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Lee Child Books


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Anyone else read them all? & if so then I assume you like them, given that you have read them all.


So I assume you are as pissed off as me that that little shite (& I stress little) has bought the rights to one of them (& likely more) so he can play the hero.


The main thing about Jack Reacher's character is his size. 6ft 5" & 250Lbs so how the fuck can that wee shitey placenta eating cunt play that part & expect to get the main attributes of his character across?


Just cos he read & liked ONE book he thinks cos he can afford to, that he has the right to fkn buy the rights ruin it for everyone else who likes ALL the books.


Never liked the wee prick (Top gun excluded cos it's a classic) & I hate the wee prick even more now.


No point in commenting on this if you haven't read the books, as you will not fully understand & believe the importance of the character being so big unless you have read them.




Don't get me wrong, the film will likely turn out to be a hit but essentially that wee shite is going to ruin the character, especially if he does any of the other stories

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Just read my first one a couple weeks back, have 10 more on the way off e-bay. Biggest page turner I'd read in some time, 3 days it took to get through.


Wonder how Cruise will play him?





It is a really good series of books & the Character is great & as you say once you start you can't stop.


Which one did you start with?


Since you like them I can also recommend another author & series of books.

Robert Crais, The Elvis Cole & Joe Pike series. They are two fantastic Characters also & very easy reading but would recommend that these are certainly read in order.

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Anyone else read them all? & if so then I assume you like them, given that you have read them all.


So I assume you are as pissed off as me that that little shite (& I stress little) has bought the rights to one of them (& likely more) so he can play the hero.


The main thing about Jack Reacher's character is his size. 6ft 5" & 250Lbs so how the fuck can that wee shitey placenta eating cunt play that part & expect to get the main attributes of his character across?


Just cos he read & liked ONE book he thinks cos he can afford to, that he has the right to fkn buy the rights ruin it for everyone else who likes ALL the books.


Never liked the wee prick (Top gun excluded cos it's a classic) & I hate the wee prick even more now.


No point in commenting on this if you haven't read the books, as you will not fully understand & believe the importance of the character being so big unless you have read them.




Don't get me wrong, the film will likely turn out to be a hit but essentially that wee shite is going to ruin the character, especially if he does any of the other stories


I've read all the books, and was equally put off when i saw the film trailer. Tom Cruise is no Harry Bosch. :fight: Undecided about whether to go see it or not.

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I've read all the books, and was equally put off when i saw the film trailer. Tom Cruise is no Harry Bosch. :fight: Undecided about whether to go see it or not.



:laughing: Jack Reacher you mean?


I have also read all the Harry Bosch books. Real good also. Michael Connelly is another fantastic Author. Especially liked the Poet & the Narrows

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It is a really good series of books & the Character is great & as you say once you start you can't stop.


Which one did you start with?


Since you like them I can also recommend another author & series of books.

Robert Crais, The Elvis Cole & Joe Pike series. They are two fantastic Characters also & very easy reading but would recommend that these are certainly read in order.

I started with The Enemy unfortunately, I'll get the rest in order now though. Also started going through the Kathy Reichs 'Bones' series.

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Pretty poor reading material, chewing gum for the brain like a cow lazily eating cud.


The big 'man's man' wanders into town, saves certain inhabitants from some bullying, manipulate schemer.


Then wanders off into the sunset to his next adventure before anyone has time to thank him.


Tom Cruise should make the films a bit more interesting than the books are to read


there'd be no argument from me that it's an easy read. but not without being enjoyable. i can see them being excellent films. if it weren't Tom Cruise playing Reacher. :(


EDIT: i think The Rock would make an awesome Reacher! :sheepdance:

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For a short, weird scientologist, Cruise is a fucking good actor. Can't take that away from the guy.



He does play the same parts (cos that's all he knows) well. I'll give him that.


But the point is that Jack reacher is 6ft 5" & 250 Lbs & his bother is of similar size & that is the main point of his character & is mentioned countless times & is very relevant in pretty much every book of his. So the fact that the wee cock Cruise is goint to even attemp to play this part just disgusts me & it will make a mockery of the character to many adoring readers.


If he had read some of the earlier books he'd appreciate this more I'm sure but then he's got wee man syndrome & is a little cunt

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I'm, not really sure about that. Isn't it more he's in (generally) good films? He plays the same guy in every movie.


I don't know if that's entirely true.


In Collateral he played a kick-ass sociopath killing machine.


War of the Worlds, frightened dock monkey.


Last Samurai... the last Samurai.


Valkyrie, a rebellious NAZI out to kill Hitler.


Far and Away, fuck knows... looks like it was for chicks so I avoided. But I think he might have been an Irish farmhand or something.


Born on the Fourth of July, lunatic in a wheelchair.


Top Gun, possibly homosexual pilot with strong feelings for Val Kilmer... and who doesn't?


Cocktail, another chick flick, but I think he threw things and fucked babes.


Mission Impossible is probably his most popular role, innovative secret agent.


I mean, sure, a lot of people are going to get killed, but Arnie did that brilliantly with no acting talent whatsoever.


I wouldn't say Cruise plays the same role any more than any other actor. Usually an actor will slot into a role and be somewhat typecast;


Richard Gere, the big nosed romantic lead in piss poor Chick Flicks.


Bruce Willis, the on-edge dude who will kill you while dispensing cheeky one-liners.


Johnny Depp, weirdo.


Tiffany Shepis, fantastic arsed indie chick in a selection of bate-inducing clothes. To save you Googling...




But, no, I wouldn't say Cruise is particularly typecast aside from as some generic good-looking, gets-shit-done, lead man.


Good actor... very good actor.

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not blonde! :fight: bald and bad-ass :thumbup1:



Prefer the Character remains the same as in the book.

Blond & Blue eyed (I'm sounding a little :gay: here) cos once you start changing small details, then all the rest gets fucked about with.


You must have read Michael Connely's Blood Work yes?


So (Even though it's good old Clint Eastwood) you (I hope) agree that they fucked about with this story too much & completely changed who the bad guy was for the film :o

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Prefer the Character remains the same as in the book.

Blond & Blue eyed (I'm sounding a little :gay: here) cos once you start changing small details, then all the rest gets fucked about with.


You must have read Michael Connely's Blood Work yes?


So (Even though it's good old Clint Eastwood) you (I hope) agree that they fucked about with this story too much & completely changed who the bad guy was for the film :o


i understand your point and would generally agree. though to be fair, i couldn't have told you that he was blonde or not, what stuck with me through the books was his physical size. i can't think of any blondes that are large enough to do him justice. off the top of my head anyway. i'd rather the physical presence were right, rather than the hair colour. so i'm still holding out for The Rock. or someone similar.

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i understand your point and would generally agree. though to be fair, i couldn't have told you that he was blonde or not, what stuck with me through the books was his physical size. i can't think of any blondes that are large enough to do him justice. off the top of my head anyway. i'd rather the physical presence were right, rather than the hair colour. so i'm still holding out for The Rock. or someone similar.



Yes I agree the physical presence is most certainly the most important attribute in this case.


The Rock is just too much of a pretty boy for me to play Reacher

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Anyone else read them all? & if so then I assume you like them, given that you have read them all.


So I assume you are as pissed off as me that that little shite (& I stress little) has bought the rights to one of them (& likely more) so he can play the hero.


The main thing about Jack Reacher's character is his size. 6ft 5" & 250Lbs so how the fuck can that wee shitey placenta eating cunt play that part & expect to get the main attributes of his character across?


Just cos he read & liked ONE book he thinks cos he can afford to, that he has the right to fkn buy the rights ruin it for everyone else who likes ALL the books.


Never liked the wee prick (Top gun excluded cos it's a classic) & I hate the wee prick even more now.


No point in commenting on this if you haven't read the books, as you will not fully understand & believe the importance of the character being so big unless you have read them.




Don't get me wrong, the film will likely turn out to be a hit but essentially that wee shite is going to ruin the character, especially if he does any of the other stories


I've read most of them and like you I am disturbed that Reacher's 6'5" is translated on screen to 5'6"


I'll still go and see it.

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I've read most of them and like you I am disturbed that Reacher's 6'5" is translated on screen to 5'6"


I'll still go and see it.


Oh I'll certainly watch it, if for nothing else but to see how much else they've changed about it.


It will likely be a good old blockbuster but that doesn't mean it'll be as good as it would have been had they stuck with the original type of character.


I won't sleep tonight for thinking about the difference in height between a fictional character and the actor who has bought the rights to the story he features in.


How tedious, YAWN!


Do you read books, if so what kind & have any been made into movies?


Are you always happy with how these said books are transferred onto the screen?

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  • 4 weeks later...

has anyone else gone to see it yet?


i gave in and went last night. it was a good action flick. and Tom Cruise, while i still don't think he was the right person for the part, was good. better than good actually. it's been a while since i read the Lee Child novel it's based on (One Shot), so i can't say how much it stayed true, or not, to the book. but an enjoyable movie! :thumbup1:


it won't ruin the experience for anyone else to say i noticed in the closing credits that Lee Child had a cameo in the film. not as himself though.

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Nah my cock is strictly for females oriffices.


& I would also never hold another mans cock.


Never say never, FnD. Let's say Johnny Depp, for example, was standing next to you in the bogs, but he'd suffered a.. fuck, I don't know... a cutlass accident or something whilst filming his popular Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and both his hands were heavily bandaged.. 'Scuse me, mate..." he says in his best Jack Sparra, "'Scuse me mate. Could you get me cock out and aim it at the porcelain?" How about then?


has anyone else gone to see it yet?


i gave in and went last night. it was a good action flick. and Tom Cruise, while i still don't think he was the right person for the part, was good. better than good actually. it's been a while since i read the Lee Child novel it's based on (One Shot), so i can't say how much it stayed true, or not, to the book. but an enjoyable movie! :thumbup1:


it won't ruin the experience for anyone else to say i noticed in the closing credits that Lee Child had a cameo in the film. not as himself though.


For all his lunacy, TC is a fantastic actor. Totally underrated, particularly by the 'Hip' film critic clique.


I'd watch 90 minutes of him punching out bad guys, punks and asshats any day of the week.

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