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Hearts -V- Aberdeen

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Hoping for a draw in this afternoon's derby as then Hearts will be totally focused on the replay instead of us.


Players returning for us will be imperative if we are to win, they have fuck all up front but still competitive in midfield and strong at the back.


0-0 wouldn't surprise or disappoint me.

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Michael Stewart got it absolutely stinkin that night. I seem to recall almost non-stop abuse. Quality night, should have hit them for 5 or 6. Laszlo got binned the next day.


That was the night I thought McGhee had us on the right track, barely won a fucking game for the rest of the season.

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Looking at Hearts players in tunnel first thing that noticed was they look to have "big" team (could possibly be that Hibs have short side though). Set pieces could be an advantage for Hearts today.

They've had a big team for quite a while now. When you play that lot you've got to try and win the physical battle no questions asked

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