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The Aberdeen Men Can't Play Football

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My copy of The Aberdeen Men Can't Play Football arrived today.


I've only had a chance to skim through it so far but I think anyone interested in the history of our club should pick up a copy of it. It covers football in Aberdeen between the years 1881 to 1903. Its a period that books like the two that came out around the centenary tend to give a curious mention to briefly before delving into the story of the club we know today.


Here is a wee taster of the sort of info the book contains from the authors blog...


Think you know everything about football in Aberdeen? Well, not until you’ve read this book.


Have you heard, for instance, that Sheffield United, the English Champions, were humiliated in Torry; that Scotland twice played an Aberdeen select at the Chanonry in Old Aberdeen; or that the first floodlit game in the city was played at Kittybrewster in the late 19th Century to raise funds for the family of a player who had passed away as a result of an accident during a match, but despite the charitable aspect of the game, hundreds of fans sneaked over the boundary walls under cover of darkness to avoid paying? You can also read about the Aberdeen player who almost died after being knifed in a drunken brawl with a sailor, and the other prominent local player who was jailed for assaulting a water bailiff who caught him poaching salmon in the Don. This and much more is included in this 350 page book, which includes 132 illustrations and masses of fascinating statistics.


It’s the story, told in detail for the first time, of the original Aberdeen FC, Orion FC and Victoria United FC who merged in 1903 to form the club we know today. The book also reveals the true story about Bon Accord FC, a club which went down in football folklore following its world record 36-0 defeat by Arbroath in the Scottish Cup.




You can get it from here or here and proceds go towards the AFC Heritage Trust :applause:

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or that the first floodlit game in the city was played at Kittybrewster in the late 19th Century to raise funds for the family of a player who had passed away as a result of an accident during a match, but despite the charitable aspect of the game, hundreds of fans sneaked over the boundary walls under cover of darkness to avoid paying?


You lot have always been the same.

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Its not a dig at the OP, I know lots of people will be interested in such a book, but I just have no interest whatsoever in Aberdeens history, I don't know why, but I've always found OF fans obsession with their history a bit weird, if it happened in the days of B&W telly or before, I'm not interested.

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Its not a dig at the OP, I know lots of people will be interested in such a book, but I just have no interest whatsoever in Aberdeens history, I don't know why, but I've always found OF fans obsession with their history a bit weird, if it happened in the days of B&W telly or before, I'm not interested.


Agree with that, anything that happened before I was born is irrelevant to me and I'm not just talking about the Dons here, I mean full stop.


Who gives a fuck about all that old fashioned shit?


It looks grim back then too in any grainy photos or cine reels you see, jesus.


Whoever invented colour deserves a medal.

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Speak for yourself Tommy, I expect it's a generation thing.


Personally I've never shagged a sheep in my life.


I know things like that were more acceptable back in the day though.


As the hairy cornflake said, it was a different world then.



In my defence it was a "burd" sheep.

Nothing weird about me.


Who needs bestiality in Wick when you have weekers to entertain your needs.

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I used to live in Torry for a while in the 90's, it was fine.


The Victoria Bar on a Friday evening was the place to be.



I used to deliver Bon Accord ale in Torry on a friday night when

i was still at school. Great tippers. One night there was a rammy and all of

a sudden a wifie with massive paps leaned out of her window and they

were swinging away as she bawled abuse at the rammiers.

Used to go into Rat's cellar for a beer after we finished.

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I used to deliver Bon Accord ale in Torry on a friday night when

i was still at school. Great tippers. One night there was a rammy and all of

a sudden a wifie with massive paps leaned out of her window and they

were swinging away as she bawled abuse at the rammiers.

Used to go into Rat's cellar for a beer after we finished.


What's the one at the end of the pier down at the bottom, is it the Grampian Bar?


Only ever went in there once and got chased out after a rammy with the locals.

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What's the one at the end of the pier down at the bottom, is it the Grampian Bar?


Only ever went in there once and got chased out after a rammy with the locals.



The Grampian's diagonally across from the Victoria.


Only remember the 19th Hole, Torry Bar and White Cockade.

Maybe there's one more.

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The Grampian's diagonally across from the Victoria.


Only remember the 19th Hole, Torry Bar and White Cockade.

Maybe there's one more.

Golden Tee & Double Two.


Double Two now deed.

As is Torry Bar.


Golden Tee on life support.


19th hole is now ca'd Campbells.


Also Nigg Bay GC for alcohol refreshment.

Where I'll be initiating manglement from 10am tomorrow.

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Aye it's not the Grampian then.


I used to stay just across from the Spar shop further up Victoria Road and you went down the hill at the side of it and kept going for this place.


Golden Tee sounds about right, locals were serious, went for a pish and followed into the bogs and interrogated.

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Aye it's not the Grampian then.


I used to stay just across from the Spar shop further up Victoria Road and you went down the hill at the side of it and kept going for this place.


Golden Tee sounds about right, locals were serious, went for a pish and followed into the bogs and interrogated.

Is that what you boys call it

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I used to deliver Bon Accord ale in Torry on a friday night when

i was still at school. Great tippers. One night there was a rammy and all of

a sudden a wifie with massive paps leaned out of her window and they

were swinging away as she bawled abuse at the rammiers.

Used to go into Rat's cellar for a beer after we finished.


Was that in the day when the bottles had a distinctive curved shape and rubber stoppers?

I used to think the ale was different once they adopted the standard shape bottles.

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Its not a dig at the OP, I know lots of people will be interested in such a book, but I just have no interest whatsoever in Aberdeens history, I don't know why, but I've always found OF fans obsession with their history a bit weird, if it happened in the days of B&W telly or before, I'm not interested.


Well I can't understand anyone who can say "I just have no interest whatsoever in Aberdeens history", The club we are today is because of our history. It is about the Scottish Cup wins, the league titles, the Glory of Gothenburg and of course the horrific mismanagement of the club for the last 20 years. That is why we are where we are now. I don't know how you couldn't be interested in learning the events and decisions that got us to this point.


Do you know what a club without a history is? I'll tell you what it is, its called The Rangers.

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Well I can't understand anyone who can say "I just have no interest whatsoever in Aberdeens history", The club we are today is because of our history. It is about the Scottish Cup wins, the league titles, the Glory of Gothenburg and of course the horrific mismanagement of the club for the last 20 years. That is why we are where we are now. I don't know how you couldn't be interested in learning the events and decisions that got us to this point.


Do you know what a club without a history is? I'll tell you what it is, its called The Rangers.


Anyhoo, I saw this post at 6am today upon arrival at work, and quite liked the description of it, so bought TWA o the hoors.

Excuse capitalisation of twa. And hoors widdabeen hours if this fucking spellchecking pish had its wie. Taks perhaps 4 times as long time to fucking make a post because it has not got a FUCKING clue about language. Had to correct ever second fucking word or verify by aboot 4 clicks every time I had a word it was too fucking retarded to comprehend. Cock end. Fuck off.

. I thocht I'd switched the fuckpig off. Gads

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Aye it's not the Grampian then.


I used to stay just across from the Spar shop further up Victoria Road and you went down the hill at the side of it and kept going for this place.


Golden Tee sounds about right, locals were serious, went for a pish and followed into the bogs and interrogated.


Sounds like the "Double 2" or the Torry Bar, Torry bar not exactly the mosy welcoming place.

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Anyhoo, I saw this post at 6am today upon arrival at work, and quite liked the description of it, so bought TWA o the hoors.

Excuse capitalisation of twa. And hoors widdabeen hours if this fucking spellchecking pish had its wie. Taks perhaps 4 times as long time to fucking make a post because it has not got a FUCKING clue about language. Had to correct ever second fucking word or verify by aboot 4 clicks every time I had a word it was too fucking retarded to comprehend. Cock end. Fuck off.

. I thocht I'd switched the fuckpig off. Gads


You need to install a doric dictionary MH.

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You need to install a doric dictionary MH.

I could mak a doric app o' some sort?


Eeen the translates yon pishy English inti the mithir tongue.

I thocht a could switch the autochanger aff on Android.

Yhocht a' already hid.

Apparently nae.



Sent fae my desktop in the laft using a normal keyboard thingy so much less scutter aboot - flawless, as-typed Dorcihe. :)

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Well I can't understand anyone who can say "I just have no interest whatsoever in Aberdeens history", The club we are today is because of our history. It is about the Scottish Cup wins, the league titles, the Glory of Gothenburg and of course the horrific mismanagement of the club for the last 20 years. That is why we are where we are now. I don't know how you couldn't be interested in learning the events and decisions that got us to this point.


Do you know what a club without a history is? I'll tell you what it is, its called The Rangers.


Great post for but for me it goes further than that. When I was young Aberdeen were one of the best teams around, whether that be Scotland/UK or in Europe. By the time I knew what was going on we'd become one of the best teams in Scotland but were hopeless in Europe. My son has grown up in an era where Aberdeen are 9th and lose semi finals. In these times where everyone supports Man City or whoever's winning it's important that he knows about our history because I don't want him to support anyone else and we've history to be proud of. I'd imagine if you were a Ross County fan it would be the same, although they've not achieved what we have, the history is what makes the club, the old Jail end etc.


Anyway that's why when other kids are watching cartoons i'm making him watch team of the decade. Until he realises the significance of us scoring 2 goals against Bayern Munich in a minute....he'll continue watching it!

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