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The Wanker Club


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Roll up, roll up folks.


Get your membership forms in for the Wanker Club. All you need is a proposer and a seconder.


All members need do is needlessly and relentlessly moan and nitpick after every poor Dons performance. A tendency for 'I told you so' style doom-mongering is also welcome after a few draws on the spin.


The only other thing you have to do is disappear completely for a few days after we play well.

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Roll up, roll up folks.


Get your membership forms in for the Wanker Club. All you need is a proposer and a seconder.


All members need do is needlessly and relentlessly moan and nitpick after every poor Dons performance. A tendency for 'I told you so' style doom-mongering is also welcome after a few draws on the spin.


The only other thing you have to do is disappear completely for a few days after we play well.


I propose redstar

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I'll second that


Do you have to be in the club to propose or second someone?


Aye, I'm afraid so.


I can see sheepiekev being quickly accepted so that gives you two to perm from three for starters.


Peterheid Loon will also be falling over himself to get his form in.

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Other member (single) would suggest the club was only a twosome...although I'm honoured to be in such illustrious company and make up the threesome so to speak ...K9 and Stoney are my favourite posters :thumbs:


so which of the three is in charge of the wanker club? is that up to block heed? which club is he in?

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who said you could propose anyone? you are not an official wanker yet


what a prick


The Wanker Club was dying on it's arse until I got involved.


Two members was not even enough for a quorum at the AGM ffs!


This is the shake up The Wanker Club has been crying out for.

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Is it nae his club though? The Wanker Clubs original wanker?


I'm nae sure Dynamo


looks like tup has just admitted himself with out any of the existing wankers proposing him. Doesn't seem fair to anyone wishing to become a wanker to me


The Wanker Club was dying on it's arse until I got involved.


Two members was not even enough for a quorum at the AGM ffs!


This is the shake up The Wanker Club has been crying out for.

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I'm sure that Stoney and K-9 will approve the initial flurry of applications.


So you can take it as read that they'll be accepted.


I propose dj_bollocks.


Do I have a seconder?

Club is pretty exclusive and it will stay that. We don't just let every wanker in.


Board meeting coming up and applications will be discussed.

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I didna even know The Wanker Club existed until afc_blockhead highlighted it earlier.


I had noticed in the past that Stoney and K-9 had a tendency to back each other up.


Little did I know they were active members of a club designed for that purpose!




However, if you're a wanker it makes absolute sense to pool your resources with other wankers.


Fair play to them.


Soon as I heard of it I wanted to join so I PM'd the committee and here I am.

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