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My Hand Is Numb


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Carpal tunnel syndrome.

This. I get numb hands followed by pins and needles when driving on cold mornings. Don't go for the operations as they aren't worth a fuck. Mind you I've got White Finger as well but I got one hand done and told them it had been a waste of time and I wasn't prepared to have the operation on my other hand.

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This. I get numb hands followed by pins and needles when driving on cold mornings. Don't go for the operations as they aren't worth a fuck. Mind you I've got White Finger as well but I got one hand done and told them it had been a waste of time and I wasn't prepared to have the operation on my other hand.

Dinna stick your finger where it'll go white then :sheepdance:

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If it is alcoholism causing it I can live with a numb hand! :)


Some other nasties on that list though, will maybe get it checked out.


When it first happened I was driving my car, I thought...shit, heart attack!


I'd just borrowed my mates electric planermy next thought after heart attack was If I die he's probably not going to see that ever again, luckily enough I lived! :laughing:


Ahah - an extra clue.


Have you considered HAVS (Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome)?

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Sounds like a stroke Dayts?

Is half your face hanging down?


My face is still fucked from the broken jaw on both sides, I look like desperate dan on a good day!, if I was having a stroke I wouldn't know. :)


My dad was a super fit 70 year old and had a really bad stroke at Pittodrie one game so It's always in the back of mind, Woodend hospital stroke ward is a horrific place and I saw people there much younger than me, my dad was there for 6 Months.


BTW Never get a broken jaw folks, it takes longer to recover than you'd think, I can still only dream of eating a Sports Mixture (I love blacks, they're gorgeous).

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My face is still fucked from the broken jaw on both sides, I look like desperate dan on a good day!, if I was having a stroke I wouldn't know. :)


My dad was a super fit 70 year old and had a really bad stroke at Pittodrie one game so It's always in the back of mind, Woodend hospital stroke ward is a horrific place and I saw people there much younger than me, my dad was there for 6 Months.


BTW Never get a broken jaw folks, it takes longer to recover than you'd think, I can still only dream of eating a Sports Mixture (I love blacks, they're gorgeous).



What about answering my question?


Do you wank with your arse-scratching hand or vice versa?

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:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:


You just know this is going to go the same way as the Boofoon thread. Everyone joking that he's got raibies etc, turning to worry that he hasn't replied followed by all the well wishing messages before him being labelled an attention seeking cunt on his return with his arm in a stookie.

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Heard a second hand story that a prominent member on here found a lump on his balls a few years ago when Kerr and McDonald were our midfield pairing.


When he got the all clear from the doctors he clenched his balls in his hand and shouted "YAAAS KERRZO AND MCDONALD" in the middle of the surgery.


Some stories have a happy ending.

Name and shame!

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:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:


You just know this is going to go the same way as the Boofoon thread. Everyone joking that he's got raibies etc, turning to worry that he hasn't replied followed by all the well wishing messages before him being labelled an attention seeking cunt on his return with his arm in a stookie.


No need to fear min, sure it will be nothing serious and even if it was this is the last place I'd come for sympathy, my names not river plate.

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Poor circulation my friend, caused by clogged arteries.


Not much you can do except wait for the inevitable heart attack.


You got your diagnosis on post #4 DT...you smoke, drink and are hitting heart attack age...no-one would be surprised if you had one...same as myself I'm afraid...best not dwell on it as you'll just raise your blood pressure...yer getting on chief plain and simple

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No need to fear min, sure it will be nothing serious and even if it was this is the last place I'd come for sympathy, my names not river plate.


He's now not getting to see his kids I notice.


I was on Aberdeen Mad to see what they were saying about boofon.


CaddyCarhandle wishes him well, he's a good lad, he almost kens as much about the Dons as I do.


The Ed was silence personified however.

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You got your diagnosis on post #4 DT...you smoke, drink and are hitting heart attack age...no-one would be surprised if you had one...same as myself I'm afraid...best not dwell on it as you'll just raise your blood pressure...yer getting on chief plain and simple


Fair enough diagnosis there. :)


Can't say I'm that concerned to be honest.

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