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How Would You Like To Feel Really Bad About Yourself?


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Generally a person's appearance, ticks, or idioms won't phase me at all.


I've spoken to a guy with a heid that looked like it was squeezed in a vice and neither batted an eyelid nor asked how come his heid looked looked like it had been squeezed in a vice. I think we spoke about the Redwings NHL challenge, and maybe about how 'cool' Scotland must be. Don't worry, I set him right on that. Eye contact was maintained, and the conversation never drifted casually towards horrific physical defects, not even once.


So I was browsing the Youtubes, as I do, and I came upon this... by which I mean stumbled rather than ejaculated... interesting specimen.


Awwwww, I said to myself, that's a bit of a shame. Wasn't ripping the pish or anything. I was maintaining eye contact and listening to what she was saying. Felt pretty good about myself acting all grown up there.


Then I read the comments and spoiled it for myself.


Here you go.



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How do you find this stuff Kelt?


I dunno, man... just 'lucky' I guess.


One interesting thing I noticed was that she appears to have her tongue pierced, which as we know is for giving better blowjobs...


I really can't imagine what guy is going to be sticking something as valuable a his dick in there. There's just too many things could go wrong.

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I dunno, man... just 'lucky' I guess.


One interesting thing I noticed was that she appears to have her tongue pierced, which as we know is for giving better blowjobs...


I really can't imagine what guy is going to be sticking something as valuable a his dick in there. There's just too many things could go wrong.

Hell, for all we know, she's a human black hole (that's a singularity for all you science folk out ther). All she has to do is get her kit off, wait for a man to get his cock out in front of her (yes there are some sick fucks who like that sort of thing, and no, I am not one of them), and use her inescapable gravity to pull said cock into her fanny.

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