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... Have granted Julian Assange asylum.


Absolutely fantastic news. You know this country is fucked up when South American banana republic's are sticking up for the human rights of individuals ahead of us. Gary Mckinnon should probably pop along to the Ecuadorian Embassy, see if they can help him out as well.





Edit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19281492

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... Have granted Julian Assange asylum.


Absolutely fantastic news. You know this country is fucked up when South American banana republic's are sticking up for the human rights of individuals ahead of us. Gary Mckinnon should probably pop along to the Ecuadorian Embassy, see if they can help him out as well.





Edit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19281492



He's got to get there first :checkit:

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I have no idea what's really going on in this case, but I know he's wanted in Sweden for sexual assault, which Assange claims is politically motivated. And the yanks want him too, but the UK can't give him to them while there's a warrant out from Sweden.


Why do the yanks want him? For publishing all the confidential government data in 2010?

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Aye i know.


Which one will come first i wonder; an embassy storming by the metropolitan police (with SAS backup) or a kidnapping by the CIA on Ecuadorian soil.


Newsnight will be fuckin immense tonight spunk.gif


i do worry about you sometimes BM,....


i'm hoping for the SAS to come in through the windows. bish bash bosh. goodnight vienna.

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I have no idea what's really going on in this case, but I know he's wanted in Sweden for sexual assault, which Assange claims is politically motivated. And the yanks want him too, but the UK can't give him to them while there's a warrant out from Sweden.


Why do the yanks want him? For publishing all the confidential government data in 2010?


They allege that he tried to toss off Bradley Manning and induce him to steal/publish confidential diplomatic cables.

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Is the 'rape' charge more that he didnt wear a jonny?


If so this is a complete farce.


The government have also handled this extremely poorly. Threatening to take away the diplomatic privileges of the embassy and having a squad of police hanging about outside ready to rumble at 2am this morning only to then change their story later when they realised they had totally fucked up, again.

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Is the 'rape' charge more that he didnt wear a jonny?


If so this is a complete farce.


The government have also handled this extremely poorly. Threatening to take away the diplomatic privileges of the embassy and having a squad of police hanging about outside ready to rumble at 2am this morning only to then change their story later when they realised they had totally fucked up, again.


I think the accusation is that consent was only given on the condition he wore a condom. He didn't, so there was no consent. There are also a few other things like 'touching' one of the women while she was asleep. Who knows, apparently they bragged on facebook after and only went to the authorities because they learned he was shagging both of them, allegedly.

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Is the 'rape' charge more that he didnt wear a jonny?


If so this is a complete farce.


The government have also handled this extremely poorly. Threatening to take away the diplomatic privileges of the embassy and having a squad of police hanging about outside ready to rumble at 2am this morning only to then change their story later when they realised they had totally fucked up, again.


From memory; he didn't wear a jonny twice. Rubbed his cock up and down one woman and held another one down with his body weight.


It's a crock of shit though because initially the local Swedish prosecutor closed the rape investigation and wanted to question him on allegations of molestation only. Then the head of the Sweedish prosecution authority reopened the rape investigation a few weeks later (probably after some trouser shuffling and a meeting with 12 U.S. ''diplomats'' in a darkened room).

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From memory; he didn't wear a jonny twice. Rubbed his cock up and down one woman and held another one down with his body weight.


It's a crock of shit though because initially the local Swedish prosecutor closed the rape investigation and wanted to question him on allegations of molestation only. Then the head of the Sweedish prosecution authority reopened the rape investigation a few weeks later (probably after some trouser shuffling and a meeting with 12 U.S. ''diplomats'' in a darkened room).


See yon fucking Swedish birds, nae happy unless its done in at least 15 of the Kama Sutra positions, fits wrang wee a bit o the auld missionary noo in again like?

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... Have granted Julian Assange asylum.


Absolutely fantastic news. You know this country is fucked up when South American banana republic's are sticking up for the human rights of individuals ahead of us. Gary Mckinnon should probably pop along to the Ecuadorian Embassy, see if they can help him out as well.





Edit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19281492



Surely from a British legal perspective he was afforded every right he was due and his deportation is completely legitimate, unless you want to call into question the Swedish justice system... hey why not all?

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Surely from a British legal perspective he was afforded every right he was due and his deportation is completely legitimate, unless you want to call into question the Swedish justice system... hey why not all?


Due process was followed, but the law wasn't applied correctly. His deportation is illegitimate in my opinion.



If we hadn't prostituted our own domestic law for a warped and twisted jurisprudence constructed in another land by people so far detached from the morals and principles that we hold dear, we could have protected Mr. Assange and the valuable work he has done and should continue to be doing.


I hope he escapes to Ecuador and his escape causes embarrassment to these inept cunts that currently find themselves in power.

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I really don't understand why we wouldn't uphold a European Extradition order though?


The EAW that came from the Swedish Prosecution Authority should have been held to be invalid because the prosecution authority is not a ''judicial authority'' within the meaning of section 2(2) of the extradition act (2003).

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Could he potentially just be extradited to the USA since Equador has an extradition agreement with the USA?


I do find it odd that Assange is trusting these Equadorians.


I think there is a treaty in place with the U.S. but according to newsnight it doesn't cover people who have claimed political asylum.


I find it odd too. Last throw of the dice I would assume.



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The EAW that came from the Swedish Prosecution Authority should have been held to be invalid because the prosecution authority is not a ''judicial authority'' within the meaning of section 2(2) of the extradition act (2003).


The court here obviously disagreed though. So the Swedish and UK court systems are corrupt?



  • Issue 1: Was the EAW issued by a judicial authority?


(a) The provisions of the Framework Decision and the 2001 Act


[*]. As we have set out at paragraph 14, recital (5) to the Framework Decision refers to abolishing the system of extradition and replacing it by a system of surrender between "judicial authorities". Recital 8 also refers to "judicial authority":


"Decisions on the execution of the European arrest warrant must be subject to sufficient controls, which means that a judicial authority of the Member State where the requested person has been arrested will have to take the decision on his or her surrender."

Articles 14 and 15 give effect to that recital by specifying the right to a hearing before a judicial authority before the decision to surrender is made.[*]Article 1 of the Framework Decision refers to the EAW as "a judicial decision issued by a Member State." It refers to "issuing judicial authority" and "executing judicial authority". Article 6 provides:


"1. The issuing judicial authority shall be the judicial authority of the issuing Member State which is competent to issue a European Arrest warrant by virtue of the law of that state.

2. The executing judicial authority shall be the judicial authority of the executing Member State which is competent to execute a European Arrest warrant by virtue of the law of that state.

3. Each Member State shall inform the General Secretariat of the Council of the competent judicial authority under its law."

[*]The 2003 Act defines an EAW as "an arrest warrant issued by a judicial authority", but does not define a judicial authority or provide a deeming provision. However the designated authority, an authority designated by the Secretary of State, currently SOCA, is entitled to issue a certificate if it believes that the authority that issued the EAW has the function of issuing EAWs in the Member State that issued the EAW


(s.2(7)-(8) of the 2003 Act). As we have set out at paragraph 4 it did so in this case.[*]In Enander v Governor of HMP Brixton and the Swedish National Police Board [2005] EWHC 3036 (Admin), the Swedish Police Board issued an EAW for the arrest of Enander who had been convicted by a court in Svea and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. The EAW was certified under s.2 as having been issued by a judicial authority. Enander was arrested in London. There was evidence before the court that under Swedish law the sole authority for issuing a warrant for the enforcement of a sentence was the Police Board. It was contended on behalf of Enander that the EAW was invalid as it had not been issued by a judicial authority on the basis that "judicial authority" must be construed as a body which would be recognised in the national law of the UK as being a judicial authority. The court (Gage LJ and Openshaw J) held that the expression "judicial authority" must be read against the background that it was for each Member State to designate its own judicial authority under Article 6(3) of the Framework Decision.


(h) The decision of the Senior District Judge[*]The Senior District Judge found that SOCA was better placed than the court to determine whether the person who issued the EAW was a judicial authority, but if there was any doubt and there was a possibility of a mistake, then the court should check. There was no reason to believe there had been a mistake. The Prosecutor and Mrs Ny had authority to issue the EAW as both were a judicial authority which had the function of issuing EAWs under the law of Sweden.


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The court here obviously disagreed though. So the Swedish and UK court systems are corrupt?


That's the judgement of the inferior court. I think the supreme court voted 5-2 in favour of the Swedish prosecution authority (or it could have been 6-1).


Anyway, the majority of the opinions in favour of the SPA ignored large chunks of Assange's case and relied on some very dodgy reasoning. The court exists to interpret the law, nothing more nothing less. It doesn't exist to justify the very questionable working practices of other member states.


I'm not alleging judicial corruption on the part of the U.K., but maybe judicial incompetence/misunderstanding.

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That's the judgement of the inferior court. I think the supreme court voted 5-2 in favour of the Swedish prosecution authority (or it could have been 6-1).


Anyway, the majority of the opinions in favour of the SPA ignored large chunks of Assange's case and relied on some very dodgy reasoning. The court exists to interpret the law, nothing more nothing less. It doesn't exist to justify the very questionable working practices of other member states.


I'm not alleging judicial corruption on the part of the U.K., but maybe judicial incompetence/misunderstanding.


Really? When? I don't disagree that the case a bit dodgy etc but I do think our hands are tied and probably the judgement will go in his favor in Sweden.


February 2011: A British judge rules Assange can be extradited to Sweden to face sexual assault allegations. He dismisses claims made by Assange's lawyers who argued that Assange would not receive a fair trial in Sweden. The 39-year-old denied three allegations of sexual assault and one allegation of rape in Stockholm last year.July 2011: Assange appeals against the extradition ruling.


September 2011: Assange's unauthorised biography is released in England in which he completely denies the sexual assault allegations made against him.


October 2011: Assange announces Wikileaks will temporarily stop publishing classified US diplomatic files to concentrate on fundraising for the website after incurring a 95% loss in its revenue due to a financial blockade by credit card companies such as MasterCard and Visa.


November 2011: British High Court judges reject Assange's appeal against his extradition to Sweden.


January 2012: Assange appeals his extradition at British Supreme Court.


May 2012: British Supreme Court rejects Assange's extradition appeal and rules that he must be tried in Sweden.



June 2012: Assange makes a plea for asylum in Ecuador after seeking refuge at the South American nation's embassy in London. Ecuador's foreign minister announced that they would be evaluating Assange's request according to international law.






The thing that gets me is that the UK gov decided to get all "agro" about it just before this happened (the cynical might think an opportunity was grasped...):


Andy Coulson, David Cameron's former spin doctor, was among seven former News of the World employees who saw their normal roles reversed yesterday as they sat together behind a glass panel in Westminster Magistrates' Court.





EDIT: Just checked and it's not even on the BBC News website... (might have been though the day though so I'll reserve judgement...a bit)

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Really? When? I don't disagree that the case a bit dodgy etc but I do think our hands are tied and probably the judgement will go in his favor in Sweden.



Yes really.


The supreme court issued it's judgement on the morning of 30 May 2012.


You can read it here: http://www.supremeco...y-judgment.html


Lord Mance and Lady Hale dissented so it was 5-2 in favour of the SPA.


Edit: I agree it's been a good day to bury bad news for the coalition wankers.

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They're trying to stitch the lad up like a kipper. Nothing surer than these charges being 100% bogus.


Good for Ecuador, though they're unlikely to be doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.


Personally I'd head for Iceland, a'la Bobby Fischer.

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They're trying to stitch the lad up like a kipper. Nothing surer than these charges being 100% bogus.


Good for Ecuador, though they're unlikely to be doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.


Personally I'd head for Iceland, a'la Bobby Fischer.


What's he hiding from? He should go to Sweden and face the music.

I've read some dodgy stuff about him on The Reguster and how he's let his "leaks" get jail time, well before he became a celeb.

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