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Cheese & Wine


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Didn't haver you down as a cheese and wine man, FS, love a bit of cheese not really a wine man though.

Been a skoosher of wine since decanting (get it :checkit: ) to the IoM near 15 years ago. Have grown tired of red though, needs to be drunk with food for me at the moment, and have turned back to white.


Nae affa fussy, as long as it has the desired effect, my ambition is to make a living sticking man han' oot while sittin on a sleeping bag a' day on union street, while asking for some change for a cup of "tea" :P

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Always go the hot chilli sauce. Never tried the garlic. Mental note, garlic next time. I'm sure I'll push the boundaries of honking morning bedroom with a Guinness and garlic kebab combo.


Don't mind hot chilli myself, but garlic is the king.


It compliments pizza, kebabs and parmos perfectly.


I heartily endorse it.

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Lidl's aye reliable for stuff like that, prefer that place to most other supermarkers wi regards value for money




Oh aye! have you tried that polish ham stuff they do as well? Its amazing cana mind what its called but it begins with K!

Keilbasa? Fair got the taste for Polish stuff, they dinna half ken how to make a decent bit o sausage, also thon bits o pork loin (sopocka) or the cured lumps o pork belly (Boszek i think) are bloody fantastic in sarnies. But canna beat the cheese in Lidl's, especially thon smoked stuff. Even better when it's got wee bits of chilli or bacon in there.

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