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I have a £50 Amazon voucher from work to spend, been looking but can't see anything I want. Any suggestions for the man who has everything he needs (now I got sent a Stella glass last week)?


I was almost swayed by a seahawks hat but I have plenty hats, I can't see it improving my life.


Get yourself one of these bad boys. Magic fun.


You'll be the bane of squirrels, birds, and kids' eyeballs...


Crosman 760



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The above post is a sad indication of the American way of thinking.


£50 to spare? Buy something that can kill or maim.


Reprehensible preposterousity.




Mr Tripping, if you add a mere £9 you could purchase a Kindle paperwhite book reader. An excellent item.


That's faggot talk.


Get the fucking gun.

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