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Aberdeen And Religion

Karl Fletcher

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Apparently Aberdeen is the least religious City in the Country with 43% of the population claiming to have no religion.


I'm surprised it's that low tbh.


Hard to counter when you think about it. Most Churches are now converted to pubs and I could count on one hand the amount of people I know or at least socialise with who are actually religious.


I've never, ever believed in God and feel a sort of strange pride that Aberdeen isn't associated with any religion.


Any religious Dandies out there that have found their faith coming into conflict with living here?


What's your own personal experiences of religion in Aberdeen?

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Apparently Aberdeen is the least religious City in the Country with 43% of the population claiming to have no religion.


I'm surprised it's that low tbh.


Hard to counter when you think about it. Most Churches are now converted to pubs and I could count on one hand the amount of people I know or at least socialise with who are actually religious.


I've never, ever believed in God and feel a sort of strange pride that Aberdeen isn't associated with any religion.


Any religious Dandies out there that have found their faith coming into conflict with living here?


What's your own personal experiences of religion in Aberdeen?

Scotland or UK?


I think if the question was actively practising religion, then that figure would drop into the single digits somewhere.


Load of old hoop. Can't say I've come across any rabid atheists though, it's the god botherers that are a pain and much more prevalent.

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Scotland or UK?


I think if the question was actively practising religion, then that figure would drop into the single digits somewhere.


Load of old hoop. Can't say I've come across any rabid atheists though, it's the god botherers that are a pain and much more prevalent.


How do they bother you?


If folk want to be religious let them, can't say they are ever a pain to me.

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This doesn't surprise me. The NE is the best place on earth because of its people. We don't do church, less than any other place it seems. This means our instincts and our intellects are superior.


Religious types who do attend kirk are not bad people necessarily but they have strayed from the path of righteousness. No fucking idea what the path of righteousness looks like, where it comes from, where it goes etc. but I do know that the path they (all religions) sell is a non-existent one.


Yet more confirmation of the excellence of the city of Aberdeen.



Some areas of the North East are extremely religious, especially along the Northern Coast between Banff and Fraserburgh.

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How do they bother you?


If folk want to be religious let them, can't say they are ever a pain to me.

It's the ones that come to your door preaching that piss me off. How many aethiests have you had coming to your door going "Alright Mate, what about that Big Bang eh! And that Darwin bloke, bloody genius. Anyways, just popping in to give you this leaflet about evolution and wanted to make sure you were aware that we are all the Big Bangs children...and it loves us equally. Nah, just pulling your leg mate...have a good one"

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It's the ones that come to your door preaching that piss me off. How many aethiests have you had coming to your door going "Alright Mate, what about that Big Bang eh! And that Darwin bloke, bloody genius. Anyways, just popping in to give you this leaflet about evolution and wanted to make sure you were aware that we are all the Big Bangs children...and it loves us equally. Nah, just pulling your leg mate...have a good one"


That would be annoying, nothing like shoving it down your throat. Can't say i've ever had these visitors though.

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It's all bollocks. Those Old Firm fans who label themselves catholic or a proddy are as much Catholic / Protestant as I am Jewish. I bet that > 80% of them aren't practicing and they have labelled themselves that because of their parents / area they live / the football team they support. Guaranteed there will be quite a few huns/tims who will have "picked up" their religion through the club.

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That would be annoying, nothing like shoving it down your throat. Can't say i've ever had these visitors though.

I had one not that long ago. He came to my door on my 30th birthday telling me to look for the signs. I asked him where the signs where, and he told me they were in the book. You've got to admit, it's not the best place to keep a sign.


I told him i'd take my chances without God and closed the door.

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I have no religion....superstitious twaddle .

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".

Basically it was illusion to keep the masses in line . Behave and kowtow and you will be rewarded in heaven . Never mind that bollocks , we only know whats tangible , we should be trying building heaven right here right now !!!

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I had quite a few at my door when I lived in Rosemount.


Managed to engage them in a conversation about Dinosaurs in the end, was quite amusing :)


I like to think I'm quite tolerant towards religious people. If someone is, that's fine, I'm not going to try and convince them otherwise as who am I to ram my beliefs down other people's throats.


However when you do meet someone who actually believes in God and all that malarky I really want to give them a shake and say 'Really!? REALLY?' :millertime:


I never do though.


Live and let live.

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In my time as a student at Aberdeen Uni, I used to go to mass on a Sunday night at the church just off Union Street, it was pretty busy back then(91-95), we used to have a wee smoke before hand, get the bus down(as you got half price Big Macs with the tickets) perv on the birds in the band, go get a McDonalds then off to Zuu for Student night. I'm not "religous", lucky if I go 3-4 times a year.

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In my time as a student at Aberdeen Uni, I used to go to mass on a Sunday night at the church just off Union Street, it was pretty busy back then(91-95), we used to have a wee smoke before hand, get the bus down(as you got half price Big Macs with the tickets) perv on the birds in the band, go get a McDonalds then off to Zuu for Student night. I'm not "religous", lucky if I go 3-4 times a year.


To be fair, if you went to Uni 91-95 you're getting on a bit now, so only going clubbing 3-4 times a year isn't so bad.

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That would be annoying, nothing like shoving it down your throat. Can't say i've ever had these visitors though.


i have had jehovas coming to my door a number of times.

im always polite and tell them no thanks, not for me.

once it was a weegie wifey that was doing the rounds. once she clocked my accent i couldnt get rid of her.

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even worse than bible bashers are the number of charity seekers who come round. always ready to take your bank details.



Leave a leaflet etc to advertise but pushing you on your doorstop probably does them more harm than good! Anyone wishing to donate to charity will do it on their own terms.

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Leave a leaflet etc to advertise but pushing you on your doorstop probably does them more harm than good! Anyone wishing to donate to charity will do it on their own terms.


oh yeah.


they are a well meaning bunch these do-gooders though so i dont want to knock too much.

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No problem with folk believing whatever they want as long as it's a personal thing, they don't preach it and it doesn't affect other people. All the religions are bigoted with people in certain parts of the world taking their bigotry to more extremes than others. You're a bigot yourself though if you happen to criticise the practises of bigotry carried out by followers of these religions! :clangers2:

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Apparently Aberdeen is the least religious City in the Country with 43% of the population claiming to have no religion.


I'm surprised it's that low tbh.


Hard to counter when you think about it. Most Churches are now converted to pubs and I could count on one hand the amount of people I know or at least socialise with who are actually religious.


I've never, ever believed in God and feel a sort of strange pride that Aberdeen isn't associated with any religion.


Any religious Dandies out there that have found their faith coming into conflict with living here?


What's your own personal experiences of religion in Aberdeen?


All I'll say is God didn't/doesn't exist.

That should answer your question Karl! :thumbup1:

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If you believe in god your more or less on a par with the yorkshire ripper.


churches are funny, there's a lot of evangelical/baptist churches in edinburgh. the one you would go to for a big sing song and if you want to speak in tongues and have a freak out then go ahead!


i prefer church of scotland, dour, jumble sales, funerals, youth club discos.


funny places.

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