team by team section of the SPL. Anything stick out here as slightly wrong?



Nae really. Black was a hearts player till end of the season so it's reported on their page just like chris maguire signing for derby was on ours. Kevin Kyle had been training with st Johnstone so where he goes is of interest to st j fans.

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Nae really. Black was a hearts player till end of the season so it's reported on their page just like chris maguire signing for derby was on ours. Kevin Kyle had been training with st Johnstone so where he goes is of interest to st j fans.


This might be a little more in-depth.


I screen capped this yesterday, and planned to shove arrows and comments in, but for now I'll just let you revel in just how much news there is about a non-SPL club in the SPL section.



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Nae really. Black was a hearts player till end of the season so it's reported on their page just like chris maguire signing for derby was on ours. Kevin Kyle had been training with st Johnstone so where he goes is of interest to st j fans.


So Rangers and East Fife are relevant to Dundee fans yes?


And don't you think there is better things for supporters to read, than players that have either left them, or were not even signed for them? You're obviously easily amused if you don't think that's reporting at its worst.


Mind you, beeb has a habit of replicating any old Rangers tosh across every inch of their Scottish football sections.


Edit: Thanks to Kelt for proving my point. Shocking stuff.

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So Rangers and East Fife are relevant to Dundee fans yes?


And don't you think there is better things for supporters to read, than players that have either left them, or were not even signed for them? You're obviously easily amused if you don't think that's reporting at its worst.


Mind you, beeb has a habit of replicating any old Rangers tosh across every inch of their Scottish football sections.

easily amused? not at all. But like I said previously...maguire signed for derby from us, it was reported on our page. Black signed for Rangers from Hearts so it's reported on hearts' page. So it's not just cos it's Rangers...so get off your high horse, dry your eyes and stop looking for things to moan about.

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easily amused? not at all. But like I said previously...maguire signed for derby from us, it was reported on our page. Black signed for Rangers from Hearts so it's reported on hearts' page. So it's not just cos it's Rangers...so get off your high horse, dry your eyes and stop looking for things to moan about.


Mate, you're so far off the mark, you need a compass to find your way back.....

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