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Michael Johnston

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I had the misfortune of hearing this gimp on Sportsound tonight and fuck me what a complete sack of piss he really is.


So we all saw what a spinless sleekit little chimp he was during the attempts to crow bar the cheats new team into the top league and now he just repeats the lies and adds some new depressing shit on top. It seems like he was so desperate for the huns to come and pish all over his stadium that he just hasn't gotten over the fact they don't exist anymore.


As far as I could make out the gist was this:


First we got all the sob stories about how they lost 8 players and only signed 2 because Rangers weren't allowed into the league. - Right aye good one Michael, just a few problems with this as firstly Rangers don't exist anymore and secondly if Kilmarnock rely entirely on a few thousand extra Old Firm fans a few games a season then you fucking deserve to go into administration. What a fucking piss poor business plan that is.


Then he had the fucking gall to tell us all there would be no changes to the voting structures or the distribution of income in the SPL. The man just loves being an akward, miserable, hun loving bastard. It would not surprise me to find he is taking backhanders from the huns to block any such votes, alongside Celtic. Where the fuck does he get this assertion from? If he is not speaking in some official capacity for all the SPL Clubs then he should just fuck off.


Lastly when asked about whether play offs would be a good thing he basically said yes for football but we won't ever have then because they are not good for chairman. Can you fucking get your head around this? What an arrogant and stupid thing to say. So the game is to be run based on what people like him want rather than whats best for the overall good of the game?


I can't stand this guy. Not one redeeming thing about him.


I hope Kilmarnock get relegated. I hope they go down and they never come back into the top league in Scotland because we don't need fannies like this involved in making the decisions in our top league. Not one little bit.

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Some of it is here.


bell end


Again he slips a bit of scare mongering in about the sponsorship situation. As if constantly going on about how shit everything is without Rangers isn't enough.


Then he also basically says we should forget reconstruction, forget having less league bodies and he thinks its all better with seperate leagues and keeping part time football seperate from professional etc. Makes no fecking sense to me at all quite frankly. Thats what league pyramids are for - crap teams drop down and become part time or amatuer to suit their level while small teams that do well can come up and become bigger more professional clubs.


Seemed almost like he was favouring a closed shop where clubs like his can have zero fans and no income except what the scratch from the OF and also at the same time be safe from ever being relegated.



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Know quite a few Killie fans who are all good guys and suitably disgusted by their chairman.


Would probably still go to be honest.



I know a couple of Killie fans and they both think he's a complete dick.

Just because a clubs chairman is a knob jockey doesn't mean we should boycott them.

Leave that pish to "the cunts from Govan".......I like that as their new name.

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Sorry, couldn't resist! :laughing:




Know quite a few Killie fans who are all good guys and suitably disgusted by their chairman.


Would probably still go to be honest.


Yeah I wouldn't even begin to suggest a boycott or anything daft. But I really would love it if they go down. Really would be perfect.


Apologies for the language but he really gets me wound up.


If the SPL Chairman are stupid enough to hesitate for one moment rather than table a motion to change the voting and cash distribution straight away then they really all need to be take to task by their fans again. What a complete joke - we cannot allow Scottish Football to continue to be run in this pathetic way.

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I know a couple of Killie fans and they both think he's a complete dick.

Just because a clubs chairman is a knob jockey doesn't mean we should boycott them.

Leave that pish to "the cunts from Govan".......I like that as their new name.


Agreed as I said no need to boycott them.


But I still hope they go down, just to see his stupid fucking face one last time.

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Couldn't give a shit about their fans.


I hope they go down and then go bust. :trophy:


That's just the thing though, it won't happen, when has it ever happened, when was the last time a team from the SPL got relegated then faced "financial meltdown"


If any team deserves it then it's Kilmarnock, just for Johnston's stance during the whole Rangers debacle. He should consider himself lucky if any away support ever make the trip to their stadium again, then he'll se just how insignificant the Rangers support really were.

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Hopefully away fans boycott trips to Rugby Park.

His attempts to save the huns was purely self interest

and not for the good of the spl.


On a trip down to Newton Stewart last month I was surprised just how easy it is to get from Glasgow to Kilmarnock. The last time I was at Rugby Park it was a piss poor road. I thought it would be a good away day to see the Dons. Not this season though, unless of course it's a corporate freebie which costs them money!

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On a trip down to Newton Stewart last month I was surprised just how easy it is to get from Glasgow to Kilmarnock. The last time I was at Rugby Park it was a piss poor road. I thought it would be a good away day to see the Dons. Not this season though, unless of course it's a corporate freebie which costs them money!


I dare say the trip to Newton Stewart was a corporate freebie. ;)

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On a trip down to Newton Stewart last month I was surprised just how easy it is to get from Glasgow to Kilmarnock. The last time I was at Rugby Park it was a piss poor road. I thought it would be a good away day to see the Dons. Not this season though, unless of course it's a corporate freebie which costs them money!


Aye its right on the doorstep now they have completed the motorway.


Of all the clubs I want them to go down more than anyone. Well except Celtic but that just won't happen.


I'll willing this fuckers to lose every game now.

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Aye its right on the doorstep now they have completed the motorway.


Of all the clubs I want them to go down more than anyone. Well except Celtic but that just won't happen.


I'll willing this fuckers to lose every game now.


I totally agree with you, but I just cant see anyone other than Dundee getting relegated.

Hardly their fault.

They are to all intents and purposes a First Division team, who have had no time to prepare or build a squad ready for the SPL.

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I hope Killie go down as well.

We don't need chairmen like him in the SPL & especially not on the fkn board.

If he's incapable of running a fkn team without the huns being there, then he should be the last fkn person that is allowed onto the SPL board to help run the fkn SPL.


Kenny Sheils is no fkn better either.


Hope Killie are relegated by Christmas :crossfingers:

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I dare say the trip to Newton Stewart was a corporate freebie. ;)


Tommy, of course it was. The banking and fincial sector is on the bones of its arse but still enough reddies available for the freebies !!


He's away on freebies when he should be sorting my frame !! :P

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Tommy, of course it was. The banking and fincial sector is on the bones of its arse but still enough reddies available for the freebies !!


He's away on freebies when he should be sorting my frame !! :P



Banks do fuck all these days. Your frame will be sorted as I need to get my Messi shirt framed as well. Patience is a virtue.

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