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Inspiration Fae Chappit Neeps!


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Hi fellow Dandies,


After reading Chappit Neeps thread about coming home from Oz, I thought I'd try a similar plea. I work in IT as a DBA (SQL Server/Oracle/Informix) and I'm looking for a move home from London, but I have no idea what the market is like now, and I haven't used an agency since I was a tiny wee lad. Any help, advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Very, very buoyant overall however I'm not sure what the IT market is like specifically.


There should be a decent whack of IT jobs on Oil Careers anyway.


If you have over 10 years experience, and your situation allows it, I'd recommend going down the Contractor/Limited Company route if the opportunity arises.


Day rates in Aberdeen at the moment are just daft in a lot of professions.


Never does any harm to send your CV on spec to all the Operators as well.

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