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This Mario Testino print is going to adorn my hall when it gets done up in the coming weeks, also bought some old Vespa prints and am going to get a Pudgie Aberdeen harbour one, the Testino Kate Moss one's are all great, will get a couple at least.


Not really into the old stuff, don't mind a wander round a art gallery for a look but not my style for the house.



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It's not rude at all! :laughing:


Some of the other Kate Moss Testino stuff is a lot more risque, would be fine in a bachelor pad but I wouldn't get away with them in the house, maybe behind the toilet door at a push. :)


you should check out a website called Black & White Reflections if you're into photographs. there's a number of albums (not all safe for work), and some stunning shots.




or this linke:



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you should check out a website called Black & White Reflections if you're into photographs. there's a number of albums (not all safe for work), and some stunning shots.




or this linke:




Thanks Lady. :applause:


It's the black and white look I'm going with so that fits in well, will give them a perusal.

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you should check out a website called Black & White Reflections if you're into photographs. there's a number of albums (not all safe for work), and some stunning shots.




or this linke:



Not a big fan of portraits for home display. Great for looking at but I couldn't pass a person's photograph every day I don't think.


All your art needs are satisfied here with worldwide delivery and a great selection of prints! :thumbup1:

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Not a big fan of portraits for home display. Great for looking at but I couldn't pass a person's photograph every day I don't think.


All your art needs are satisfied here with worldwide delivery and a great selection of prints! :thumbup1:


i like them in a confined more private area. i have a rogues gallery in my bedroom dressing area for instance. just family pictures. :)


worldwide delivery you say? :thumbup1:

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Not a big fan of portraits for home display. Great for looking at but I couldn't pass a person's photograph every day I don't think.


All your art needs are satisfied here with worldwide delivery and a great selection of prints! :thumbup1:


That's how I feel about paintings, fine for looking at but do I really want to see it every day when I pass it, I've seen that Kate Moss picture for years and never tire of it.

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i like them in a confined more private area. i have a rogues gallery in my bedroom dressing area for instance. just family pictures. :)


worldwide delivery you say? :thumbup1:

Oh family pictures are a different story, but I always find things wrong with professional prints of celebrities or models and they just end up annoying me. Maybe that's just my taste but I certainly wouldn't be spending cash on pictures of people with no meaning to me. Paintings however, are a completely different story.


And yes, worldwide delivery for a very good rate.

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the prioblem with banksy is that he is too trendy. its cool to like him even though a lot of his work is not conventionally artisticlly attractive



In what way?


I ask this as I own a Banksy print. Well the wife does. Bought it for her a couple of years ago.


What's unattractive about Banksy work other than the rat stuff?

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Oh family pictures are a different story, but I always find things wrong with professional prints of celebrities or models and they just end up annoying me. Maybe that's just my taste but I certainly wouldn't be spending cash on pictures of people with no meaning to me. Paintings however, are a completely different story.


And yes, worldwide delivery for a very good rate.


I'm not seeing Kate Moss.....well I am seeing her but the reason I'm buying it is not because it's Kate Moss, I see a beautiful woman in a very artistic pose and setting, it says sexy to me but in a subtle way,Testino's pictures catch the imagination, I like a lot of his stuff.

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In what way?


I ask this as I own a Banksy print. Well the wife does. Bought it for her a couple of years ago.


What's unattractive about Banksy work other than the rat stuff?


perhaps i phrased it poorly.


it most certainly isnt conventional.

of course modern art, by its very nature, tends not to be.


but i find some of his stuff a little too jokey for my tastes.

in that sense to me it isnt typically artistic, more joke shop or internet photoshop sort of stuff.


his subject matter can also be a bit too political for my tastes

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I'm not seeing Kate Moss.....well I am seeing her but the reason I'm buying it is not because it's Kate Moss, I see a beautiful woman in a very artistic pose and setting, it says sexy to me but in a subtle way,Testino's pictures catch the imagination, I like a lot of his stuff.

I suppose I can understand it, but I personally wouldn't have it. I liked the Vogue cover he done of Cara Delevingne (infact, I didn't notice it was him until I googled him the noo) but I see it in galleries and magazines instead of homes.

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Guest PeePaw16

I like Banksy stuff as well but am thinking he might have been done to death lately, maybe not cool enough for my hall. :thumbup1:

King Robbo's work should get more of the limelight, started before Banksy and doesn't rely on stencils.

If you haven't seen it, the 'Graffiti Wars' documentary is worth watching.

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Cara Delevingne is just too gorgeous.


By far my favourite model of the moment.

Haven't seen much of her to be honest, but the Mrs (who does fashion photography) was bigging her up, so I'll trust her and your judgment. I'm doing a fashion block at college at the moment so no doubt I'll be seeing a lot of her.

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perhaps i phrased it poorly.


it most certainly isnt conventional.

of course modern art, by its very nature, tends not to be.


but i find some of his stuff a little too jokey for my tastes.

in that sense to me it isnt typically artistic, more joke shop or internet photoshop sort of stuff.


his subject matter can also be a bit too political for my tastes



That makes much more sense. I know where you're coming from with that.

I find this one incredibly clever.




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Guest milne_afc

In what way?


I ask this as I own a Banksy print. Well the wife does. Bought it for her a couple of years ago.


What's unattractive about Banksy work other than the rat stuff?



His work has less meaning when taken away from its original site. There's a piece of his about to go on sale at a Yank auction house, it was a picture of a young boy working on a sewing machine, painted on the side of a poundland store. Taking it off that wall instantly demeans it as a piece of "art".

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Guest PeePaw16

His work has less meaning when taken away from its original site. There's a piece of his about to go on sale at a Yank auction house, it was a picture of a young boy working on a sewing machine, painted on the side of a poundland store. Taking it off that wall instantly demeans it as a piece of "art".

That piece was withdrawn from auction too, no reason given.


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We discussed all this not that long ago Bluto, you really need to learn how to use the search function on here. I'm sure you'd pick it up quick enough like, its similar to searching for tits on google but different ;)


You, being out in clog, may or may not have heard of Corrie White. While its nae art art in the arty sense the pictures are really colourful and with that, to me anyway, affa interesting.






Its all water with food dye in irt being dropped onto water with other colours of food dye in it.



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