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Aberdeen Fc & Injuries

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We are now about 9 players down due to injuries.

Do questions need to be asked why we constantly seem to have chronic injuries?

Every season seems to be the same.

We always seem to have worse injuries than everyone else.

Hamstring injuries appear to be a constant problem.

Is it the players we sign that are injury prone?

Is it training methods?


It's just sickening that when we get into a great position to challenge at the top of the league, we get decimated by injuries that threaten to ruin our season, with a cup tie looming in which I think we're now underdogs.

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We are now about 9 players down due to injuries.

Do questions need to be asked why we constantly seem to have chronic injuries?

Every season seems to be the same.

We always seem to have worse injuries than everyone else.

Hamstring injuries appear to be a constant problem.

Is it the players we sign that are injury prone?

Is it training methods?


It's just sickening that when we get into a great position to challenge at the top of the league, we get decimated by injuries that threaten to ruin our season, with a cup tie looming in which I think we're now underdogs.


Mixture of everything really.


They're training on a variety of different surfaces, which can't do muscles any good. The young players coming through will be affected by this too. Guys like Fraser developing rapidly at the moment, with no facilities available.Signing good standard players or experienced players will mean they will be injury prone. The better players may not be playing for a club like Aberdeen if they weren't injury prone. The experienced players coming towards the end of their careers will be more injury prone anyway.


I'd imagine there must be something up with the training methods too, but I wouldn't want to be the one who had to tell Archie Knox that.

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Had a quick look online.


To date, the risk factors examined in the literature have either been scientifically associated with injury and/or speculated to be associated with injury. In this context, quantifying the real role of each factor remains hypothetical, the most likely ones corresponding to inadequate warm-up, invalid structure and the content of training, muscle tightness and/or weakness, agonist/antagonist imbalances, underestimation of an extensive injury, use of inappropriate drugs, presence of an extensive scar tissue and, above all, incomplete or aggressive rehabilitation.


>Seemed the most sensible I saw, most small studies<





In trying to reduce the number of initial and recurrent hamstring strains in football, prevention of initial injury is paramount. If injury does occur, the importance of differential diagnosis followed by the management of all causes of posterior thigh pain is emphasised.


>Big study<



Do we maybe just have too aggressive a culture for recovery from hammy niggles (I'd guess everyone gets them at some point really)? dontknow.gif

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Why are we getting all of these injuries is it training, Archie's fitness program or just unlucky?

Here is a list of the injuries:


1. Jack

2. Rae

3. Naismith

4. Osbourne

5. Milsom

6. Fraser

7. Hughes

8. Clark

9. Robertson

10. Hayes (possibly looked like his hamstring tonight)


Why so many centre midfielders we will be struggling for a midfield on Saturday.


Feel free to update this as the weeks go on!

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Whether or not our injuries have come from tackles in games etc. or what, we are STILL getting far too many hammy injuries.

It's been happening for last few seasons & it's just so much more frustrating this season, given how exciting the league is.

I fear we're going to end up also rans in what could & should be a fantastic & exciting season for us & some of the blame for that must be to do with training/stretching etc. Something is very wrong & it's not like the club didn't know this for a while :dontknow:

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We are now about 9 players down due to injuries.

Do questions need to be asked why we constantly seem to have chronic injuries?

Every season seems to be the same.

We always seem to have worse injuries than everyone else.

Hamstring injuries appear to be a constant problem.

Is it the players we sign that are injury prone?

Is it training methods?


It's just sickening that when we get into a great position to challenge at the top of the league, we get decimated by injuries that threaten to ruin our season, with a cup tie looming in which I think we're now underdogs.

Same question seems to get asked every year - surely gone way past probability and bad luck?

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What's the deal on emergency loans?

Is it only for keepers & in special circumstances?


Is there any way we could sneak in some before Jan?


Dreaming I know


We can only sign players that have no club, or with permission from the SPL, we could sign a keeper on loan if we had no fit keepers as it's deemed a specialist position.

Other than that, we need to wait until 1st Jan.

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Why are we getting all of these injuries is it training, Archie's fitness program or just unlucky?

Here is a list of the injuries:


1. Jack

2. Rae

3. Naismith

4. Osbourne

5. Milsom

6. Fraser

7. Hughes

8. Clark

9. Robertson

10. Hayes (possibly looked like his hamstring tonight)


Why so many centre midfielders we will be struggling for a midfield on Saturday.


Feel free to update this as the weeks go on!


Milsom has been out of action for so long he's not a current squad player. Clark and Osbourne both have records of being injury prone. If it's down to the fitness program then why has Anderson missed so few games. With his long lay off, he could have been expected to be a victim of that more than anyone.

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Mixture of everything really.


They're training on a variety of different surfaces, which can't do muscles any good. The young players coming through will be affected by this too. Guys like Fraser developing rapidly at the moment, with no facilities available.Signing good standard players or experienced players will mean they will be injury prone. The better players may not be playing for a club like Aberdeen if they weren't injury prone. The experienced players coming towards the end of their careers will be more injury prone anyway.


I'd imagine there must be something up with the training methods too, but I wouldn't want to be the one who had to tell Archie Knox that.


Not necessarily always the case. It can actually assist with muscle balance. However it's catch 22 as by running on varying surfaces you are using muscles not normally used and therefore more liable to a tweak.


That being said professional footballers shouldn't have "weak points" and should be able to adapt accordingly and their training is a lot more mixed up that a runners would be. Point still stands. (Just)

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I hope some of the other teams (well all of them actually) get their fair share of injuries compared to what we have.

They likely won't cos they probably train & warm up/down & stretch correctly though.


That hun Butcher for example seems to be getting very lucky & benefiting from others injuries at the right times

Obviously he gained from us at the midweek game & it looks like he's likely to gain again from Hibs injury to Griffith also

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I hope some of the other teams (well all of them actually) get their fair share of injuries compared to what we have.

They likely won't cos they probably train & warm up/down & stretch correctly though.




Do we not like? That's a shocking revelation, someone should get Peterheid Loon on the job.

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