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The Price Of Football

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The BBC have released the details of their annual Price of Football survey - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19842397


Seeing some of the prices charged by League Two sides in England is a real eye opener, it almost makes the SPL look like value for money! I see the BBC were keen to highlight the highest and lowest costs of the items surveyed, one being programmes. ICT have the cheapest programme of all the clubs surveyed but I hardly think 4 pages should count as a programme.

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everything gets compared to the germans and quite right as well


my question is why they have such low prices but they keep such a competitive league?


Have no idea, maybe a better distribution of revenue.


World cup in 2006 probably helped as teams would have received money to updgrade stadiums.

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everything gets compared to the germans and quite right as well


my question is why they have such low prices but they keep such a competitive league?



Because the clubs are well run.

Fan ownership.

Fair distribution of TV money.

The FA have restrictions on what they can spend with regards to income etc.

They have every game live on TV like a Soccer Saturday style switching between games but instead of folk in a studio they actually show the games where stuffs happening and the goals too.

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I went to a Union Berlin game last year, it was fucking mental :Party:


Great wee stadium and atmosphere, but the quality on the pitch was really poor. Also been to Hertha this year and again, didn't think the quality was all that great. Still massively looking forward to the Berlin derby at Hertha in February, which I am hoping to get in the away end for.


Because the clubs are well run.

Fan ownership.

Fair distribution of TV money.

The FA have restrictions on what they can spend with regards to income etc.

They have every game live on TV like a Soccer Saturday style switching between games but instead of folk in a studio they actually show the games where stuffs happening and the goals too.


Aye, was a fair review and overhaul of the running of the game early 00s when Dortmund and a few other clubs found themselves in a right mess. Seems to have sorted things out, though Bayern are still far and away the biggest earners in the league and really should be winning it most seasons with ease.


As for the ticket prices, there are certainly a lot more accessibly cheap tickets for games, but at the same time there are a lot that aren't at Bundesliga level. I think clubs all have to have a certain percentage minimum of low priced tickets and these are the ones that get advertised when compared. (i.e. you can go see Dortmund for <

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Great wee stadium and atmosphere, but the quality on the pitch was really poor. Also been to Hertha this year and again, didn't think the quality was all that great. Still massively looking forward to the Berlin derby at Hertha in February, which I am hoping to get in the away end for.


I thought it was slightly better than the SPL which I suppose, depending on how you look at it, could still be viewed as poor.


They pumped Ingolstadt 4-1, what a bounce :scarf:

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I thought it was slightly better than the SPL which I suppose, depending on how you look at it, could still be viewed as poor.


They pumped Ingolstadt 4-1, what a bounce :scarf:


They were playing bottom Alemania Aachen when I was there so maybe it was more a case of them bringing the quality down. Finished 2-0 to Union Berlin, but other than Mattuschka and Zoundi (purely because he had pace) most of the players looked like they'd struggle to get a game in the SPL to me.

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Aye the most expensive one is Karl.


The cheapest is still way too expensive but you've taken that slightly out of context.


You get 7 additional cup games with an Arsenal season ticket so it's actually better value for money than a Liverpool one. (In cost and entertainment value) :dc:


That's a bit presumptuous is it not?

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From what I can gather they are proper "fans" in that their support is incredible and focused on going to games no matter what.


Folk aren't as fanatical about their team over here, and that's why there's laws against Saturday 3pm games being shown as folk would use it as another feeble excuse not to go to the game.


the red ultras tried to take a more fanatical approach and that wasn't really received well at pittodrie. maybe the whole culture over there is different. I remember hearing Scott Booth saying that kids are really encouraged to take part in all sports especially fitba and there are plenty adults willing to supervise it and coach the kids.


here, we'd rather get pished and skip school

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Red Ultras were only interested in advertising themselves and alienated themselves from the fan base.


Some will argue but i think the atmosphere took a sudden dip for the worse once the ultra movement started to gain momentum


just for the record I'm not trying to turn this in to an ultras bashing thread. Everyone had their opinions on them, I know what I think they were trying to do but we have a different attitude here compared to over there.

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the red ultras tried to take a more fanatical approach and that wasn't really received well at pittodrie. maybe the whole culture over there is different. I remember hearing Scott Booth saying that kids are really encouraged to take part in all sports especially fitba and there are plenty adults willing to supervise it and coach the kids.


here, we'd rather get pished and skip school


But we're good at it.



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Red Ultras were only interested in advertising themselves and alienated themselves from the fan base.


Some will argue but i think the atmosphere took a sudden dip for the worse once the ultra movement started to gain momentum


Agree with you to an extent.


I was on a bus to Hull and back with the Ultras and they were fucking annoying tbh.


However, I felt there should have been more of a comprimise on both sides. At the end of the day I'd say the RU improved the atmosphere, contributed some excellent displays and overall were treated fairly poorly by the Club.


The Ultras didn't help themselves sometimes though purely by acting like absolute weapons :clangers2:

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That's a bit presumptuous is it not?



I guess it is.


I don't know if they do part refunds if they don't get 7 games? The Carling Cup doesn't count either apparently.


Maybe they carry over to the following season if you don't get 7 games?



More than likely however it's a sly way of making you pay more for a season ticket and selling it as you get an extra 7 games for free.


Still with 3 home games in the CL and supporting a team that's got a very good chance of getting out of the group stages it's worth a punt. That's 4 games straight away.

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If you're a German club the size of Aberdeen, then the culture over there means you can budget for 15,000 turning up every week out of sheer devotion - and so they can be a bit more flexible over ticket prices given it's guaranteed money in the pooch every other week.


We can't really do that since folk come up with excuses not to go and so the club don't have the same money in the pooch guaranteed, as Scottish fitba fans are generally less devoted and more fickle - anything from the weather, to having a loyalty to an English team, to moaning at the standard of football being shite will take numbers off the attendance.


We've had ticket reductions/special offers before and still folk canna be bothered and the attendance is usually less than predicted - which si why I don't buy the notion that high prices drive folk away from fitba.


its the general attitude towards the scottish game.


As soon as the duopoly took over it was labelled shite by everyone.

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I think that's a factor for sure.


Folk over here only seem to be interested if there's something in it for them (see the cup semi attendances) but in Germany it's just total devotion regardless.


If fans over here did what German fans did then they'd be branded happy clappers - it's the classic Scottish psyche at play.



If aberdeen charged

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just for the record I'm trying to turn this in to an ultras bashing thread. Everyone had their opinions on them, I know what I think they were trying to do but we have a different attitude here compared to over there.


Jeezo, what did they do to you?


I can't imagine you'd have looked too favourably on a such a blatant thread derail when you were a mod, changed days indeed.



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I think that's a factor for sure.


Folk over here only seem to be interested if there's something in it for them (see the cup semi attendances) but in Germany it's just total devotion regardless.


If fans over here did what German fans did then they'd be branded happy clappers - it's the classic Scottish psyche at play.



another great point. As a society we seem to put everything down instead of actually encouraging it

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