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Introvert V Extrovert


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Is the world more inclined to accept extroverts? There's clearly a place for both introverts and extroverts, and Susan Cain (she's just published a book) makes the argument that the best partnerships combine them to best effect.


In an increasingly social world, author Susan Cain argues that we undervalue the power of the introvert at our peril. How can organisations ensure that the best ideas dominate, rather than those of the most vocal and assertive people?


Is introversion undervalued?

Is there a gender correlation?

What do you think you are?


In my own case, in my private life i'm more an introvert. in my work life, i'm much more an extrovert.

i think that may be the opposite of many women i know though, who are more extroverted in private life and introverted in work/public.



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I'm a bit of an extrovert on a night oot... to the point of being the obnoxious dick you want to avoid or punch in the throat, truth be told. Too much Kelt can be overwhelming, I think. :thumbup1:


At work I'm introverted, though that's largely because I just don't want to talk to anyone because I know for a fact they'll annoy the fuck out of me.

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In my own case, in my private life i'm more an introvert. in my work life, i'm much more an extrovert.

i think that may be the opposite of many women i know though, who are more extroverted in private life and introverted in work/public.


Far too many questions in your OP, so I'll settle for this one for now.


So you're clearly very extroverted on here, so is this work to you? Are you some sort of shrink conducting a covert study?

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Definitely introverted by nature (having had to spend even a year growing up in Gourdon will do that to you... hmm, guess that makes it by nurture)


If I want to be somewhere though I won't let that stop me from being extro-. But you'll know the places I don't want to be (and feel I don't need to give a fuck about - eg not work) by the fact I'll let the world pass me by until I'm out of them.



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To that whole power of introverts in work thing; there tends to be from my work experience two broad brushstrokes of what introverts and extroverts bring to workplaces:


Extroverts keep processes pushing along. No matter what, they'll be moving it forward to the next step, the next step.


Introverts are the ones that determine those next steps.


However an extrovert that doesn't take those "introverted" steps back and think about things is dangerous and an introvert that never speaks up is useless.



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I think that the point is that few people are either one or the other completely and the statement that introversion goes without praise is misleading. Case in point would be the ability to deliver a speech. I've seen many confident people fall flat as they thought that their natural vitality and optimism would carry the day. Does sometimes but not always. Introverts, or people who are typically shy may tend to plan more in this type of situation (and from what I've seen they do), producing results that on the day can be better due to the abilitating anxiety that a dash of introversion tends to foster.

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