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I Fancy A New Tv


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Still very pricey though.


Has any of you seen this TV at a good price or can you perhaps recommend a better one?


What TV have you purchased lately (last 12 months) and what do you think of it?


My current TV is 40" (Samsung LE40a656 - i think) so I'm looking to go bigger if I do buy one. My main reason for the Sammy is because it looks SMERT as fook, but it's also pretty up to date therefor a lot more future proof.


Cheers the noo

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I've had nothing but problems with my Samsung, it switches itself off then comes again 5 minutes later, seems a common problem if you google it, no problems with the Tesco Technika in my second living room.

I've had Samsungs for the past 7 years and never had a problem with one

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