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Eric Black

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It's a nice thought Tommy but I can't see Black back in the SPL anytime soon...I fear we're stuck with auld Brooner for another season.


Broon is exactly the type Milne loves...a "yes man" who will never speak out of turn or "rock the boat"...Great for Milne but sh*t for the rest of us

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How many more legends do we want to destroy?

See the problem i have with Black is the way he left the club. Absolutely he'll be forever revered for his important goals in his time here, but the whole Metz debacle must still leave a bitter taste for a lot of Dandies, and that's why i can't understand some folks constant need to want him to come back here. Well also the fact he's done fuck all managerial too like.

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nah not for me only joking ive constantly said Black is the best manager we,ve yet to have.

His manageral record was not spectacular at motherwell but he was affected by the clubs admimistraton. If you ask Coventry fans they rated him higly look whoever we appoint they can only piss with the cock theyr given i think he would get the best out of players its been said that every player who has worked with him enjoys his traiining routines. He had Knox as assistant at Coventry so maybe there is scope for Archie to stay i don't think Black would be adverse to Brown staying on in an advisory capacity Black has been an agent, he is fluent in French and German he is very keen on fitness, dietry requirements

i also feel that his legend status would not be under threat he has a dfferent persona to mcghee,

for me its worth the gamble get it done

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his managerial record is probably less than 100 games so he lacks experience in number of games but he has worked under Ferguson, Venglos, McAllister and Bruce he assembled a superb backroom team at Motherwell, Chris McCart, george Adams heading up youth set up two of the most reveered youth coaches. terry butcher was his assistant for me i have seen too many of the largs mafia, brown, the oaf, alex miller, perhaps we need a fresh new approach i think its time we have approached him before Black admits that, but he has always been in a job, he has a house in Alness and wants to move back up this way eventually

as for the way he left i was 12 then and it broke my heart to see my idol leave, but it would have happened under Porterfield anyway i reckon, but he had given us great service just wish he had gone to a big english club if he had think the fans would have been more undertsanding its the fact he went to a largely unfashionable French club that he chose annoyed the fans

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his managerial record is probably less than 100 games so he lacks experience in number of games but he has worked under Ferguson, Venglos, McAllister and Bruce he assembled a superb backroom team at Motherwell, Chris McCart, george Adams heading up youth set up two of the most reveered youth coaches. terry butcher was his assistant for me i have seen too many of the largs mafia, brown, the oaf, alex miller, perhaps we need a fresh new approach i think its time we have approached him before Black admits that, but he has always been in a job, he has a house in Alness and wants to move back up this way eventually

as for the way he left i was 12 then and it broke my heart to see my idol leave, but it would have happened under Porterfield anyway i reckon, but he had given us great service just wish he had gone to a big english club if he had think the fans would have been more undertsanding its the fact he went to a largely unfashionable French club that he chose annoyed the fans



I hear you but I would argue that alot of our past managers did not have proven track records. Alex miller etc... even Brown has done very little in club management. Then again I doubt we could afford any one with such a proven track record.

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We need a younger manager with ambition.

Someone that can come in and give the place a bit of a shake.

We need someone that sees himself being at Aberdeen for 3 years and uses us as a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

When was the last time a manager left us to go to a better and bigger club. It was Fergie. That was 26 years ago FFS.

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I hear you but I would argue that alot of our past managers did not have proven track records. Alex miller etc... even Brown has done very little in club management. Then again I doubt we could afford any one with such a proven track record.

much as it galls me i don't think it's fauir to say Alex Miller duid'nt have a track record manager of St Mirren and Hibernian for decent spells and he took b oth clubs into Europe and won the league Cup at Hibs, assistant at Coventry and Scotland before we had the misfortune of his dour face!

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much as it galls me i don't think it's fauir to say Alex Miller duid'nt have a track record manager of St Mirren and Hibernian for decent spells and he took b oth clubs into Europe and won the league Cup at Hibs, assistant at Coventry and Scotland before we had the misfortune of his dour face!



Was he not sacked by Hibs though?

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his managerial record is probably less than 100 games so he lacks experience in number of games but he has worked under Ferguson, Venglos, McAllister and Bruce he assembled a superb backroom team at Motherwell, Chris McCart, george Adams heading up youth set up two of the most reveered youth coaches. terry butcher was his assistant for me i have seen too many of the largs mafia, brown, the oaf, alex miller, perhaps we need a fresh new approach i think its time we have approached him before Black admits that, but he has always been in a job, he has a house in Alness and wants to move back up this way eventually

as for the way he left i was 12 then and it broke my heart to see my idol leave, but it would have happened under Porterfield anyway i reckon, but he had given us great service just wish he had gone to a big english club if he had think the fans would have been more undertsanding its the fact he went to a largely unfashionable French club that he chose annoyed the fans



Why the fuck would anyone want to live in Alness?

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Craig Brown inherited a squad of total wasters and in the space of a couple of transfer windows, on only free transfers he has transformed the squad to the extent that he is getting pelters for not putting in a 'challenge' just now. Whatever a realistic challenge would be to Celtic. Sure there are some shit results but the football this season has been a world away from the shite of the previous few years and we now have some genuinely good players at the club.


Yet here we are debating binning him and getting someone with no track record to speak of just because he is a 'legend'. Some folk need a reality check.


With any luck the injuries will clear, results will pick up, Europe will beckon next season and Brown will sign a new contract. Who needs stability though, that never got a football club anywhere.

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Agree with most of what fifered says. I think CB can be criticised in some respects for being over cautious at times - though he has played some fairly attacking formations recently - not that they've worked each time. The truth of the matter is that The Dons have a decent team they can put out when everyone is fit. Take a few people out of that team and the replacements are not up to it / consistent enough. The squad needs four or five quality additions to get it up to the standard most would like to see - challenging for at least 2nd, regular cup finals. The money doesn't exist to make these additions, and no manager will be able to make the current level of player perform consistently and remain injury free for the season. Remember that some of the better players at Pittodrie are only available to us because they have a history of injury problems.


Eric Black? No thanks, think CB will continue to make progress - particularly if he is given any scope to invest in the squad. Progress is a slow process - changing manager isn't going to speed it up any - quite the opposite.

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Craig Brown inherited a squad of total wasters and in the space of a couple of transfer windows, on only free transfers he has transformed the squad to the extent that he is getting pelters for not putting in a 'challenge' just now. Whatever a realistic challenge would be to Celtic. Sure there are some shit results but the football this season has been a world away from the shite of the previous few years and we now have some genuinely good players at the club.


Yet here we are debating binning him and getting someone with no track record to speak of just because he is a 'legend'. Some folk need a reality check.


With any luck the injuries will clear, results will pick up, Europe will beckon next season and Brown will sign a new contract. Who needs stability though, that never got a football club anywhere.


Brown is getting stick for winning only 34 out his 99 games in charge despite having what he says is budget well in excess of most of the league. Even this season with a team that most Dons fans think is the best in years we have only won 7 out of 20 league games. He has steadied the ship but him being able to take us back to a position to challenge for Europe and cups is open to debate.

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Brown is getting stick for winning only 34 out his 99 games in charge despite having what he says is budget well in excess of most of the league. Even this season with a team that most Dons fans think is the best in years we have only won 7 out of 20 league games. He has steadied the ship but him being able to take us back to a position to challenge for Europe and cups is open to debate.

And so you would replace him with someone with little track record as a manager, the theory being, as you said above, one of the 'legends' have to work out eventually. Crazy.


Incidentally, you can use the stats to back up your argument but that takes no account of the terrible squad he had to work with when he first arrived. Judge him at the end off this season, if the injuries clear up, because they are clearly significant at the moment, then the results should improve and I see no reason why they won't.

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Craig Brown inherited a squad of total wasters and in the space of a couple of transfer windows, on only free transfers he has transformed the squad to the extent that he is getting pelters for not putting in a 'challenge' just now. Whatever a realistic challenge would be to Celtic. Sure there are some shit results but the football this season has been a world away from the shite of the previous few years and we now have some genuinely good players at the club.


Yet here we are debating binning him and getting someone with no track record to speak of just because he is a 'legend'. Some folk need a reality check.


With any luck the injuries will clear, results will pick up, Europe will beckon next season and Brown will sign a new contract. Who needs stability though, that never got a football club anywhere.


The only reason folk are talking about Brown's replacement in cos he's 72, FFS, not cos he's doing a shit job.

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