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Doping In Football ?

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Definitely does, Vialli and Ravanelli said that Juve made them take all sorts of supplements before the games.


Lambert said he took heaps of pills at Dortmund and still takes them to this day.


Every single player at the big teams in England is taking creatine monohydrate.


And Chelsea were using blood spinning to get their players back quicker after taking all the supplementary stuff.


It's not doping as such as it's not banned but it gives them a major advantage over lesser players.

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Every single player at the big teams in England is taking creatine monohydrate.



You can buy it from Holland & Barratts, time it right and you can get 120 caps for 99p, helps muscle growth/recovery, and the Pollock players could take them if they wanted, personally, I wouldn't regard that as "doping".

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You can buy it from Holland & Barratts, time it right and you can get 120 caps for 99p, helps muscle growth/recovery, and the Pollock players could take them if they wanted, personally, I wouldn't regard that as "doping".


With the amount of internationals played these days 120 capped players will be the norm soon, a bargain too.

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You can buy it from Holland & Barratts, time it right and you can get 120 caps for 99p, helps muscle growth/recovery, and the Pollock players could take them if they wanted, personally, I wouldn't regard that as "doping".


Aye I ken, I buy huge tubs of the shit the whole time fae Tropicana Fitness.


You canna take more than 5g in a day or you chance wrecking your liver though.


Canna be good for you long term.


I reckon the upsurge in on-field heart attacks is directly linked to the increase in supplement taking.

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I think it definitely does. With the amount of money involved in top level football these days I'd be surprised if there's not.


Is there not a video online of Cannavaro being injected with something the night before a game? Not sure if that was actually illegal.


Was Messi not pumped full of growth hormones which only becomes illegal at a certain age?

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Aye I ken, I buy huge tubs of the shit the whole time fae Tropicana Fitness.


You canna take more than 5g in a day or you chance wrecking your liver though.


Canna be good for you long term.


I reckon the upsurge in on-field heart attacks is directly linked to the increase in supplement taking.



Now this is an interesting confession.


Two a day Phoen. No muscle pain issues and you'll be fit as a fiddle.

Plant sterols



Take no drugs whatsoever fae the doctor, he's a scheister, in it for himself, and the drugs dinna work as Richard Ashcroft can testify.


And dinna take any of this herbal pish boofon recommends, mumbo jumbo, utter nonsense.


Have some porridge in the morning, puts hairs on your chest, and then eat as much meat as you can and to hell with vegetables and fruit and all that shite, glorified water, does you no good.


Then you'll grow up big and strong like me.



:laughing: :laughing:


Minami high EPA content


One of these popped daily will also ensure you're heart is beating until you're deid.


Clearly just eating fresh oily fish is better than having to use supplements for omega 3 but that's not always possible.


Watch for cheap and nasty Omega 3 supplements as the EPA content in them is generally pretty low.

Those bad boys are super charged.



I'll re-iterate.


Don't take any supplements whatsoever.

It's an industry built on lies and hyped up claims.


A bit like you then you retarded fuckwit. :king:

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I was talking about multi-vitamin supplements there boof min, and damned fine you ken that.


If you take those, you end up pissing out most of the goodness.


The creatine has obvious benefits, it clearly works.



Incorrect. The subject matter was Omega 3 capsules and plant sterols for reducing cholesterol levels.


So do you or do you not take supplements?


An honest yes or no will do.

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Incorrect. The subject matter was Omega 3 capsules and plant sterols for reducing cholesterol levels.


So do you or do you not take supplements?


An honest yes or no will do.


There's a clear distinction between health supplements and sporting supplements.


The supplements you were talking about with Phoenix were health supplements.


I happen to think that the health supplement industry is by and large bogus. If you're not healthy anyway, you'll see little benefit. The way it's marketed is that these things are miraculous. Conversely, if you are healthy anyway, you don't need them.


That was the point I was making in amongst your facetious use of my quotes.


However, I do indeed take sporting supplements. The benefits are obvious. They increase performance markedly.


Creatine monohydrate, Superpump 250, and Pharma Gain cookies.


Next thing you know you're stripping piano wires with your teeth :angry2:

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There's a clear distinction between health supplements and sporting supplements.


The supplements you were talking about with Phoenix were health supplements.


I happen to think that the health supplement industry is by and large bogus. If you're not healthy anyway, you'll see little benefit. The way it's marketed is that these things are miraculous. Conversely, if you are healthy anyway, you don't need them.


That was the point I was making in amongst your facetious use of my quotes.


However, I do indeed take sporting supplements. The benefits are obvious. They increase performance markedly.


Creatine monohydrate, Superpump 250, and Pharma Gain cookies.


Next thing you know you're stripping piano wires with your teeth :angry2:


Good for you Lance. :clangers2:

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I doubt her intelligence would stretch to Dirac mind you.




To paraphrase the conversation we had would go something like this:


"I've been reading that Hotel K book that you ordered. It looks a better read than that other mumbo jumbo shite that you ordered with it. "


She just presumed I'd bought them from Amazon.


Almost done with Adolf so I'll get that to you when I eventually return back to the United Kingdom.

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