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Religious Christmas Cards


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I'm pretty diligent about not jamming my atheism into people's faces, even though I've some psychotically strong feelings about the whole religion thing. It might come up in conversation, but jamming it down an unwilling throat, like a turgid Horsecock-O-Atheism, I don't do that.


Why, then, do the religious leap on any fucking opportunity to send me Christmas Cards full of pictures of Beach Jesus, with little flying pixies motoring around in fluffy clouds, while suspiciously white European sorts hurtle along dusty Middle Eastern roads as they chase after astronomical anomalies?


I understand the whole Theft of Saturnalia thing, but again, I'm not a Christian or a Saturnalian, so why send me your racist, sectarian literature and expect me to place it atop my fireplace?


Four cards in the mail today... every one of them banging on about Jesus and the Goblins. Not one of them with a racially accurate Jesus. If he was Middle Eastern he didn't look like a fucking Viking.


I'ma fuck this sheep over here right quick now... ODIN!


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What the fuck does Christmas have tae dae wi religion? :dontknow:


In my house... fuck all.


It's about getting presents, shoving a turkey down your throat, getting pished and watching Bond fight awesome villains


if some people want to make it about Jesus and his elves then fine. But don't involve the Kelts in your fairytale nonsense.

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What the fuck does Christmas have tae dae wi religion? :dontknow:


In my house... fuck all.


It's about getting presents, shoving a turkey down your throat, getting pished and watching Bond fight awesome villains


if some people want to make it about Jesus and his elves then fine. But don't involve the Kelts in your fairytale nonsense.

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You class putting novelty antlers on your kitten as 'fun'?


that was sarcasm, Tup.


that said, i'd probably give it a go. she's been trying to destroy what few decorations i've managed to put up this year, and seems to have a real hate-on for the pompom on the santa hat and the Jul goat by the tree. :( perhaps her own set of antlers will give her something else to focus on?


but back on topic, it's a far better Christmas card than a religious one.

i also prefer Christmas snow scenes on cards to religious ones.

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