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One Thing You'd Like To Do


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I'd like to be able to speak Japanese so that I'll be able to help my son with his homework (he's 2 now).


I'd also like to learn to drive - still can't and I'm 31 this year!


If you're in Japan then you've got the perfect location to learn Japanese. Go get Rosetta Stone.


Driving in Japan seems like it would be like New York only worse. Much, much worse. Don't think I'd learn to drive there unless it was with some rural school.

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If you plan to do something in such a poor time, double the time it takes that is humanly achievable, taking twice as long as the winner, then you're in it for the wrong reasons. You're certainly not doing a marathon for competitive reasons. Oh sorry, for dinner table chit chat? Look at me? Thank fuck I'm not at your dinners then.


I'm not doing it for any of those reasons.


You wouldn't enjoy my dinner parties anyway.

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