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Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares,

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Just watching one; what would happen if he went in and loved all the food he tasted, every week he despises almost everything.


And if you knew he was coming surely to fuck you'd clean out your walk in fridge, I'd have the porters and chefs cleaning all week before he pitched up.


I'm beginning to think it might be a bit of a con, love the programme though.

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Just watching one; what would happen if he went in and loved all the food he tasted, every week he despises almost everything.


And if you knew he was coming surely to fuck you'd clean out your walk in fridge, I'd have the porters and chefs cleaning all week before he pitched up.


I'm beginning to think it might be a bit of a con, love the programme though.


It's typical low-quality 'reality' tv with lots of manufactured conflict, shouting, and sobbing.


Watched it a couple of times, and Ramsey plays the part of dickbag pretty well. Can't imagine he's as big a tosser in real life.

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The people in workplaces that go about shouting and swearing at others are usually scared to do it to certain people they know won't tolerate it and will put them in their place. It's bullying plain and simple and more times than not it has a negative effect. Can't stand folk like that. Worst ones are the ones that do it to people when they're new to and learning a job.

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Fuckin failed hon in his case....


I dinna bother my arse wi the program anymore, it's the same week in week out

1- Ramsay comes to the restaurant, which is invariably a shithole

2- He samples the food. It is fucking shit.

3- He watches a dinner service, which the staff fuck up bigtime

4- He checks all the stock and the kitchen cleanliness, surprise surprise, it's a joke. Not any other sort of joke, but a big fucking one.

5- He then closes the fucking restaiurant, retrains the shit staff, gets the deluded owners to wise the fuck up, and gets his production crew to do the place up.

6- They relaunch the restaurant, the night is not without its fuckups, but miraculously it's an enormous success, plenty for the place to build upon.

7- Gordon fucking Ramsay rides off into the sunset, job well done

8- Progress report on yet another restaurant saved, 3 months down the line. Unlike the UK show, said eatery never fucking goes bust- soft minded septics just dinna get unhappy endings.


Now, one or two episodes of that formulaic tosh is bad enough: a whole season of is seriously takingthe piss.

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his success rate with the show isn't great (2007-2010 being his worst years).


Overall Success Rate…



As of 19 Jul 2012, 34 out of 82 restaurants remain open after a Kitchen Nightmares transformation.


i don't know if that reflects the general rate that all new restaurants go out of business though. :dontknow:


a link to a listing of all the seasons and which restaurants have closed/remain open:



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Aye, far less manufactured, the contestants are almost always completely deluded wankers, it's incredible fun watching the failed hun put them in their rightful place, especially as the winners are the folk who deserve it through hard graft and putting up with Ramsay's shit.


Is that in the states or is it on ITV2?

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