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Do You Like Dinosaurs?


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I have to say no, I didn't like them - but at the same time admit they had their role to play.



Also, we have birds thanks to them and a lot of people like birds including me. But overall, they were too big and scaley and a bit dangerous to be fair with you, so probably better off without them.


Another thing they're good for is lying at the bottom of the seabed for millions of years once they die and turning into oil which gives petrol which is handy for our cars.


The saddest thing is there wasn't cameras or iphones in those days to film them so noone really kows exactly what they look like, but scientists claim to have a fair idea and have even found bones of one in Peru or something.

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I have to say no, I didn't like them - but at the same time admit they had their role to play.



Also, we have birds thanks to them and a lot of people like birds including me. But overall, they were too big and scaley and a bit dangerous to be fair with you, so probably better off without them.


Another thing they're good for is lying at the bottom of the seabed for millions of years once they die and turning into oil which gives petrol which is handy for our cars.


The saddest thing is there wasn't cameras or iphones in those days to film them so noone really kows exactly what they look like, but scientists claim to have a fair idea and have even found bones of one in Peru or something.


Komodo Dragons and Crocodiles are our dinosaurs of today.

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My favourite dinosaur is the Stegosaurus.


It has a giant fuck-off body, but a tiny little potato head.


It also has a viciously high centre of gravity, but it doesn't have a wide profile that would serve as a balance... so any time it got caught in a high wind, fucker was flipping over :)


I can see whole herds of these things just flipping over like paper plates any time there was a storm, tumbling off across the standard volcano-strewn, giant dragonfly in the foreground, school-book-depiction of a prehistoric landscape.



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I have to say no, I didn't like them - but at the same time admit they had their role to play.



Also, we have birds thanks to them and a lot of people like birds including me. But overall, they were too big and scaley and a bit dangerous to be fair with you, so probably better off without them.


Another thing they're good for is lying at the bottom of the seabed for millions of years once they die and turning into oil which gives petrol which is handy for our cars.


The saddest thing is there wasn't cameras or iphones in those days to film them so noone really kows exactly what they look like, but scientists claim to have a fair idea and have even found bones of one in Peru or something.

I admit it, I'm baffled by them and this whole evolution thing, I like the thought that a man with big hands organised everything in a few days.


I thought oil from dinosaurs was a myth though or were you taking the piss?

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I do not like dinosaurs. They scare me.


did you know the Muskie (found in some North American lakes) is prehistoric? :o


With a set of teeth that could rival a T-Rex, the mighty muskellunge, (esox masquinongy), that swim in our local waters are an apex predator that has remained virtually unchanged for millions of years. These fish can live to be 25 years old and reach up to 60" in length. This amazing fish has endured and remains today as one of the most sought after freshwater sport fish in North America.


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