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Russell Brand V Peter Hitchens On Drug Addiction

Big Man

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Always liked Paxman me. But I hope he's playing the de'il's advocate here...


The woohoo thinks those that brand Brand a fool because he has stupid hair and sounds like a poof are idiots.


Paxman quizzes him for a solution... but it's a massive leap forward to identify the problem (as he sees it) and Russell Brand articulates it passionately and specifically.


Remember, the question was 'What gives you the right, as a non-voter, to edit a political magazine?' Jeremy does realise by the end that he's at least not dealing with an eejit.

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Brand is an absolute cunt.


Talentless and unfunny.


Viz did a funny piece about him a couple of weeks ago.


I wouldn't say brand is talentless. He's an excellent public speaker, very quick witted and is certainly hugely charismatic. However, that doesn't disguise the fact he's full of shit. I don't believe a word he says, in fact I think he's a completely disingenuous individual who's only really interested in using his 'talent' for self promotion.

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Did he use words you have no idea what they mean?


Do you see him trying to be funny in this latest piece? He's very articulate in what he says.


I can understand why people say he's a cunt - but to call him unfunny and talentless after this latest interview is absolutely wide of the mark. He isn't trying to be funny.


What he says is completely valid and he puts the point across better than I ever could.


People don't understand the words he uses and that's what I find amusing. He's a cunt because people don't understand him...errrr that makes sense. Some people call him a cunt for these reasons, totally bizarre.


he speaks english doesnt he?


ive not seen brand for years, and he wasnt great backl then.


but cause its your berts, ill believe you

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I've recently watched a bit of Russell Brand, and he comes across as reasonably intelligent. He is, however, a fucking idiot.


If you're going to be debating a subject like drugs then acting whacky, in the face of someone (Hitchens) who rarely, if ever, seems to be up for a joke, then you should probably debate the man on a purely intellectual level rather than acting like a comedian.


Brand acting like a goofball gives Hitchens all the excuse he needs to dismiss Brand out of hand, whether legitimately or not, I'll leave the legitimacy of that dismissal to the individual to decide.


An addict discussing addiction is probably a good idea. An addict discussing addiction while acting like a twat is probably not a good idea, because it's not just Hitchens who will dismiss him.


He might come up with an absolutely genius solution to the drugs issue, but if he does it while talking about his 'Winkie' or wearing his clown costume and juggling bowling pins then the message gets lost, opponents just throw their arms up and say, "fuck this tit."


Why debate someone like Hitchens on a purely 'intellectual' level? Why should people conform to some "norm" when discussing political issues when they are both trying to get their points across? It is the same norm that has led us to where we are today - fucked. If opponents throw their arms up and say "fuck this shit!", surely he's doing something right?


Genuinely interested as to your views on the Paxman video.

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I used to hate Russell Brand but after watching him few times doing Stand up iv started to warm to him.


His checkered past we the drugs is exactly why he should be involved in the rehabilitation of drug users.


For the twat fae the daily mail to say he can't debate properly when all he did was talk over Brand and repeat the same plum over and over again..


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He talks about politicians only being in it for the economic benefit - just wait for his "socialist utopia" and then see the calibre of government officials.


But the main problem with what he is saying is that out-dated notion that those that believe in a right wing economic ideology are "selfish". It is pretty much a fact that capitalism helps the poor so much more than any form of socialism can. Capitalism has transformed peoples lives while all socialism has done is hold them back. It may not be cool or glamorous to say it but greed in individuals drives the economy, creates jobs and increases the standard of living. Lower the incentives to the top group of wealth creators and lower everyone's standard of living.

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Well I'm an idiot.


Never liked the cunt since I witnessed him deliberately pickling folk's minds in Ibiza by talking shit to folk out their nut on disco biscuits when he worked for MTV.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha I feel a very large Pot Calling Kettle Black there gadjee.


You take great pleasure at pickling folks brain's fan they're in a dialt mess.

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The fact that he polarises opinion so extremely says everything about the polarised, not the subject.


People hate qualities in others that they will never have but subconsciously covet, without them even knowing it.


Fleet Street built an industry on this majority sickness within the human condition.


Surprised at you, sotr, twice. Your issue is charisma. Plus a bit of ignorance, being young.

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The fact that he polarises opinion so extremely says everything about the polarised, not the subject.


People hate qualities in others that they will never have but subconsciously covet, without them even knowing it.


Fleet Street built an industry on this majority sickness within the human condition.


Surprised at you, sotr, twice. Your issue is charisma. Plus a bit of ignorance, being young.

He went to work dressed as Osama Bin Laden the day after 9/11. I think he's great.

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Like all good men, he's made mistakes. The Sachs thing with wanker Woss was a shambles.


Men are not defined by their mistakes but by their reactions to them.


Fuck me I'm full of it today. Anyone seen my wisdom robe?


EDIT: it's ok. Silly me. I'm wearing it.

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