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Hearts Crowds

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Just wondering if anyone can explain why Hearts attendances have held up so well and ours have plummeted? Cant be down to form cos they are below us in the league. They had over 14000 for a game v Killie, If Killie came to the pit on a normal Sat fixture just now we would be lucky to get 9000.

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Just wondering if anyone can explain why Hearts attendances have held up so well and ours have plummeted? Cant be down to form cos they are below us in the league. They had over 14000 for a game v Killie, If Killie came to the pit on a normal Sat fixture just now we would be lucky to get 9000.


In simple terms, they are currently a bigger club than AFC.


Over the last decade and a half, they have won trophies and numerous times finished 3rd in the League.

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Maybe the fact they won 3 out of the 4 previous home games (drew the other)?


Maybe their fans getting more value for money? Their last home game they had 24 shots at goal with 13 on target and 8 corners against Dundee - compare that to our performance against Dundee with 7 shots, 3 on target and 4 corners.

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Maybe the fact they won 3 out of the 4 previous home games (drew the other)?


Maybe their fans getting more value for money? Their last home game they had 24 shots at goal with 13 on target and 8 corners against Dundee - compare that to our performance against Dundee with 7 shots, 3 on target and 4 corners.


This season Hearts average attendance is 13453, while AFC is 10073.


Yesterdays attendance V Killie was just up on there norm.


2010/11 Hearts were averaging 5000 more per game than AFC.


You have to go back to season 4/5 to find a season where AFC averaged more than Hearts, ( AFC 13577 - Hearts12722)

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Maybe the fact they won 3 out of the 4 previous home games (drew the other)?


Maybe their fans getting more value for money? Their last home game they had 24 shots at goal with 13 on target and 8 corners against Dundee - compare that to our performance against Dundee with 7 shots, 3 on target and 4 corners.

I tend to agree with you, I think the boring fare on offer has more of a detrimental effect than a lack of trophies, plus, keep the egg chasers off our pitch!! they have wrecked it!

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This is another one of those posts which seems to be based on the assumption that somehow or other AFC have some automatic right to be regarded as one of the top clubs in Scotland, if not the third best.


For those who share that misbelief, it's time to wake up. The last time we could claim to hold that sort of status was about a quarter of a century ago. The plain fact is that we are just also-rans at best and there's no sign of us ever being anything else the way things are.

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Fans that turned up against Kilmarnock were guaranteed a Cup Final ticket. Their crowds aren't normally that high.


They were also told in November that they wouldn't have a club to support, unless they turned up in numbers for every home game.


Yes they are.


Its just a few 100 higher than there average attendance, and on par of previous years.



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827 More than average, hardly a massive increase in there average.


Fact is, Hearts continually get 13K+ against clubs other that the OF and HIbs (which are 3-4000 more) .

Done it 4 times this season including one 13022 on first day of season. 6 times they haven't!!


But agree their support is larger than ours, without a doubt (even taking into account their much larger away crowds at Tynecastle)


Edit: Just noticed how shit away crowds been at Pittodrie this season aswell - average is 672 overall and take out the 1 Celtic game and average is 432.


For comparison we took 1503 to Tynecastle - they took 633 up to us!!

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Done it 4 times this season including one 13022 on first day of season. 6 times they haven't!!


But agree their support is larger than ours, without a doubt (even taking into account their much larger away crowds at Tynecastle)


Edit: Just noticed how shit away crowds been at Pittodrie this season aswell - average is 672 overall and take out the 1 Celtic game and average is 432.


For comparison we took 1503 to Tynecastle - they took 633 up to us!!


Aye. I never meant that every game they get above 13k. But more so that they continually often do.


No doubts about them being better supported, by some amount as well, 30-40% more so.


Where can you see the away support numbers?

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Hearts are the 3rd biggest club in Scotland.


We are 4th or 5th, depends on how shite us and Hibs are at any given time, with United and Dundee probably 6th and 7th.


Probably because those/our teams are all from decent sized cities and the rest of the SPL is made up of shit teams from shitty wee towns.


Aye exactly cause Dingwall is about the size of kemnay

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What's more worrying about our crowds is that recently we've actually had less people at the games than season tickets sold.



And after Friday's performance crowds will only go one way...the beginning of the season we looked like a much better team start of the season than we do now.

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Hearts are the 3rd biggest club in Scotland.


We are 4th or 5th, depends on how shite us and Hibs are at any given time, with United and Dundee probably 6th and 7th.


Probably because those/our teams are all from decent sized cities and the rest of the SPL is made up of shit teams from shitty wee towns.


They probably have been the 3rd biggest club for the last 15 years or so. Mainly due to living way way beyond themselves and winning the odd Scottish Cup. Contrast that with the AFC demise and decline over the last 15 years, they were moving up when we were rapidly falling down. But i bet you if they had nearly 20 years of sh1te almost constantly in the bottom 6 no money/ambition and not winning anything their crowds would be at about 4/5000.

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lets see, Hearts try to win every game which has meant they have won two scottish cups in recent years and I'd say they are favourites to now add a league cup to that.


Aberdeen FC bore people to the point of suicide


Their fans want McGlynn punted as he always plays one up front,so wouldn't say they try to win every game. Watched them in a miserable match at Motherwell earlier in season where they played for, and got, a 0-0 draw.


Hearts support for home SPL matches does astound me though as they are just as rotten to watch as most of the league including us. Force of habit for them I suppose and, like you say, modern cup success doesnae hurt.

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I think a few factors are clearly at play as to why Hearts get bigger crowds. Their utter skintness has obviously been a factor in the last couple of months. However, despite the fact I utterly despise Hearts fans (having lived in Edinburgh for a long time I can safely say they are generally scummy tossers who have a confidence in Hearts which is way over an above what they actually are or have ever been) I do think there fans are more positive about their team than most Aberdeen fans are.


Every club has their fair share of moaning bastards but Aberdeen seem to have a particularly high number of glass half empty types. It definitely comes from a place of deep ignorance and thickness most of the time but Hearts just seem to have more fans who turn up in a positive mood about their team. Sad but true.

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I think a few factors are clearly at play as to why Hearts get bigger crowds. Their utter skintness has obviously been a factor in the last couple of months. However, despite the fact I utterly despise Hearts fans (having lived in Edinburgh for a long time I can safely say they are generally scummy tossers who have a confidence in Hearts which is way over an above what they actually are or have ever been) I do think there fans are more positive about their team than most Aberdeen fans are.


Every club has their fair share of moaning bastards but Aberdeen seem to have a particularly high number of glass half empty types. It definitely comes from a place of deep ignorance and thickness most of the time but Hearts just seem to have more fans who turn up in a positive mood about their team. Sad but true.



Cos they actually have won a few trophies in recent years. No wonder there's some positivity. 20 years nearly since we have...

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whats the difference in season ticket and matchday prices?


its a cardinal sin that a club like aberdeen should have few fans attending than any non OF side.

no way are hearts a bigger club (in general) than aberdeen. they may have been more successful recently but they are not a bigger name.

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Lots of reasons:


Since we last won a trophy, Hearts have won 3 Scottish Cups and are likely to add a League Cup to that tally.

They've had better players and squads than us in the last 10 years.

They have a local derby with Hibs and big rivalry with Celtic that always ensures sell outs, thus boosting the average attendance.

Tynecastle is a better stadium which generates a good atmosphere and match day experience.


If we had won three Scottish Cups since 1998 and were looking forward to a Cup Final next week in which that home game gauranteed you a ticket you'd probably would find our attendance on Saturday would've been around the 20,000 mark.


How grim.

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