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Fucking Migraine


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So you can all suck my dick.


Any of you have herbal remedies or cures passed down from grandmothers or whatever for the curing of a fucking migraine?


Here's a picture of a dude, who allegedly has a migraine, to serve as a visual representation of my physical discomfort.




...why aren't you sucking my dick yet?



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It's an ailment usually associated with women...needless to say I've never had one...man up ffs...it's quite literally all in your head


I'm going to choke a bitch today... keep the smart mouth up and you'll be front of the Bitch-Chokin' line, and no mistake.


Took a shower, necked some pills, poured me a JD, and now I think I'm going to get an ice pack for my heid.


Just be warned, all of you, bitches are going to start getting choked.

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sex. an awesome (quiet) blowjob will see you feeling better. maybe followed by a small nap. :thumbup1:


it was a completely non-scientific suggestion, until i found this article posted recently on the net (possibly not true, but whatever). up to one-third of migraine sufferers have found relief with sex therapy! :)




If I were a Mormon I'd make you my best ho.

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Serious answer. You have my sympathy Kelt. I get migraines. Goddawful. Gone blind twice with them which was scary as all hell the first time it happened (on the train trying to get back home after work. That was nice... "Anyone there able to help me to the station?")


I've tried about 4 different types of medications and none have helped in any real way. The best was one that - totally against what the label said it should do - just knocked me out. I'd take it and be barely conscious within about 10 minutes.


So for me, I take ibuprofen-codeine (in the daft hope it might help...) , a drink of water and then go lie down in the dark. Usually find my body goes "sod this" and I become unconscious and if I'm lucky wake up about 6 hours later with "just" the migraine hangover. Which is always rude... feeling like you've had a few dozen pints but with nary a drop passing the lips.


Sometimes even that doesn't work and it's puking-and-darkness city for a couple of days.


If you find a magical thing to help though, I'll be keen to try it out.


Oh and seriously about the sex as treatment: "Maybe a blowjob will help"... was not too eagerly accepted and... didn't help. In fact the moment of truth made it a billion fold worse for about 10 seconds. So I won't be trying that treatment again any time soon.



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Oh and seriously about the sex as treatment: "Maybe a blowjob will help"... was not too eagerly accepted and... didn't help. In fact the moment of truth made it a billion fold worse for about 10 seconds. So I won't be trying that treatment again any time soon.


Couldn have been a fun 10 seconds for her daeing the gobbling either

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Migraines don't exist.


They are just made up by folk to get them out of doing stuff they don't want to do.


Nobody can prove you dinna have one.

Used to have a boss that thought that. Sceptical bastard would have a go at me for them no end.



Then his wife had her first one. They rushed her to hospital thinking she was having an aneurysm or something terminal. No. Just a migraine. Fucker cut me a bit of slack after that.



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Serious answer. You have my sympathy Kelt. I get migraines. Goddawful. Gone blind twice with them which was scary as all hell the first time it happened (on the train trying to get back home after work. That was nice... "Anyone there able to help me to the station?")


I've tried about 4 different types of medications and none have helped in any real way. The best was one that - totally against what the label said it should do - just knocked me out. I'd take it and be barely conscious within about 10 minutes.


So for me, I take ibuprofen-codeine (in the daft hope it might help...) , a drink of water and then go lie down in the dark. Usually find my body goes "sod this" and I become unconscious and if I'm lucky wake up about 6 hours later with "just" the migraine hangover. Which is always rude... feeling like you've had a few dozen pints but with nary a drop passing the lips.


Sometimes even that doesn't work and it's puking-and-darkness city for a couple of days.


If you find a magical thing to help though, I'll be keen to try it out.


Oh and seriously about the sex as treatment: "Maybe a blowjob will help"... was not too eagerly accepted and... didn't help. In fact the moment of truth made it a billion fold worse for about 10 seconds. So I won't be trying that treatment again any time soon.


It sounds to me like you have something I get... ocular migraines. In particular, I get Ocular Migraine Without Headache. So I feel fine, I'm just blind.


I was freaking out the first time I had one, stumbling around thinking I was going blind or having a brain seizure. At first you see weird alien writing all around the periphery of your vision, then it increases to just white nothingness.


They come on pretty rapidly with me, and if I don't pop some strong meds and lie or sit somewhere dark then you're pretty much fucked.


This is the best representation I've seen of it...




The weird monochrome patterns extend right the way around, then you're blind.


If you get that, stick on sunglasses, find somewhere dark, knock back pain meds and wait it out.


For painful migraines, like someone said, I take a shower, meds, lie down with an ice pack or cold, wet cloth on my forehead and listen to music for an hour. That's all I know about how to get rid of them. But, like you, if anyone has a native remedy or something then I'd like to try it out, because migraines suck.

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I've never had the pain free ocular migraines. That would be probably even scarier if you didn't know what was happening (as a colleague of mine had a couple of weeks ago). Feeling fine but finding you've gone blind would just blow the mind.


I've not even found more than one trigger for them (the trigger I found happened to be the one that made me go blind that first time with the train and all and was a - what I thought at the time - extremely smelly white board marker. About half an hour later BLAM)






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