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Old Photos


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btw I'm guessing a scanner (which I don't have) or taking pics of the pics which would probably look crap, is there a more high tech way, even sending them away to get someone to transfer them on to a memory stick?


Cheers. :)


If you have the negatives you can feed a strip of them into one of these...




If it's prints then a scanner is fine. You can actually get a dedicated photo scanner if that's your thing, but for really old pics I wouldn't think you'd need anything more than a regular scanner.

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I've got a scanner in my office with the photocopier but sure it only does Black and White, don't have the negatives anymore so that's out.


I'll try taking pictures of them, just have a digi camera not an iphone, will see how they turn out.


Thanks chaps.


I have photos from my raving/early football days when I was a racing snake adonis (in my eyes) :laughing: , want to get those pictures out there and also remind myself. :)

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I've got a scanner in my office with the photocopier but sure it only does Black and White, don't have the negatives anymore so that's out.


I'll try taking pictures of them, just have a digi camera not an iphone, will see how they turn out.


Thanks chaps.


I have photos from my raving/early football days when I was a racing snake adonis (in my eyes) :laughing: , want to get those pictures out there and also remind myself. :)


Serious question... have you any pictures of yourself after a serious kicking, preferably black eyes, bust nose... that sort of thing?

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Serious question... have you any pictures of yourself after a serious kicking, preferably black eyes, bust nose... that sort of thing?


Apart from getting slashed once at hibs I have no marks on me(even that has faded, I can still see it but most people don't), I must have been in at least a couple hundred rucks but usually came away pretty faced, the times I did get done were never caught on camera, these days it would be facebook stories with pics galore but this was 35mm camera days, we were there to do Rangers or Hibs not take pics, sorry mate.


Poland was the only time ever I took a serious doing, even then I only have one shit photo of the stitches on the side of my face,

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Fetish? :dontknow:


Nah, I need a front cover for my side project, Tentatively titled, '1983'.


It's kinda like 1984, inasmuch as the title is 1983.


Ideally It'll feature the face of a Top Lad with a few bruises, just to get the interest going, like. I could go with some stock picture of some random victim of a kicking, but I'd prefer an actual bona fide Top Lad ;)


Here's a mocked up cover... just in case you want to put in an advance order for the limited edition signed Hardback :checkit:



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1983 you'd want a smug looking little bastard with a bright Pringle Jumper on and bleached jeans, giving the we're fucking Aberdeen and we don't care who you are look.


Ideally with a step haircut, or a bush hat...


Remember, it's just a mock up. Though I do quite like the tagline... the monkey is an essential part of the narrative. Some portions of this book may... may... be subject to a little artistic license.


And don't worry about overusing the word 'cunt'. The words 'cunt' 'fuck' and every variation thereof are a significant part of the text.

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The spelling mistake on the front doesn't fill me with confidence for what's on the inside.






In my defence, it was late, it was a roughly thrown together mockup, and PSP doesn't catch spelling errors.


What SHOULD fill you with confidence is an entire chapter dedicated to a monkey, and that's something no other Hoolie book has even touched upon.


I know I'm really pushing the monkey, but I think that aspect of the book is going to be a massive, massive selling point for the casual* reader slash animal lover.


*casual reader. Look at that. First class puns even when I'm not trying. :checkit:

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and PSP doesn't catch spelling errors.



you mean people use spelling checkers on an internet forum? :o


i though resident bores harcus and boofon had austin esque english (snigger, snigger) because they were mega intelligent, not cause they used a robot to do the hard work for them.

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you mean people use spelling checkers on an internet forum? :o


i though resident bores harcus and boofon had austin esque english (snigger, snigger) because they were mega intelligent, not cause they used a robot to do the hard work for them.


I dunno, I'm great at spelling.




I'm going to fire you an EMail shortly. right now I need to gtfo of here.



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Get the pics up Dayts.


I will when I get time, probably tomorrow, they will be pictures of pictures so quality might be iffy, I'm sure my striking good looks will shine through, regardless. They were from a time before excessive alcohol consumption set in! :laughing:


For an after pic see my new profile pic, I'm the one on the left, I'll post the before tmmrw.


Might serve as a lesson for any kids out there embarking on a drinking career, don't do it kids!


That's unless you want to have the best days of your life of course, alcohol is great! :laughing:

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No violence i'm afraid! :laughing:


Most are just me in bars and clubs on holiday in exotic holidays, Corfu, Tenerife and the like!


I have a good one of me from Battery Park with the twin towers as the backdrop, its good because it has a huge fat bloke walking past me, he's probably dead now. Twinning a Barcelona top with bleached jeans cut to the knee seemed like a good idea back then, not a good look! :(


I was into E's back then so I might be buckled in a few.

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Boo, you not got any mugshots or pics from the papers?


Ask nicely at Queen street for my mugshots, they have a few. Back in the day the press had little interest on court days, now it's front page news, heard on the radio that 3 more Dons fans got sentenced today in Glasgow, in my day you got your £50 fine and no one was any the wiser.


I have a great ASC group pic(It looks like I'm holding 2 knifes but they're actually steak knifes from a cafe, they were for the pic only! lol) taken in Bordeaux but feck knows where it is, I'll try and get a copy from one of my mates.

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