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Levein Must Stay

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The SFA shat their pants and didn't make the decision to move Levein on at the end of the Euro qualifying campaign. Now, with World Cup qualification an impossibility they need to make another big decision. In my opinion they need to keepLevein until there are two games left in the current campaign. The chance of geting out of this group has already gone - what is the point in paying half a million quid to get rid of him for the new manager to have no chance of progress? Leave it until two games to go when it will be considerably cheaper to move on Levein (and that nae richter Houston) and give the newmanager the chance for meaningless games to experiment.


I opened a bank account when Brazil was awarded the World Cup - I've dreamed of taking my father and brother there as a nod of thanks to my Dad taking me to Spain in '82 and to re-live the great time with my Dad and Granda in France '98. I have worked a second job for the last 18 months to top up that account - absolutely determined that no expense would be spared on our Brazil trip. Last nights result confirms that we won't be going to Brazil now - I'm sick of going to World Cups as a football tourist, I want to go as a supporter. Thank you Mr Levein, instead I'll have a shiny new GSXR750, my Dad and brother miss out on the tripof a lifetime.




Houston before game - "A win is not critical". Fucking really you prick? Get to fuck.


Rant over.

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I opened a bank account when Brazil was awarded the World Cup - I've dreamed of taking my father and brother there as a nod of thanks to my Dad taking me to Spain in '82 and to re-live the great time with my Dad and Granda in France '98. I have worked a second job for the last 18 months to top up that account - absolutely determined that no expense would be spared on our Brazil trip. Last nights result confirms that we won't be going to Brazil now - I'm sick of going to World Cups as a football tourist, I want to go as a supporter. Thank you Mr Levein, instead I'll have a shiny new GSXR750, my Dad and brother miss out on the tripof a lifetime.


Houston before game - "A win is not critical". Fucking really you prick? Get to fuck.


Rant over.


Fucking hell, sorry to hear that. Born in 1991, so like many others on here I'm sure, Scotland even qualifying is a bit of a dream. Nowt more than I would like than to go to Brazil with my Dad and just support the team. My Dad has told me before how he went to Italy in 1990 with my ma just to see us beaten by Costa Rica etc etc, but even that seems a long way from us now. BTW, my initial comment wasn't meant as sarcastic after what I've said, just a way of sympathising, I guess.


But, as you say, it's near enough impossible that Scotland will qualify from our group now, so after we get humped in Belgium, in my opinion it would be worth sacking Levein and looking for better options. So they get the benefit of meaningless "competitive games", as well as the friendlies before our qualifying campaign for the Euros. After the Belgium game, I think we should cut our losses.


Also, Houston is essentially Avril's mouthpiece, which probably goes a long way to explaining his embarrassing comments pre-match. Bald cunt.

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Levein has to be the worst Scotland manager in history. I think even Bertie McVogts had a better record in competitive qualifiers. Yesterdays disastrous performance was just the latest in a now long line of debacles. Wales are absolutely shite FFS!


Anyone with half a brain could see Levein was well out of his depth during the Euro qualifiers... yet the SFA kept him on so he could Royally fuck-up our chances of qualifying for Brazil!?


I can't believe that we're out of the world cup already! How has it come to this?

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It came to it because 2 hun bastards that actually got us playing well both turned traitor on us at critical junctures... because they're hun bastards. Including the ginger one.


And the SFA compounded the issue by picking a right royal turd to follow up and kept with him even after 4-6-0 should have told them all they needed to know about how out of his depth he was.



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Let's be honest... Scotland is a nothing country in terms of Football. Its domestic competition is laughable, its international record in recent years just as bad.


This is the fault of the people running the game, and nothing has been done to resolve this.


Don't expect Scotland to qualify for anything for a very, very long time.


I said after 180 minutes of this campaign that it was dead and buried... it'll take some folk a few more games to come to that realisation.


Truth be told, this campaign was over before it began.

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Let's be honest... Scotland is a nothing country in terms of Football. Its domestic competition is laughable, its international record in recent years just as bad.


This is the fault of the people running the game, and nothing has been done to resolve this.


Don't expect Scotland to qualify for anything for a very, very long time.

Kelt. None of us expect us to be playing like Barcelona and ripping teams apart. All we want is for 11 Scottish men to go out and look like they want to fucking win something. Avril can't seem to motivate the players to do this so his time is up.

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Anyone seriously advocating Levein remains in position is barking.


Fuck off Potter and take Houston (you are a problem) and Kenny Black with you.


Kenny Fucking Black FFS. What has he ever done in football, playing or coaching wise, to qualify him to be part of the national elite set up.


Kenny fucking Black.

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Anyone seriously advocating Levein remains in position is barking.


Fuck off Potter and take Houston (you are a problem) and Kenny Black with you.


Kenny Fucking Black FFS. What has he ever done in football, playing or coaching wise, to qualify him to be part of the national elite set up.


Kenny fucking Black.


absofuckinglutely. shambolic set up.

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Anyone seriously advocating Levein remains in position is barking.


Fuck off Potter and take Houston (you are a problem) and Kenny Black with you.


Kenny Fucking Black FFS. What has he ever done in football, playing or coaching wise, to qualify him to be part of the national elite set up.


Kenny fucking Black.

Peter Houston, yet another YES man. Guy has always been a knobend and will continue to be one.

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Let's be honest... Scotland is a nothing country in terms of Football. Its domestic competition is laughable, its international record in recent years just as bad.


This is the fault of the people running the game, and nothing has been done to resolve this.


Don't expect Scotland to qualify for anything for a very, very long time.


I said after 180 minutes of this campaign that it was dead and buried... it'll take some folk a few more games to come to that realisation.


Truth be told, this campaign was over before it began.


Sad, but oh so true. Been that way for a long, long time.

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i didn't know about the kenny black thing, a hatchet man at best for hearts. maybe he's studied football and got his coaching badges, i think levein likes coaching badges. game's a bogey.


kenny black, really.

It doesn't matter how many coaching badges he's earned, or not, the management and coaching staff, especially at the pinnacle of the game, should be people who instantly demand respect. It's bad enough having the circus clown double act of Levein and Houston, but backed up by a jobs for the boys, sacked for being inept and clueless by Airdrie United, no mark in Kenny Black should have been a sackable offence alone for Potter.


Kenny fucking Black?

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It doesn't matter how many coaching badges he's earned, or not, the management and coaching staff, especially at the pinnacle of the game, should be people who instantly demand respect. It's bad enough having the circus clown double act of Levein and Houston, but backed up by a jobs for the boys, sacked for being inept and clueless by Airdrie United, no mark in Kenny Black should have been a sackable offence alone for Potter.


Kenny fucking Black?

it's like going to cubs and scouts, having an impressive array of badges and grades.


levein looks like a scout leader, the creep.

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Where we go now , christ alone knows for me that 4-6-0 debacle in Prague was a fucking sacking offence, but i can see the point in saving money by keeping him, however if any football loving individual in this country expects a shower of cunts like the SFA hierachy who showed a scant disgregard for popular opinion with thier actions overv the summer to show any kinjd of leadership, or foresight on this occassion then i think they will be very disapointed.

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Where we go now , christ alone knows for me that 4-6-0 debacle in Prague was a fucking sacking offence, but i can see the point in saving money by keeping him, however if any football loving individual in this country expects a shower of cunts like the SFA hierachy who showed a scant disgregard for popular opinion with thier actions overv the summer to show any kinjd of leadership, or foresight on this occassion then i think they will be very disapointed.

The Scottish fa lose money hand over fist by not qualifying for major tournaments. Also the losses attained by the dwindling tartan army's no show at home games makes it absurd to think he will not be given his jotters.

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The Scottish fa lose money hand over fist by not qualifying for major tournaments. Also the losses attained by the dwindling tartan army's no show at home games makes it absurd to think he will not be given his jotters.

Ollie you are basing that summation on common sense, public opinion, a knowledge of football and understanding of the workings of the game, all atrributes that fucking shithouses at the SFA lack in abundance

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Ollie you are basing that summation on common sense, public opinion, a knowledge of football and understanding of the workings of the game, all atrributes that fucking shithouses at the SFA lack in abundance

Ollie has a knowledge of the Scottish Game that is second to none...the SFA would be well advised to listen when Ollie speaks...Jock McTavish Forres Mechanics 84-87
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Excellent piece by Michael Grant in the herald: http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/sport/football/levein-the-author-of-his-own-demise.19138699


Levein has just been an absolute disaster. Pretty much since day one. From the article this statistic stood out: ' Levein's record when it matters is woeful: just 13 points harvested from a possible 33'


That is an unforgiveable. Just absolutely terrible. I can't remember seeing anyone so clearly out of their depth, since Thorarinn Kristjanssons Pittodrie debut.


I can almost accept the failure though... as a Scotland fan I'm used to it! However, the most annoying this is that it's been blatently obvious since about half way through the previous qualifying campaign, that Levein had no clue what he was doing. Every Scotland fan I know has been calling for his head long before now. Failure to sack levein after the failed European championship qualifying campaign has cost us the opportunity to contest for a place at the 2014 World Cup.


Sadly, this ineptitude is par for the course when it comes to the SFA.

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Excellent piece by Michael Grant in the herald: http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/sport/football/levein-the-author-of-his-own-demise.19138699


Levein has just been an absolute disaster. Pretty much since day one. From the article this statistic stood out: ' Levein's record when it matters is woeful: just 13 points harvested from a possible 33'


That is an unforgiveable. Just absolutely terrible. I can't remember seeing anyone so clearly out of their depth, since Thorarinn Kristjanssons Pittodrie debut.


I can almost accept the failure though... as a Scotland fan I'm used to it! However, the most annoying this is that it's been blatently obvious since about half way through the previous qualifying campaign, that Levein had no clue what he was doing. Every Scotland fan I know has been calling for his head long before now. Failure to sack levein after the failed European championship qualifying campaign has cost us the opportunity to contest for a place at the 2014 World Cup.


Sadly, this ineptitude is par for the course when it comes to the SFA.

Agree with everything here - perhaps more people should be clambering for change at the SFA. The tactics shown in the away games of the previous qualification series were proof Mr Levein didn't know what was required to get the team out of the group. The problem we have now is that "almost" qualifying is seen as success.

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Ach, it's not so bad. At least we uh... you ... well, see, we... hmm.


Ok, there's not a single thing about this clown that could even pretend to be a 'redeeming' trait.


He should ahve been gone before the end of the previous qualifying campaign (that is just accepting his appointment in the first place which was a joke).






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His explanation on why he put on the fat gaptoothed ex hun at halftime was outstandingly wierd, even by Potters heed up his arse standards


Something like " If I had put on McArthur he may not have been in the position to cross for the disallowed goal which Adam did, however he may have been quicker to pick up and close down Bale at the second goal"


I kinda hope the the doesnt get sacked, as Im afraid that he lands up here if Broon goes

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His explanation on why he put on the fat gaptoothed ex hun at halftime was outstandingly wierd, even by Potters heed up his arse standards


Something like " If I had put on McArthur he may not have been in the position to cross for the disallowed goal which Adam did, however he may have been quicker to pick up and close down Bale at the second goal"


I kinda hope the the doesnt get sacked, as Im afraid that he lands up here if Broon goes

No chance

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Where we go now , christ alone knows for me that 4-6-0 debacle in Prague was a fucking sacking offence, but i can see the point in saving money by keeping him, however if any football loving individual in this country expects a shower of cunts like the SFA hierachy who showed a scant disgregard for popular opinion with thier actions overv the summer to show any kinjd of leadership, or foresight on this occassion then i think they will be very disapointed.

I think Eric Black is the man for the job.

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His explanation on why he put on the fat gaptoothed ex hun at halftime was outstandingly wierd, even by Potters heed up his arse standards


Something like " If I had put on McArthur he may not have been in the position to cross for the disallowed goal which Adam did, however he may have been quicker to pick up and close down Bale at the second goal"


I kinda hope the the doesnt get sacked, as Im afraid that he lands up here if Broon goes


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His explanation on why he put on the fat gaptoothed ex hun at halftime was outstandingly wierd, even by Potters heed up his arse standards


Something like " If I had put on McArthur he may not have been in the position to cross for the disallowed goal which Adam did, however he may have been quicker to pick up and close down Bale at the second goal"


I kinda hope the the doesnt get sacked, as Im afraid that he lands up here if Broon goes


well, its been almost a couple of months since Milne's last monumental fuck up... he's about due a stoater.


Harry Potter as Aberdeen manager would be an ideal monumental fuck up for Milne, just to keep his track record of monumental fuck ups intact.


so expect to see that.

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