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What's Your Christmas Day Plan?


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I'll be up bright and early to watch the kid open her presents then a visit to my folks, its at this point that I'll decide whether to head for the cruiser or head home, probably the latter after the debacle of last year.


Will be having Xmas dinner at home with just the other half and child, you can't beat being in your own house imo, used to alternate between my folks and hers, after dinner feet up and watch a movie with a few Stellas at hand.


May even pop on here later on to wish my cyber friends a merry christmas. :clangers:

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Open the presents in the house with the other half and the loon - will be his first Christmas.


In the afternoon into Bridge of Don to the in laws, then in the evening heading to Stonehaven to my family...probably stay the night in Stonehaven.

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Open the presents in the house with the other half and the loon - will be his first Christmas.


In the afternoon into Bridge of Don to the in laws, then in the evening heading to Stonehaven to my family...probably stay the night in Stonehaven.

When they're between 2 and 10 xmas days are great, they look so surprised that santa has been, when mines was about 3 she got a little chute and just hugged it while screaming for a few minutes.

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Going for a curry and drinks on Christmas eve


Wake up


Get up and do a massive shite




Go to my sisters


Have some turkey


Drink some booze


Fuck off to the pub and see my mates


Roll in the door bleezing drunk




I hope you'll help out with the dishes after having your dinner cooked for yeh mobby?

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Aye 100mph at yer hoovering and dusting chores the wifes allocated you or you'll get a bollocking!


I bet you're right under the thumb and this site is your chance to live your dream life! :laughing:


Nobody tells me what to do pal, least of all a woman.


I'm 100% in charge of my own destiny.


I'm still sweating on a couple of presents for my loon.


It won't be the end of the world if they dinna arrive but it might be if the world ends tomorrow and I've paid for the cunting things.


Canna see them arriving if this Mayan pish comes off.

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I'll help cook the dinner


The pub winna be open til later so i'll wash the dishes


The loon can dry.


Good stuff!


I'd always wash over drying, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to washing the dishes, has to be spotless or they don't leave the water, not a job suitable for your average woman, they'll just give a quick wipe and pass it off to the dryer!

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I'm not complaining, but Christmas is the one time of the year I'd love to be back in Scotland. I miss Christmas Day with the family and boozing it up on the surrounding days with the lads!




For all their fucking bonzer pish they come away with, Australians are poofs compared to us.


We are the ones who put the bastards there in the first place for being inferior, good for nothing, wife beating crims.

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Mind the times we used to hit toon an xmas eve used to be a good night


Round to westhill in the morning to see brother / sister in law, then roung to see other in laws in the afternoon! Ditch the car and have dinner at my folks, Notice my dad has two cases of beer in.........providing im the only one who drinks it i cant imagine what sort of shape i'll be in come home time.


Contemplating motherwell the next day! Had a good day on boxing day down there a few years back.

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