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Job Description Of Afc's Next Manager

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I thought I'd do my bit in helping AFC recruit our next manager... You know just so we're clear the sort of person we're looking for.



I'll start the ball rolling...


1. Needs to have comprehensive knowledge of contemporary training techniques and methodology.

2. Needs to be able to start an extensive scouting network on a non existent budget.

3. Needs to be able to deliver attacking, entertaining football to a frustrated and disillusioned fan base.

4. Needs to deliver exciting, motivating and empassioned speeches when talking to the media.


Away you go...

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Wildly optimistic fantasist needed to steer football team with no budget but vast ambition from present-day mediocrity to footballing acceptability. Must be willing to work with numpties. No prior experience necessary, although a background of coaching schools football would come in handy. Salary negotiable, benefits negligible, only the cheerfully deranged need apply.

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