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Revenge Of The Nerds


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Turns out in a recent study , that those kids who were popular in school, went on to become popular and successful in their lives/careers. While the nerds -- shy, socially awkard, who were to come out ahead in the race once they'd graduated and "blossomed" -- don't necessarily make out any better.




The study was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Its authors say they dont view popularity as an innate personality trait. Instead, popularity pays because those who learn to play the game in high school are figuring out what they need to know to succeed when they enter the workplace. The report suggests schools may want to join their academic mission with one that helps students build their social skills.


The study was based only on men though (4,300 of them), beginning in 1957. So it would be hard to say how completely accurate it was, not including diverse ethnicities or women in the sample.


Another comment on the article suggested that popular kids in school mainly fall into two groups -- something I think rings true, from my experience as well:


1. Kids who have a lot of something that's socially desirable. Whether it's money, sports talent, high school-style good looks these kids can't lose. Or, it's way harder for them to lose. As long as they are able to speak in coherent-ish sentences and walk upright-ish, they probably have plenty of lunchtime companions on the quad.


2. The hustlers. The kids who float between groups, shaking hands, making jokes, and generally Really Nice. These are the people who, I believe, do well in life because they figured out how to play the game...and they're just better at putting on a happy face, and enjoying (?) this crazy ride called life. Or, they might be sociopaths.


But, probably, they just really care about being part of the action, or are smart enough to be "on" when they need to be, and they're generally just pretty easy-going and pleasant to be around. No wonder everyone wants to kick it with these kids, they are the bomb! I think maybe the word for it is "charming." Of course, having a good home life and a little money never hurt anyone, and kids with both are at a distinct advantage.


If i think about the kids I knew then and where they are now, while I can't speak to the actual incomes, I'd say the popular ones are doing pretty well for themselves. (Although one's in jail still i think -- lots of cash and an addiction to coke became a very bad habit as an adult, not while he was in school). Some of the nerds made out just fine for themselves too though. How can you measure popularity anyway? So I'm not certain this study really proves anything. Other than if you know how to get along with people, you'll probably do all right in life.

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Turns out in a recent study , that those kids who were popular in school, went on to become popular and successful in their lives/careers. While the nerds -- shy, socially awkard, who were to come out ahead in the race once they'd graduated and "blossomed" -- don't necessarily make out any better.




The study was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Its authors say they don

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That's the key right there LGIR. I was going to put in a shaking hands smiley but this new racism one is far better. :racism:


i think the survey alludes more to "generally being nice" as a way to popularity and future success, and not so much to shaking the right hands. :cheers:


if Karl is as nice in person as he is here, he'll make out like a bandit in life! :thumbup1:

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