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It also says in the report that the loans were interest free? I thought they had a higher interest rate than the bank loans... Any ideas on how they can say they were interest free? Down to the fact the interest was always deferred maybez??


You are correct one of the loans in the previous accounts was definitely listed as being higher interest rate than the bank loans.


I Think it was for 250k but could be wrong.

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All fair comments as well to be honest. More often than not, when I've seen this kind of restructure happen, it is when a company is really struggling. Just a slight concern there about what has driven them to do this now when they could have done it previously, especially on the back of other disappointing news with regards finances (further losses and stadium situation up in smoke).


Perhaps it could be pressure from other board members rather than external pressure from the bank.



And one of the stipulations from AAM leaving the board altogether?

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So it's not really been "written off" has it?


Just changed for preferential shares which will be paid first in the event of any change of ownership.


It's not as if they are waking up with less money tomorrow than they had yesterday.


Exciting for accountants perhaps, but relatively meaningless overall

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All fair comments as well to be honest. More often than not, when I've seen this kind of restructure happen, it is when a company is really struggling. Just a slight concern there about what has driven them to do this now when they could have done it previously, especially on the back of other disappointing news with regards finances (further losses and stadium situation up in smoke).


Perhaps it could be pressure from other board members rather than external pressure from the bank.


I think it is common knowledge that the club are really struggling - this should come as a surprise to no one.


Are AAM not withdrawing from the club? Might this explain there timing? and Wiggy merely piggy-backing this or encouraged to do this also?


Might it be the club see an opportunity in the absence of sevco?

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And one of the stipulations from AAM leaving the board altogether?


It's a strange one. With AAM making this additional commitment, you'd think they'd want to retain some opportunity to have an input in how the club is run. Will be interesting to see what they value the investment at in their own accounts in a year or two down the line.

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So it's not really been "written off" has it?


Just changed for preferential shares which will be paid first in the event of any change of ownership.


It's not as if they are waking up with less money tomorrow than they had yesterday.


Exciting for accountants perhaps, but relatively meaningless overall


Thats how i picked it up, but thought it was me being thick.


At least theres two of us now :laughing:

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I think it is common knowledge that the club are really struggling - this should come as a surprise to no one.


Are AAM not withdrawing from the club? Might this explain there timing? and Wiggy merely piggy-backing this or encouraged to do this also?


Might it be the club see an opportunity in the absence of sevco?


It doesn't change a thing in terms of opportunity as it doesn't improve our budget in any way shape or form. We are already at the limit of our external borrowings, hence why these loans started building.


I just wouldn't take it as good news without knowing the full ins and outs of it. Obviously the club are struggling, but I always personally believed that it was being controlled internally by the club. This kind of makes me wonder if the bank is forcing the issue and if that is the case, what this means for the future of the club.

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It also says in the report that the loans were interest free? I thought they had a higher interest rate than the bank loans... Any ideas on how they can say they were interest free? Down to the fact the interest was always deferred maybez??

Aye they changed that think last year when we had to refinance.

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So it's not really been "written off" has it?


Just changed for preferential shares which will be paid first in the event of any change of ownership.


It's not as if they are waking up with less money tomorrow than they had yesterday.


Exciting for accountants perhaps, but relatively meaningless overall

Aye pretty much so. They won't lose out at all but it looks good for the books at AFC.


The major worry is that we are still running at massive operating loss of 1.144 million and total loss for year of 1.732 million. And this won't be affected by turning interest free loans into shares.

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