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Man Arrested Over Picture Of Burning Poppy


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Not really a surprise, the way the poppy police run things these days. Eh am all for remembering the sacrifices made, but the way that nobody is allowed anywhere near a tv without a poppy in the weeks leading up to 11 November has gone far too far. Even after "Superstorm Sandy", they were interviewing one poor schmuck who had been affected but still wasnae allowed on the telly without having a poppy on.

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I'm not donating any money to poppy collections in future on the basis that it's been hijacked by huns.


These army lads love their annual trip to Ibrox.


Even though the now defunct hun outfit stole their collection money last season.


Despite that, they still love the huns.


That means they're getting fuck all from me.

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It was only two years ago we were playing in the equivalent fixture when some of the Armed forces were doing the lap of honour at half time, met by respectful applause by our travelling support only for us to be greeted with a two fingered salute off some of the "heroes"


The way Rangers FC and now the rangers have hijacked and sectarianised the whole thing makes me physically sick.


sportsound made a massive "fuss" about it also at half time on Saturday. cunts

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Well, since this is a liberal democracy, I suppose anyone can critique anything. Good thing we still have that kind of choice, despite all those who swear blind we've never been less free (while offering their opinions on-line, via the greatest free exchange of human ideas and creativity in the history of civilisation - the internet).


This is one crazy planet, sometimes.

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Probably be playing to full houses every week in an 80,000 capacity stadium too.


Whilst eating superior quality hotdogs and drinking beer in the stands.


Come to think on it, these servicemen did us no favours at all, quite the opposite, they fucked our lives up.


And now they want our cash!


All the while lending their full support to the disgraced huns.


Breathtaking, you couldna mark their collective neck with a blowtorch.

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Probably be playing to full houses every week in an 80,000 capacity stadium too.


Whilst eating superior quality hotdogs and drinking beer in the stands.


Come to think on it, these servicemen did us no favours at all, quite the opposite, they fucked our lives up.


And now they want our cash!


All the while lending their full support to the disgraced huns.


Breathtaking, you couldna mark their collective neck with a blowtorch.


Plus they'd have likely flattened places like Wick.

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Probably be playing to full houses every week in an 80,000 capacity stadium too.


Whilst eating superior quality hotdogs and drinking beer in the stands.


Come to think on it, these servicemen did us no favours at all, quite the opposite, they fucked our lives up.


And now they want our cash!


All the while lending their full support to the disgraced huns.


Breathtaking, you couldna mark their collective neck with a blowtorch.


I'd have been quite happy to speak German and commit atrocities against ethnic minorities and gaylords if it meant we could get a pint at the football FFS.

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Seems like in Britain, "Doing something that might mildly offend someone" is now a criminal offence.


People need to start standing up against this shit, or you're going to be lifted any time you open your gob to protest the price of milk in short order.


Isn't there a British version of the ACLU?

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Seems like in Britain, "Doing something that might mildly offend someone" is now a criminal offence.


People need to start standing up against this shit, or you're going to be lifted any time you open your gob to protest the price of milk in short order.


Isn't there a British version of the ACLU?



Isn't this on the same day "we" decided we can't depart clearly mental no-gooders who'd like to see us all skewered like the decadent westerners we are, because Jordan is a bit dangerous?


Isn't this not long after Road Sense has spent millions that weren't theirs delaying a bypass desired by the majority, because it's their "right" to obstruct?


Seems to me there's plenty of freedom left. In fact, people have never felt more enabled to complain in history about absolutely everything than now.

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It was only two years ago we were playing in the equivalent fixture when some of the Armed forces were doing the lap of honour at half time, met by respectful applause by our travelling support only for us to be greeted with a two fingered salute off some of the "heroes"


The way Rangers FC and now the rangers have hijacked and sectarianised the whole thing makes me physically sick.


Clip of the half time military love in at sevco stadium on Saturday



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Isn't this on the same day "we" decided we can't depart clearly mental no-gooders who'd like to see us all skewered like the decadent westerners we are, because Jordan is a bit dangerous?


Isn't this not long after Road Sense has spent millions that weren't theirs delaying a bypass desired by the majority, because it's their "right" to obstruct?


Seems to me there's plenty of freedom left. In fact, people have never felt more enabled to complain in history about absolutely everything than now.


There's a subtle difference though.


People can complain about 'offensive' shit en-mass. When they're part of a herd, they can 'think' and say whatever they want... but more likely a re 'thinking' as nothing more than a manipulated gang.


People who buck what everyone is herd-thinking, and say, for example, "Soldiers can go fuck themselves, and piss on your poppy" will find themselves lifted right quick. Witch-hunted by the mob, with the media helping to whip them into a frenzy. And of course the cops will lift anyone in a high profile Witch Hunt, whether the guy has done anything illegal or not, simply to be seen to be working 'efficiently'.


Burning a Poppy is, I'm sure, not illegal. Self expression that isn't breaking any specific law isn't, I don't believe, illegal. Standing up for your beliefs isn't illegal either.


Anything, it seems, can fall under a Public Disorder charge, which seems to be a catch all for people who, frankly, have done nothing wrong.


There's a good piece here that I just read.



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There's a subtle difference though.


People can complain about 'offensive' shit en-mass. When they're part of a herd, they can 'think' and say whatever they want... but more likely a re 'thinking' as nothing more than a manipulated gang.


People who buck what everyone is herd-thinking, and say, for example, "Soldiers can go fuck themselves, and piss on your poppy" will find themselves lifted right quick. Witch-hunted by the mob, with the media helping to whip them into a frenzy. And of course the cops will lift anyone in a high profile Witch Hunt, whether the guy has done anything illegal or not, simply to be seen to be working 'efficiently'.


Burning a Poppy is, I'm sure, not illegal. Self expression that isn't breaking any specific law isn't, I don't believe, illegal. Standing up for your beliefs isn't illegal either.


Anything, it seems, can fall under a Public Disorder charge, which seems to be a catch all for people who, frankly, have done nothing wrong.


There's a good piece here that I just read.





Granted, but surely something can become "illegal" through encroachment on individual freedom? To quote a U.S. example - it's not illegal to turn up and picket a dead soldier's funeral with some of the most vulgar, hateful and obscene filth you can come up with. Over here, where there isn't a defined "Freedom of Speech" component, that clearly breaches public order and can then lead to the detainment of those responsible.


It suits me down to the ground that public disorder offences can be used "justly" to prevent the shameful scenes I've seen elsewhere. The issue rather is, how to police the use of those orders to prevent their abuse. The fact is people (individuals) can't be trusted. They can't ever be relied upon to do the decent thing and there's always someone, somewhere, being an arsehole.


I don't agree with that piece at all. Invoking imagery of 1984 is laughable in the age of totally free communication. Orwell couldn't have imagined - or in his wildest dreams conjured - something as democratic and liberal as the internet. The issue rather is that for too long, the "internet" has believed itself free to say whatever it likes purely because it's never been particularly well policed. That doesn't make it right. Just because you get away with doing or saying something that's (subjectively) wrong, doesn't make it right.


Exactly how much slack should inspirational counter-revolutionary types be allowed? Can they say "Soldiers fuck themselves, piss on your poppy," but not "Pedophiles are just trying to find love too."


Law enforcement, whether it's contemporary coppers or Roman Legionnaires have been letting the rich away with murder forever. That's nothing new, and it certainly predates modern western civilisation by a good few thousand years.


There's nothing wrong with standing up for your beliefs, but I'd ask you - at what point do you say enough's enough? To use the example of the Bypass; can we finally override the "beliefs" of those against it after millions of pounds and almost a decade of endless legal challenges? When do the majority get their way?


No-one said it was a perfect system but Human Beings can't leave each other alone so this is the only system that's stopped us killing each other in the streets en-masse. So far.

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It was only two years ago we were playing in the equivalent fixture when some of the Armed forces were doing the lap of honour at half time, met by respectful applause by our travelling support only for us to be greeted with a two fingered salute off some of the "heroes"


The way Rangers FC and now the rangers have hijacked and sectarianised the whole thing makes me physically sick.

I was at that game, was going fucking mental when those "heroes" did that to our support. My old man actually reported it to one of the senior army guys outside the ground and was told "i never saw anything". Fucking nob!!!!


However i still respect and honour our fallen soldiers without any Huns style hijacking nonsense

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Granted, but surely something can become "illegal" through encroachment on individual freedom?


A reasonable assumption, I think. However the burning of a poppy and saying, "I shit on your poppy", doesn't in any way encroach upon personal freedom of others. It's expressing a personal opinion.


To quote a U.S. example - it's not illegal to turn up and picket a dead soldier's funeral with some of the most vulgar, hateful and obscene filth you can come up with. Over here, where there isn't a defined "Freedom of Speech" component, that clearly breaches public order and can then lead to the detainment of those responsible.


Here's the thing though... you're specifically talking here about a tiny group of crazy people who go out and annoy others. Certainly it's upsetting for the mourners, but you can't base your legal system on pure emotion, based on the actions of an insignificant number of people... in this case around 15 in a nation of 300,000,000. Laws should be rational. If those protesters start assaulting people, then it becomes a greater nuisance. But applauding vague, and broad-brush, laws that can be used to arrest and incarcerate people who do nothing more than express an opinion... that's madness, to me at least.



It suits me down to the ground that public disorder offences can be used "justly" to prevent the shameful scenes I've seen elsewhere. The issue rather is, how to police the use of those orders to prevent their abuse. The fact is people (individuals) can't be trusted. They can't ever be relied upon to do the decent thing and there's always someone, somewhere, being an arsehole.


Doesn't suit me. Not at all. People act like arseholes all the time... but I don't want to live in a society where people snitch on each other over minor shit, or where people can be arrested and imprisoned because... "they're annoying".



I don't agree with that piece at all. Invoking imagery of 1984 is laughable in the age of totally free communication. Orwell couldn't have imagined - or in his wildest dreams conjured - something as democratic and liberal as the internet. The issue rather is that for too long, the "internet" has believed itself free to say whatever it likes purely because it's never been particularly well policed. That doesn't make it right. Just because you get away with doing or saying something that's (subjectively) wrong, doesn't make it right.


You don't live in an age of totally free communication. You live in an age of Mass communication. There's a difference there. I'm not talking about the dollar cost. Your electronic communications are monitored, your history is traced, you could potentially be arrested and imprisoned based upon things you look at, say, or suggest. There's an illusion of freedom, certainly, but that's primarily because we're living in an era before every byte you send or store can be scrutinised. That day is coming. Mass, and unregulated, intrusion into your private communications. Law Authorities do what they can to intrude right now, I'm thinking of things that we know about like Carnivore... but there's certainly others oth there that we don't know about.



Exactly how much slack should inspirational counter-revolutionary types be allowed? Can they say "Soldiers fuck themselves, piss on your poppy," but not "Pedophiles are just trying to find love too."


I don't see a problem with SAYING either of those things. And in the case of pissing on a poppy I don't see a problem with that either. Figuratively or literally. Yes, if you disagree then it's annoying... but seriously... people need to toughen the fuck up.


Law enforcement, whether it's contemporary coppers or Roman Legionnaires have been letting the rich away with murder forever. That's nothing new, and it certainly predates modern western civilisation by a good few thousand years.


I didn't make any counter argument to that.


There's nothing wrong with standing up for your beliefs, but I'd ask you - at what point do you say enough's enough? To use the example of the Bypass; can we finally override the "beliefs" of those against it after millions of pounds and almost a decade of endless legal challenges? When do the majority get their way?


Possibly when it becomes a definite public disturbance. Burning a poppy forces NO-ONE to act outside the law. It's mildly annoying, but it's a personal opinion.


No-one said it was a perfect system but Human Beings can't leave each other alone so this is the only system that's stopped us killing each other in the streets en-masse. So far.


I'm not sure what system you're referring to, so I can't really address that.

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If talking about the modern day soldier who chooses this as a living then I agree.


If talking about cunts that were drafted then I cannot.


I have a degree of sympathy for the victims of the draft. Particularly the poor fuckers who fought in WW1.


WW2, people were genuinely fighting for our freedom, if not our very existence. Hitler and his lads had something of a track record of mass extermination. So anyone wearing a British or American Uniform, or any other Allied/Comintern uniform was, quite literally, fighting to protect their families.


From Korea onwards, with a blip circa the time AFC was dominating Europe, I can't think of too many wars the UK or US has fought that was in direct defence of their own territory. And primarily those have been regular, voluntary armies.


You join a plumbing firm and you're going to be fishing shite out of toilets. Sucks, but that's your choice.


You join the army, people might shoot bullets at you. Sucks, but that's your choice.

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I have a degree of sympathy for the victims of the draft. Particularly the poor fuckers who fought in WW1.


WW2, people were genuinely fighting for our freedom, if not our very existence. Hitler and his lads had something of a track record of mass extermination. So anyone wearing a British or American Uniform, or any other Allied/Comintern uniform was, quite literally, fighting to protect their families.


From Korea onwards, with a blip circa the time AFC was dominating Europe, I can't think of too many wars the UK or US has fought that was in direct defence of their own territory. And primarily those have been regular, voluntary armies.


You join a plumbing firm and you're going to be fishing shite out of toilets. Sucks, but that's your choice.


You join the army, people might shoot bullets at you. Sucks, but that's your choice.

Can't argue with any of that.


Never a popular opinion when I raise it in public though!

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I have a degree of sympathy for the victims of the draft. Particularly the poor fuckers who fought in WW1.


WW2, people were genuinely fighting for our freedom, if not our very existence. Hitler and his lads had something of a track record of mass extermination. So anyone wearing a British or American Uniform, or any other Allied/Comintern uniform was, quite literally, fighting to protect their families.


From Korea onwards, with a blip circa the time AFC was dominating Europe, I can't think of too many wars the UK or US has fought that was in direct defence of their own territory. And primarily those have been regular, voluntary armies.


You join a plumbing firm and you're going to be fishing shite out of toilets. Sucks, but that's your choice.


You join the army, people might shoot bullets at you. Sucks, but that's your choice.


Really enjoyed reading the article you posted and often enjoy reading your posts. I find it embarrassing how often emotion gets in the way of thinking properly. How can burning a poppy or racist tweets be illegal? I only fear it is going to get worse and worse. The irony of the the 2nd world war is so many died for "our freedom" and is this any kind of freedom?So many CCTV cameras, can't drink at the football, plain package fags, hiding fags from the counter, ridiculous drinking laws, stop and search laws for everyone etc. etc.

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