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That's coz it contains a special serum to knock off those coffin dodging pension grabbing bastards :tommy:





There is a valid arguement that the world is going to shit today ever since it was decided to grant youth more wealth , power and influence( in the time of Thatcher , as I recall ). They're nae ready.


Young Prime Ministers should be a contradiction in terms ; being clever and powerful can be dangerous and it is better to be experienced and wise. Cameron is our youngest ever and Blair not much older when he was incumbent.....or a meringue ?




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There is a valid arguement that the world is going to shit today ever since it was decided to grant youth more wealth , power and influence( in the time of Thatcher , as I recall ). They're nae ready.


Young Prime Ministers should be a contradiction in terms ; being clever and powerful can be dangerous and it is better to be experienced and wise. Cameron is our youngest ever and Blair not much older when he was incumbent.....or a meringue ?


Old people just go on about stuff that happened years ago.

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Like kidz don't moan , especially the teenage variety.


Twenty sumthins may be a bittie muted because of an improving awareness of the horrors of our capitalist system - backstabbings , whistleblowings , medicines that don't work and worse , anything-for-a-buck culture but hey , at least they've got youth on their side.


Thirty sumthins are probably in their prime and unless they have punished their own bodies thro' a variety of overindulgence , they can still raise a rigid digit towards the grim repear - still just as likely to moan tho' , injustices being a favourite.


Forty sumthins probably moan more about the kids and the eternal spiral of increasing prices , not for the purpose of job creation but to make the rich richer and fifty sumthins are beginning to moan about how little time we actually get here and the finite lifespan of individual organs.


I moan therefore I am.


Sixty sumthins on the other hand , especially once retired , have achieved a state of grace , are survivors and have nothing left to lose , other than life itself like. Knowing that 54,000,000,000 have already lost theirs along the road tend to make it that bit easier.


And according to the mighty Richard Dawkins( Sex , Death and the Afterlife ) our genes survive. You , my mighty Dons friends , have genes in you that were passed on by some fish in the primordial sea of life that existed 2,300,000,000 years ago.











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