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At A Monster Truck Thing


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Nah I've been to the Stock car racing in Cowdenbeath though and thon was shite.

The laddie likes going to the NASCAR mind you. That and the Redskins.Deep down he's a good 'ol Copperhead, y'hear.


This is brutal... El Tori Loco is in the lead on 24 points, for reasons I'm completely unable to fathom. A few if the trucks have wiped out, to the jubilation of the crowd... though smashing your truck onto its roof seems to get to no additional points.


Loud... it's really loud.


Oocha... this laddie will need a new rear axle. though.


Seriously.... shoot me.

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Many moons ago now, but indeed I have. Noisy as hell. I prefer stock car racing or demolition derbies to monster trucks. I take it your loon was keen to attend? :)


Yeah, he's loving this... got his headphones on and totally caught up in it.


Only words I can get out of him. are








These are not the words I'd use, personally.

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I take it's indoors Kelt. How much was the entrance fee if you don't mind me asking?




Jesus, I75 was like they'd let all the mental patients loose on the freeway.... saw the worst case of road rage yet.


It was indoor at Ford Field, and it was like 20 buck a ticket. Parking was more expensive at 30 buck.


Anyway, Monster Jam it was called... which sounds like a kid's flavour of spreadable preservative, but wasn't.


Lots of this though...



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