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Name That Tune


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"Only You" by the flying pickets?


That's BAdadada, not DAdadada.... how does that even sound the same?



Match of the Day Christmas special.


Isn't the Match of the Day Christmas Special music, assuming there is such a thing, just Match of the Day's regular music.









Come on, let's think about what we're saying, eh lads?


Usually BBC or ITV use it in their links or Christmas Attractions adverts.


Badadadadadadadadada Badadadadadadada


Dududududududududu... DEDCGEDEDEBDDEDC



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That's BAdadada, not DAdadada.... how does that even sound the same?





Isn't the Match of the Day Christmas Special music, assuming there is such a thing, just Match of the Day's regular music.









Come on, let's think about what we're saying, eh lads?


Usually BBC or ITV use it in their links or Christmas Attractions adverts.


Badadadadadadadadada Badadadadadadada


Dududududududududu... DEDCGEDEDEBDDEDC



Cindy wangs a dadada

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  • 1 month later...

Nothing worse when the record company pressurises you to make a crossover hit.

Especially when the fan-base starts saying it was always the intention to release both - a bit like that Eamon bloke and his bird singing about nae liking each other.


I personally thought that Grandads Negro Torment would've stood alone as a good opening track on a seperate album.

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