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Happy Birthday Rtyd

Bobby Connor

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Once I get my book published, I'll be in a position to keep this shit bankrolled.


In the meantime, I got my hands on a signed copy of Stewart McBride's latest book at the weekend.


In a red pen!


Must be a Dons man.


boofon gets a special mention in the acknowledgements section, he said he couldna have written the book without his support.

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Once I get my book published, I'll be in a position to keep this shit bankrolled.


In the meantime, I got my hands on a signed copy of Stewart McBride's latest book at the weekend.


In a red pen!


Must be a Dons man.


boofon gets a special mention in the acknowledgements section, he said he couldna have written the book without his support.



Never heard of the cunt.


Happy birthday RTYD.

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I did that deliberately :laughing:


You never fail :clangers2:


I have the book here, but I can't send you it, as it's signed.


However, I'm sure you can get your own signed copy, what with you and him being bezzies and all that.



The spelling of Stewart wasn't my point.


Who is this McBride character and what book is it? I've never heard of the cunt.

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Christ min, your pedancy knows no bounds.


I deliberately spelled both his forename and his surname incorrectly.


I don't know why I waste my time indulging you :clangers2:





I don't know a Stewart MacBride. I don't know a Stewart McBride. I don't know a Stuart MacBride. I don't know a Stuart McBride.


Are we clear?


Sorry for clogging up your birthday thread with shite RTYD.

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