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Fat Pap Traynor Excels Himself..

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DESPITE packed stadiums at the weekend and commentators proclaiming it's an exciting season, this doesn't equate to quality and the fans will soon be leaving in their droves.

Fit? Awa and hae a word wi yerself ye fat pap. So exciting fitba isn't what we want, it's quality? Oh aye, give me Spain tippy tapping it about all day long, rather than Ryan Fraser bursting down the wing pinging in crosses. "Quality" is an oft used phrase that means fuck all in fitba terms, entertainment is what gets fans on the edge of their seats.




DIFFICULT to know the best place to begin, what to say or which group to support.


There are so many people whispering and cajoling and trying to gain backing for their ideas and plans which they claim would make Scottish football better. Sadly, we

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This is not an attack on Neil Doncaster who is at the mercy of his members, some of whom behave as though they, and only they know, what is best for the game. They are not interested in providing a structure which allows clubs they believe are a waste of space to breath and thrive
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What you're forgetting is that Jim Traynor is a fucking idiot with a mouthful of Old Firm cock.


Remember those two important facts when reading anything written by Jim Traynor.


1. He's a fucking idiot.


2. Mouthful of Old Firm cock.


The HAAFIMOOFC Conclusion, as they'd call it in scientific-type circles.

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What you're forgetting is that Jim Traynor is a fucking idiot with a mouthful of Old Firm cock.


Remember those two important facts when reading anything written by Jim Traynor.


1. He's a fucking idiot.


2. Mouthful of Old Firm cock.


The HAAFIMOOFC Conclusion, as they'd call it in scientific-type circles.



You've got an extra A in there Kelt but the message still gets across. :dc:

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It's important, when slagging off fat messes like Traynor, that you mind your own 'p's and 'q's, most especially in the thread title, which will lead people to your critique.


Or, indeed, put them off reading your criticism altogether, since in your foaming mock outrage, you yourself have made some heinous grammatical aberration.


Which dilutes your point.

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Traynor is an irrelevance


He's not, that's the problem.


He has a prominent place on the national football broadcast on the BBC.


I complained about him again this morning, he's got an obligation to be impartial.


That obligation is compromised entirely by his employment by the Daily Record, which is a sevco propaganda machine and basically prints drivel for the consumption of morons.


He should be removed from his position at the BBC.


The Record thing I agree is irrelevant.

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He's not, that's the problem.


He has a prominent place on the national football broadcast on the BBC.


I complained about him again this morning, he's got an obligation to be impartial.


That obligation is compromised entirely by his employment by the Daily Record, which is a sevco propaganda machine and basically prints drivel for the consumption of morons.


He should be removed from his position at the BBC.


The Record thing I agree is irrelevant.


Ignore him. I'm quite certain that in the months to come there will be a proper hatchet job done on his "journalism". Let him dribble away to the orcs, Dandies, just ignore him.

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The DR stuff is in no way surprising as this publication serves absolutely no purpose other than to further the lies and agenda of 1 football club and the various organisations that like to associate with that club. Its a steaming pile of shite from cover to cover and only read by completely retarded morons.


As Tup says what IS worrying is that this ill informed, rude, arrogant, objectionable and open partial "commentator" is given airspace by our national broadcaster to push is warped agenda.

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